Mastering Kanji for the JLPT N4 exam :The definitive guide to mastering all the required kanji to pass the N4.
Wow, so you think you’re ready to start thinking about the N4 exam? Well congratulations, this is going to be a fantastic journey and will help you elevate your Japanese. Unlike the N5 exam, the N4 starts to focus on a lot more kanji and the kanji count really starts to rise here. If you are looking for a guide to help you master those kanji then you are in the right place.

Mastering Kanji for the JLPT N4 exam
Hello everybody and welcome to another awesome online Japanese lesson from Bondlingo. Today we are going to be looking at mastering the N4 Kanji. We are going to first start by talking a bit about the exam and the N4 kanji, then we are going to be looking at some effective techniques for mastering those kanji too. Finally, we will finish with a complete table of all the n4 kanji that you can use as a study tool to run down systematically and master.
So without further hesitation, let’s jump right in and start mastering the N4 kanji!
All about the N4 Kanji
The N4 exam is a really effective tool to use to help you push your limits and give you focus for your studies. It can act as a huge motivator and will keep you on a guided study path to help you see and quantify real progress.
Chances are, if you are ready to take the N4 you will know all of the N5 kanji or at least some of them. You don’t have to have the N5 qualification to be able to take the N4, you can get straight into the N4. Seen as in the N5 exam there are around 100 kanji, you are going to need to know around 400 kanji. As you have probably already realised, this is a significant step up. Here are a few of the kanji you may expect to find on the exam:
Kanji | meaning | On yomi | Kun yomi |
悪 | bad | Aku | warui |
引 | To pull | In | hiku |
歌 | song | ka | uta |
As you can see here, these kanji are starting to become a little more abstract when compared to the super common ones found in the N5 exam. Let’s now look at some of the processes that you will need to implement to ensure that you reach your goal of n4 kanji mastery.
How to master the N5 Kanji: an effective process
So now we are going to look at how we can create a system to ensure that you are able to master the N4 kanji, in time for the exam.
Let’s take 品 as our first example.
Kanji | meaning | On yomi | Kun yomi |
品 | product | hin | shina |
As you can see from the table here, we have all the elements we are going to need to know for the exam. We have the Kanji itself, the meaning, the on yomi reading (Chinese reading) and the kun yomi reading (Japanese reading)
So now what we need to do first is to analyse the shape and try to link the shape with the English meaning to allow us to recognise the kanji when we see it. As you can see 品 looks like a set of 3 products, this is a great way to remember the meaning of the phrase as it already looks like a set of products.
Create these types of stories for all of the kanji and you will be able to master them in no time. If you are stuck for inspiration head online to help you find some more imaginative stories. You should ensure that you revise them in batches of 20 too to ensure you are constantly revisiting the them and refreshing the stories in your mind.
Try and study around 5 per day, this way you will have them finished within a few months. Put them into an anki system and make sure to review them every day too.
We are now going to provide you with a list of all the kanji that you can refer to for your studies. You can print this list off and tick the kanji off as you go if that helps you to keep track of your progress.
We really do encourage that you implement this into your study routine and that you try and be as consent as possible as this will be your key to real success with the JLPT.
