Japanese Adverbs modifying other adverbs : Honestly speaking, there are so many adverbs in the Japanese language and it would be quite difficult to fit all of that in three blogs. We have compiled the most common adverbs so hopefully, you study and utilize most of them. 日本語の勉強をあきらめないでください!(Nihongo no benkyou wo akiraminaide kudasai: Please don’t give up studying Japanese)

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Quick recap

In our previous 2 blogs about ふくし(fukushi: adverbs), we have talked about the different functions and different types of adverbs we have in the Japanese language. Adverbs are words that modify adjectives, verbs, and even other adverbs to help the speaker elaborate their feelings and descriptions more. Much similar to the English language, we have loads of them!

We’ll try to discuss as much as we can and hopefully, with this being our last part of the 3 part blog series, we have taught and explained enough about adverbs to you that you can use one or more words featured here in your Japanese conversations! できれば、日本語の会話を練習してください。(Dekireba, Nihongo no kaiwa wo renshuu shite kudasai: If you can, please practice Japanese conversation)

More Japanese adverbs of degree

In our previous blog, we have discussed 2 other adverbs focusing on the degree of the word it is modifying. We have discussed adverbs of degree(intensity) and level of certainty. We will discuss a few more today so please read our previous blog if you haven’t yet!

Learning how to sound fluent, one type of Japanese adverb at a time
Adverbs: Adverbs continued, mastering the art of the Japanese adverb

Japanese Adverbs : Amount

For this particular adverb, the type itself is very self explanatory. It modifies verbs by describing how much the word you are talking about is. In this case, not necessarily mentioning the number, but an approximation. This adverb is usually found before the verb or before the direct object you are trying to modify. We’ll give you examples for each adverb so please try making your own sentences as well for practice!

A bit more, more, anotherMou Chotto
Mou Sukoshi
Entirely, wholly, all、everythingSubete
Completely, thoroughlySukkariすっかり
A lot, manyTakusanたくさん
Enough, sufficientlyJyuubun十分
Not veryAmariあまり*
A little, a fewSukoshi少し
Just a little, a littleChottoちょっと
Mostly, nearly, almost, hardlyHotondoほとんど*
Not at allZenzen全然*
Motto jikan ga hitsuyou da.
I need more time.
Mou Chotto yukkuri itte kudasai.
Could you please speak a little bit more slowly?
Akari ga subete kieta.
All the lights turned off/went out.
Kanojo wa sukkari byouki kara kaifuku shita.
She has completely recovered from her illness.
Watashi no sensei wa hon wo takusan motteiru.
My teacher has a lot of books.
Ryokou ni jyuubun okane ga arimasuka?
Do you have enough money for the trip?
Watashi no okaasan wa amari osake wo nomanai.
My mother doesn't drink alcohol very much.
Kare wa sukoshi tsukareta.
He is a little tired.
Kare wa chotto kao iro ga warui.
He looks a little pale.
Pen wa hotondo nai.
They hardly have pens.
Karera wa zenzen kyoumi wo motteimasen.
They are not interested at all.

*Words in asterisks should only be used with the negative form of the word they are modifying


Like we said earlier, there are so many adverbs out there! There are some adverbs that cannot be categorized and we will show you some of them below. Although uncategorized, the functions are the same and still has the purpose of elaborating and modifying. Below are a few samples.

As much as possibleNarubekuなるべく
More or lessIchiou一応
At lastYouyaku
Increasingly, more and moreMasumasuますます
Too, likewise, still, even so, either way, as expected, typically, in any event, after allYahari
Narubeku yasui hou ga ii.
As much as possible, I would like a cheap one.
Ichiou henji wa arimasu.
More or less, there was a reply.
Watashi wa yatto shukudai ga owatta.
I finished my homework at last.
Watashi no tomodachi wa tsuini kekkon shimashita.
My friend finally got married.
Kanojo wa kirei to iu yori mushiro kawaii desu
She is rather cute than beautiful.
Kare wa masumasu nihongo jouzu ni natta.
He became increasingly good at Japanese.
Tsukareteiru ga, yappari benkyou suru tsumori desu.
I am tired but I'm still going to study either way.

Adverbs modifying other adverbs

 After Based off on what we have learned so far, we know that adverbs can modify verbs and adjectives. We are now ready to try modifying other adverbs with adverbs! It isn’t as complicated as you would think. 

A few common examples that we have of adverbs modifying adverbs in English is “very quickly” and “quite cute”. Based on those examples, we can come to a conclusion that adverbs can modify adverbs in the situation where an adverb of degree can be paired up with a descriptive adverb. Please look at the examples below and keep on practicing because we will end our three part adverb blog series here. Study hard and keep on practicing!

Mou chotto majime ni benkyoushite kudasai.
Please study a bit more seriously.
Kanojo wa itsumo kirei ni uta wo utaimasu.
She always sings songs beautifully.

TOP 15 BASIC i-adjective(KEIYOUSHI) You must know first in Japanese

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