You are now at a point where you are past the simple abc’s and are hungry for more! At this stage in your learning experience, you are at a point where you have a bit more confidence in your Japanese and are interested in more advanced Japanese.

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A few pieces of advice before switching to intermediate Japanese

Before we give you the phrases you are very much excited to hear, let’s talk about a few good tips to remember when switching from beginner Japanese to intermediate Japanese. 

  1. Determine your current Japanese level before moving to a more advanced level.
  2. Mastering reading, writing, and Japanese vocabulary are key into not making your intermediate Japanese journey a pain in the backside!
  3. Hone your listening and speaking skills as this will be vital in communication.
  4. Set a goal and set some time to work on accomplishing that goal
  5. Don’t give up as perfection takes time!

20 phrases every Japanese intermediate learner must know

-ような気がする (-you na ki ga suru)

“have a feeling that, think that”

Verb-casual + (ような)気がする
Noun + (のような)気がする
いadj + (ような)気がする
なadj + (な/のような)気がする

Watashi wa kanojo ni doko ka de atta you na ki ga suru.
I feel like I have seen her somewhere before.

-べきではない (beki de wa nai)

“must not do, should not do”

Verb-dictionary form + べきではない

Jibun no okaasan wo keishi suru beki de wanai.
You should not disrespect your own mother.

-ばいい (ba ii) 

“should, can, it’d be good if”

Verb-ばconditional form + いい

Motto yasai wo tabereba ii.
It would be great if I ate more vegetables.

べつに…ない (betsu ni… nai)

“not particularly”

Betsu ni taishita koto wa nai.
It’s not a big deal at all.

-いくら~ても (ikura-temo)

“no matter how”

いくら + Verb-てform + も
いくら + Noun + でも
いくら + いadj (remove い) + くても
いくら + なadj + でも

Hito wa toshi o ikura tottemo manabu koto ga dekiru.
No matter how old a person can be, they can still learn.

-から言うと (kara iu to-)

“in terms of, from the point of view of”

Noun + から言うと/から言えば/から言って

Watashi no shiten kara iu to mijikai kami ga kawaii.
From my point of view, short hair is cute!

なぜなら (naze nara)

“because; the reason is; if you want to know why”

Result + なぜなら(ば)/なぜかというと + reason

Karera wa oyoganakatta. Naze nara samukatta.
They couldn't swim because it was cold.

-に比べて (ni kurabete)

“compared to, in comparison to”

Noun + に比べて/に比べると/に比べれば/に比べ

Kyou wa kinou ni kurabete atsukatta.
It was hot today compared to yesterday.

-ために (tame ni)

“for, for the sake of, in order to”

Noun + のため(に)
Verb-dictionary form + ため(に)
Verb-ないform + ため(に)

Nihon ni ryuugaku suru tame ni okane o tamete iru
I have been saving money to study abroad in Japan.

何回 (nankai)

“How many times?

Anata wa nankai sono engaku wo kikimashitaka?
How many times did you listen to that song?

に違いない (ni chigai nai)

“I’m sure, no doubt that, without a doubt”

Noun + に違いない
Verb-casual + に違いない
なadj + に違いない
いadj + に違いない

Kono keitai wa takai ni chigai nai.
That phone must be expensive.

にしても (ni shite mo)

“even, even if”

Noun + にしても
Verb-dictionary form + にしても
Verb-たform + にしても
なadj + にしても
いadj (remove い) + くしても

Tatoe kanojo ga ikanai ni shite mo watashi wa ikimasu.
I will go even if she doesn't.

おかげで (okage de)

“thanks to, because of”

Verb-casual + おかげで
adjective + おかげで
adjective + な/だった + おかげで
Noun + のおかげで

Takusan hon wo yondeiru okage de, ooku no koto wo manabu koto ga dekimasu.
Thanks to reading a lot of books, I was able to learn about many things.

そうもない (sou mo nai)

“very unlikely to”

Verb-stem + そうもない

Ashita ame wa furisou mou nai.
It is unlikely to rain tomorrow.

その結果 (sono kekka)

“as a result”

Kare wa isshou kenmei ni benkyoushita sono kekka suki na dagaku ni hairaremashita.
He studied hard and as a result was able to get into the university that he likes.

てもかまわない (te mo kamawanai)

“it doesn’t matter if…”

Verb-てform + もかまわない
Noun + でもかまわない
いadj (removeい) + くてもかまわない
なadj + でもかまわない

Tatoe ijime demo watashi wa kamawanai.
I don't mind even if I get bullied.

ところで (tokoro de)

“by the way”

ところで + new topic

Tokoro de atarashii kaban wo kaimashita.
By the way, I bought a new bag.

わけにはいかない (wake niwa ikanai)

“must not, cannot afford to, can’t very well, no choice but to”

Verb-casual, non-past + わけにはいかない
Verb-ないform + わけにはいかない

Kono shigoto wo oeru made wa kaeu wake ni wa ikanai.
I cannot afford to go home until I finish all this work.

代わりに (kawari ni)

“instead of, in exchange for”

Noun + の代わりに
Verb-casual + 代わりに

Bi-ru no kawari ni jyu-su wo nomimasi.
I will drink juice instead of beer.

切れない (kirenai)

“not be able to finish doing something because of the amount”

Verb-stem + 切れない

Konna ni takusan osake wo nomi kirenai.
I cannot drink this much alcohol.

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