N4 Kanji list
kanji Onyomi Kunyomi Meaning
悪 AKU, O waru(i) bad, mean
暗 AN kura(i) dark
医 I – medicine
意 I – will, heart, meaning
以 I – prefix
引 IN hi(ku), hi(keru) to pull, make cheaper
院 IN – institute, establishment
員 IN – member
運 UN hako(bu) destiny, transport, carry
英 EI – brilliant, talented
映 EI utsu(su), he(eru) to project, to glint
遠 EN too(i) far away
屋 OKU ya room, house
音 ON, IN oto, ne sound
歌 KA uta, uta(u) song, poem, to sing
夏 KA natsu summer
家 KA, KE ie, ya house, home
画 GA, KAKU – picture, line of a character
海 KAI umi sea, ocean
回 KAI mawa(su) times, occurrences
開 KAI a(keru), Hira(ku) to open, vent, develop
界 KAI – world
楽 GAKU, RAKU tano(shii), tano(shimu) music, comfort, ease, joyful
館 KAN – big hall, building
漢 KAN – China, man
寒 KAN samu(i) cold temperature
顔 GAN kao face
帰 KI kae(ru), kae(su) return home, return
起 KI o(kiru), o(kuro) stand up, start, cause
究 KYUU kiwa(meru) to explore, investigate
急 KYUU iso(gu) urgent, quick, sudden, to hurry
牛 GYUU ushi cow
去 KYO, KO sa(ru) to pass by
強 KYOU, GOU tsuyo(i), tsuyo(maru), shi(iru) strong, make stronger, to force
教 KYOU oshi(eru), oso(waru) to teach, to learn
京 KYOU, KEI – capital
業 GYOU, GOU waza company, business, profession, art
近 KIN chika(i) near
銀 GIN – silver
区 KU – city district
計 KEI haka(ru), haka(rau) to measure, to proceed
兄 KEI, KYOU ani older brother
軽 KEI karu(i), karo(yaka) light (weight)
犬 KEN inu dog
研 KEN to(gu) to polish, sharpen, wash rice
県 KEN – prefecture
建 KEN ta(teru), ta(su) to construct, build
験 KEN – test, effect
元 GEN, GAN moto reason, original
工 KOU, KU – to construct
広 KOU hiro(i), hiro(geru) broad, wide, to widen, to expand
考 KOU kanga(eru) to think, thought
光 KOU hikari, hika(ru) light, to shine
好 KOU kono(mu), su(ku) to like
合 GOU, GA a(waseru), a(u) to fit, to connect
黒 KOKU kuro(i), kuro black
菜 SAI na vegetable, rape
作 SAKU, SA tsuku(ru) to make, to build
産 SAN u(mu), u(mareru) birth, production
紙 SHI kami paper
思 SHI omo(u) to think, to believe
姉 SHI ane older sister
止 SHI to(maru), to(meru) to stop
市 SHI ichi city, market
仕 SHI, JI tsuka(eru) to serve
死 SHI shi(nu) death, to die
使 SHI tsuka(u) use, messenger
始 SHI haji(meru/maru) start, to begin
試 SHI kokoro(miru), tame(su) to try
私 SHI watashi I, me, private
字 JI aza character, sector of a village
自 JI, SHI mizuka(ra) self
事 JI koto thing, matter
持 JI mo(tsu) to own, to carry
室 SHITSU muro room, cellar
質 SHITSU, SHICHI – quality, nature
写 SHA utsu(su), utsu(ru) copy, photograph
者 SHA mono person
借 SHAKU ka(riru) to rent, to borrow
弱 JAKU yowa(i), yowa(ru), yowa(meru) weak, to weaken
首 SHU kubi neck, head
主 SHU nushi owner, main-
秋 SHUU aki autumn, fall
集 SHUU atsu(maru/meru) to meet, to gather
習 SHUU nara(u) to learn
終 SHUU o(waru), o(eru) end
住 JUU su(mu), su(mau) to live in, to reside
重 JUU, CHOU omo(i), kasa(naru), -e heavy, serious, -fold
春 SHUN haru spring
所 SHO tokoro a place
暑 SHO atsu(i) hot (temperature)
場 JOU ba a place
乗 JOU no(ru), no(seru) to drive, to ride, to fool
色 SHOKU iro color, sensuality
森 SHIN mori forest
心 SHIN kokoro heart, mind
親 SHIN oya, shita(shii), shita(shimu) parents, to be close, to be friends
真 SHIN ma- truth, reality, purity
進 SHIN susu(mu), susu(meru) continue, proceed, promote
図 ZU, TO haka(ru) drawing, plan
青 SEI ao(i), ao blue, green, unripe
