Are you feeling nostalgic today? Perhaps you’ve just listened to a song from a time in your life that makes you think of great memories. Perhaps you have just seen an old friend, watched an old movie or even been to a place you haven’t been to in a while. With all of these phrases you can use today’s phrase natsukashii 懐かしい・なつかしい to express the feeling of nostalgia.

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Learning how to say something is “nostalgic” in Japanese

Greeting to all of you hungry Japanese learners, we hope that you are having a fantastic day so far and are ready to dive into another useful online Japanese lesson from Bondlingo

We are going to be breaking up today’s lesson into the following sections: 

  1. What natsukashii 懐かしい・なつかしい means and when you can use it 
  2. How to form a sentence with natsukashii 懐かしい・なつかしい to allow us to start using the phrase. 
  3. We will look at example sentences with natsukashii 懐かしい・なつかしい to help us get used to the word. 
  4. We will look at an effective study technique that will really help you master natsukashii 懐かしい・なつかしい
  5. We will finally offer up a quick summary to ensure we haven’t missed anything 

If you feel that you want to skip ahead please do so. We would recommend that you work through this online Japanese article from the beginning however for best results. 

Let’s jump into the first section and learn the meaning of natsukashii 懐かしい・なつかしい

What natsukashii 懐かしい・なつかしい means 

When you can use it 

natsukashii 懐かしい・なつかしい is an adjective which means: 

fondly-remembered; beloved; missed; nostalgic

When used it gives the sense that you miss something as you remember it fondly. 

Perhaps you’ve just listened to a song from a time in your life that makes you think of great memories. Perhaps you have just seen an old friend, watched an old movie or even been to a place you haven’t been to in a while. With all of these phrases you can use today’s phrase natsukashii 懐かしい・なつかしい to express the feeling of nostalgia.

As an い adjective it can be used before a noun or at the end of the sentence. We will now look at how to form a 懐かしい・なつかしい sentence. 

How to form a sentence with natsukashii 懐かしい・なつかしい

Start using the phrase. 

We will now run through a quick example sentence to show you how natsukashii 懐かしい・なつかしい is can be used in context. 

Take a look at this example sentence: 

Watashi wa Kare no jugyou ga natsukashii
I miss his lessons so much.

As you can see here the speaker is expressing their memory of a lesson that they used to enjoy. 懐かしい・なつかしい is used at the end of the sentence here.

Can you think of a lesson that you miss? Perhaps a teacher that is nostalgic for you, someone you thought of fondly. 

We will now take a look at some various example sentences to help understand in more detail where this word can be used. 

Example sentences with natsukashii 懐かしい・なつかしい 

Get used to the word through sentences. 

Pay close attention to where in the sentence natsukashii 懐かしい・なつかしい is used. 

Shougakkou no sensei no koto ga natsukashii
I miss my elementary school teachers.

In this example the speaker is expressing that they were fond of their old teachers. Could you think of one? 

Kare wa natsukashii uta wo hiki hajimemashita
He began to play an old song.

In this sentence the speaker is describing the song as being “nostalgic / old” 

Natsukashii mukashi koto wo hanasu no ga suki da.
I like to talk about the good old days.

In this sentence the speaker is talking about his love of the “good old days”. Do you have a time that you can look back on and like to talk about? 

Kono machi wa watashitachi ni totte natsukashii machi da 
This town is dear to us.

In this sentence the speaker expresses his connection to the town. Perhaps it is the place in which they grew up. Is your town nostalgic for you? 

Now that you have heard a few different examples, let’s take a look at a study technique and learn how you can apply this phrase in your life and Japanese communication.

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An effective study technique  – Master natsukashii 懐かしい・なつかしい

So, how to master natsukashii 懐かしい・なつかしい? Well first you are going to want to note down all of the sentences from today’s lesson and learn them thoroughly. 

Next, think of 9 – 10 things that are nostalgic to you and try to write some sentences with those in mind. 

Creating hyper relevant sentences for you will make it much more likely that you will be able to master the phrase and use it fluently moving forward. 

Do this for the next couple of days and you should soon see amazing results. 

We will now look at a quick summary to ensure we haven’t missed anything.

A quick summary 

Let’s ensure we haven’t missed anything 

  1. Natsukashii 懐かしい・なつかしい is an adjective which means: fondly-remembered; beloved; missed; nostalgic
  2. When used it gives the sense that you miss something as you remember it fondly. 
  3. It can be used before a noun or at the end of a sentence 
  4. Remember to really go for the effective study technique as without this the whole lesson will have been for nothing. 

Did you get all that ?

Now then, that brings us to the end of today’s online Japanese lesson from Bondlingo. We really hope that you have learnt something of use today and that you will continue to study with us in the future. If you have any comments or suggestions on upcoming topics that you would like us to write about be sure to get in touch with us. We are really happy that you are taking the time to go out and actively learn Japanese like this. Keep it up as this determination is what will get you to your goal! Until the next time Japanese learners have a great day.