How to use ~やすい with Japanese verbs to express ease with actions : Hey guys and welcome to another amazing online Japanese lesson from bondlingo. Today we are going to be convering やすい which is added to verbs to create the form “It’s easy to do something”. This is a really useful grammar point to learn as it will allow you to take verbs and become more expressive with them. If you find it easy to do a certain action you can add Yasui to it to express the fact.

Learn JLPT N4 – Japanese Intransitive(じどうし) verb & transitive(たどうし) verb |Japanese verb conjugation

First we are going to look at what Yasui is with a brief overview as well as the situations it can be used in. Then we will explain how this grammar point is formed. Next we will look at some example sentences so you can see how it is used in context. Finally we will offer you a study tip to help you remember it well. 

Okay everyone, let’s get into the lesson!

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So what is Yasui やすい?

Yasui can be added to the end of a verb to express the ease of actions. It can be used in a variety of situations and is really easy to form. Imagine that you find something really easy to understand, or something tastes delicious, it would be easy to eat. Those are the types of situations where you could use it perfectly.  

This is a really great form to learn and will help your communication massively. Let’s now look at how to create this wonderful form.

To combine a verb with やすい you first need to take a ます masu form verb, remove the “masu” and add やすい “yasui”. It’s really as easy as that. Take a look at the chart below to see some more verbs with the やすい ending.


Try and write out 5 – 10 masu form verbs that you know and change them to やすい endings. This will allow you to really get to grips with creating the form in your communication.

It is really easy to form so you don’t need to spend much time to nail this. We are now going to look at some example sentences to help you understand how Verb + やすい is used in context. 

Example Sentences with やすい

Learning through examples is one of the most effective ways to learn a language. It is also the key to understanding and reinforcing specific vocabulary and grammar structures much like やすい.

So, that being said, we are now going to take a look at some example sentences using やすい. 

Imagine that you have a kid who does not like taking medicine. You could persuade them by saying:

This medicine is easy to take.
This medicine is easy to take.
Kono kusuri wa nomiyasui desu
This medicine is easy to take.

If you find someone has described a process really well, you could compliment them by saying:

Anata no setsumei wa wakariyasui desu
Your explanation is easy understand

Imagine you are talking with a friend and you are telling them about a girl you have started dating, you could say: 

Kanojo wa hanashiyasui
She is easy to talk to

Through these examples you should now have a better understanding of how the form works and the type of situations in which it can be applied. We would suggest repeating these aloud at least 6 times each to allow the pattern to sync into your brain. 

We are now going to share with you an effective study tip to help you get the most out of the lesson and ensure you never forget how to use “Yasui” 

Effective study tip for やすい

Here at Bondlingo we are big fans of a good old study tip. Language learning should be effective and efficient too, that’s why we like to give tips that ensure you don’t waste your time. Although this method can be applied to most grammar structures we will show you how to use it with “Yasui” today.

If you have Japanese friends great, If not, don’t worry, you can talk to yourself. What you need to do is try and make as many “yasui” sentences as possible in 2 minutes. Set a timer and try it 5 times. Try and create more sentences each time to beat your last score. Doing this will help you to be able to use the grammar point even in pressure / awkward situations. This can be translated into anything you have just learned to help solidify the knowledge. 

So guys that brings us to the end of today’s online Japanese lesson on やすい. We hope you have enjoyed it and learnt a lot from it too. If you have any questions at all please feel free to get in touch with us. 

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