Tha ancient performace art of Kabuki 歌舞伎
Hey guys, how are you today? Welcome to another online Japanese lesson from Bondlingo. Strap yourselves in for a history lesson as today we are going to be looking at…
Continue readingHey guys, how are you today? Welcome to another online Japanese lesson from Bondlingo. Strap yourselves in for a history lesson as today we are going to be looking at…
Continue readingTop 10 Japanese Superstitions : Are you superstitious? Do you avoid walking under ladders and take extra care not to break mirrors? These are a few of the superstitions present…
Continue readingGet the Girl of Your Dreams!: How to Pick Up Girls in Japan:Japanese women. You love them, I love them. From their long lustrous black hair all the way down…
Continue readingThe Japanese ecosystem: Does discrimination exist? Just because you don’t see it, doesnt mean its not there. Discrimination :Where it all started Tourism and the employment gap in Japan Japan…
Continue readingIn Today’s online Japanese article, we are going to be talking about how to find a job in Japan. We will be looking at the types of Jobs that are…
Continue readingAll the phrases you need to know for love in Japanese Dating is already complicated as it is in your own language, so what more in another! Dating culture in…
Continue readingHow to Act a Little More Japanese You may have noticed by now that Japanese culture is very unique. It can be really hard for an English speaker to get…
Continue reading10 Things Not To Do In Japan 1. Chopsticks in rice One of the biggest mistakes you can make when eating in Japan is how you use chopsticks. If you…
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