Summing up ようするに how to say “In summary” in Japanese 

Hello to all of you lovely Japanese learners of the internet, how are you doing today? We have got a fantastic lesson in store for you all about Yousuruni ようするに which means “In summary” in Japanese. This is a really useful phrase that you can integrate into your Japanese vocabulary to help you some up your thoughts and points. 

We are going to be breaking down today’s lesson into 5 main sections to give you a really streamlined and efficient way of learning. Check it out:

  1. We will learn what Yousuruni ようするに means and the different situations in which it can be used. 
  2. We will learn all about how to form a Yousuruni ようするに sentence so you can start to use it for yourself.
  3. We will look at some example sentences of Yousuruni ようするに to help you get comfortable with the pattern.
  4. We will take a look at a great study technique to help you master Yousuruni ようするに and ensure that you can use it fluently in conversation. 
  5. We will have a look at a summary of today’s lesson on Yousuruni ようするに to ensure you havent missed anything. 

If you feel that you want to skip ahead please do so. We would recommend that you work through this online Japanese article from the beginning however for best results. 

Let’s jump into the first section and learn the meaning of Yousuruni ようするに.

 BondLingo - YouTube Premium MemberShip

What Yousuruni ようするに means 

The different situations in which it can be used. 

The meaning of Yousuruni ようするに is “in short; in a word; to sum up; to put it simply~”. You can use this phrase to sum up your points and to summarise what you are thinking. For example you could use it when you are explaining a long winded answer and want to summarise a point.

“In summary I think it’s great” that type of thing. 

It honestly is a great phrase that can be really helpful in becoming much more comprehensive with your speaking. 

Next we are going to look at how to make a sentence with yousuruni ようするに as this is gonig to be really useful to add to your Japanese skills. 

Learn all about how to form a Yousuruni ようするに sentence 

Start to use it for yourself.

You should use  Yousuruni ようするに at the beginning of a sentence. So you could be talking about a point, end the sentence and then start the new sentence with yousuruni ようするに. 

Let’s take a look at this example. 

you suru ni jikan to okane no mondai desu.
In short, it is a question of time and money.

The speaker here is most likely summing up a conversation or something that the other part has mentioned. Try and think of ways that you could use this type of sentence, where would it fit best in your life? 

Some example sentences of Yousuruni ようするに

Get comfortable with the pattern.

Here are some examples that you can use to learn from. We will have a look now at each example.

In short, she’s being fooled
you suru ni, kanojo wa damasareteru tte koto da 

Perhaps the speaker has described an elaborate situation where a woman has been fooled. They could say this phrase to summarise the important information at the end to ensure the listener has understood.

you suru ni, kare wa ikitakunaitte itta darou
To sum up, she said he doesn't want to go, right?

Perhaps the speaker in this case is condensing a long conversation down to convey some information to a friend. 

you suru ni, renshuu fusoku toiu koto desu.
In short, I lacked practice.

In this situation the speaker may have just failed a test. They could say this sentence if they didn’t want to go in to too much detail and summarise the main reason.

A great study technique to help you master Yousuruni ようするに

Ensure that you can use it fluently in conversation. 

So now we are pretty confident with our sentences. Let’s look at a great study technique that you can use to master this thoroughly. 

First you are going to want to write down all of the sentences that we have learnt today. Next take some time to think about where the phrase would be applicable in your life and note down some of those situations. 

Try and write some sentences fitting to those situations with todays and practice them in front of a mirror. 

Do this for 2 – 3 days to ensure that  yousuruni ようするに is always at the forefront of your mind.

This will make it much easier for you to use yousuruni ようするに when it comes to actual conversation. 

Don’t let yourself down and really have a good go at this technique, you will thank yourself later. We will now look at a final summary of today’s lesson to ensure you haven’t missed anything. 

 BondLingo - YouTube Premium MemberShip

A summary of today’s lesson on Yousuruni ようするに

Ensure you haven’t missed anything. 

The meaning of Yousuruni ようするに is “in short; in a word; to sum up; to put it simply~”. 

You can use this phrase to sum up your points and to summarise what you are thinking. 

Please ensure that you are really concentrating on today’s study technique as this is what will get you the results you are after. 

Now then, that brings us to the end of today’s online Japanese lesson from Bondlingo. We really hope that you have learnt something of use today and that you will continue to study with us in the future. If you have any comments or suggestions on upcoming topics that you would like us to write about be sure to get in touch with us. We are really happy that you are taking the time to go out and actively learn Japanese like this. Keep it up as this determination is what will get you to your goal! Until the next time Japanese learners, have a great day.