正 SEI, SHOU tada(shii), tada(su), masa correct, right
声 SEI koe voice
世 SEI, SE yo world, age
赤 SEKI, SHAKU aka(i), aka(maru), aka(rameru) red, to flush
夕 SEKI yuu evening
切 SETSU, SAI ki(ru), ki(reru) to cut, come to an end
説 SETSU to(ku) opinion, theory, explain
洗 SEN ara(u) to wash
早 SOU, SA haya(i), haya(meru/maru) fast, early, to speed up
走 SOU hashi(ru) to run
送 SOU oku(ru) to send
族 ZOKU – family, tribe
村 SON mura village
体 TAI, TEI karada body
太 TAI, TA futo(i), futo(ru) bold, thick
待 TAI ma(tsu) to wait
貸 TAI ka(su) to lend
台 DAI, TAI – frame, basis, pedestal
代 DAI, TAI ka(waru), ka(eru), yo, shiro generation, age, replace
題 DAI – title, theme, subject
短 TAN mijika(i) short
知 CHI shi(ru) to know
地 CHI, JI – earth, land
池 CHI ike pond
茶 CHA, SA – tea
着 CHAKU ki(ru), tsu(keru), ki(seru), tsu(ku) arrival, clothes
昼 CHUU hiru noon
注 CHUU soso(gu) notice, attention, flow
町 CHOU machi city, quarter, district
鳥 CHOU tori bird
朝 CHOU asa morning
通 TSUU tou(ru), tou(su), kayo(u) to pass
弟 TEI otouto younger brother
低 TEI hiku(i), hiku(meru/maru) low, to lower
転 TEN koro(bu), koro(garu/geru), koro(gasu) to roll, to turn
田 DEN ta rice field
都 TO, TSU miyako capital
度 DO tabi measure, degree
答 TOU kota(e), kota(eru) answer
冬 TOU fuyu winter
頭 TOU, ZU atama, kashira head, master540C
同 DOU ona(ji) same
動 DOU ugo(ku), ugo(kasu) to move
堂 DOU – room, hall, temple
働 DOU hatara(ku) to work
特 TOKU – special
肉 NIKU – meat
売 BAI u(ru), u(reru) to sell
発 HATSU, HOTSU – start, to leave, issue
飯 HAN meshi meal, cooked rice
病 BYOU ya(mu), yamai sickness, illness
品 HIN shina product, quality
風 FUU kaze wind, style
服 FUKU – clothing
物 BUTSU, MOTSU mono thing
文 BUN, MON fumi literature, sentence, letter
別 BETSU waka(reru) difference, to part
勉 BEN – hard work, effort
便 BEN, BIN tayo(ri) comfort, excrement, message
歩 HO, BU aru(ku), ayu(mu) to walk
方 HOU kata direction, person
妹 MAI imouto younger sister
味 MI aji, aji(waru) taste, to savor, to enjoy
民 MIN tami nation, people
明 MEI a(kari), aka(rui) light, brightness, to be open
門 MON kado gate
問 MON to(i), to(u) question, take care of
夜 YA yoro, yo~ night
野 YA no field
薬 YAKU kusuri drug, medicine, chemical
有 YUU, U a(ru) to exist, to be, to have
曜 YOU – weekday
用 YOU mochi(iru) issue, to use
洋 YOU – ocean, western, foreign
理 RI – reason, principle
料 RYOU – material, charge
力 RYOKU, RIKI chikara power, force
林 RIN hayashi woods
Enjoy this list? This is a great list to refer back to for your studies and will definitely keep you on the right path when it comes to your N4 goals. Remember to also incorporate in other studies such as the reading, vocab and listening exercises too as this is just as important. The N4 is a great achievement and is brilliant stepping stone on the way to achieving Japanese mastery. Not only will you be able to pass the test with these Kanji, but you will also be able to use the effectively in communication and comprehension as well.
If you have any suggestions or ideas for new content that you would like us to cover then please do not hesitate to get in touch. We really hope you have enjoyed today’s online Japanese lesson on mastering the N4 kanji and remember to implement the study processes as best as you can. Remember, consistency is key. Until next time everyone, good

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