How to say something is “uncool” in Japanese? 

Hello to all of you cool people! Today we are going to be learning how to say something is “uncool”. Can you think of something uncool in your life? Perhaps some chores you have to do, the dress sense of your dear old Dad? Well by the end of this lesson you will be able to express your feelings towards them.  

We are going to be breaking down today’s lesson into 5 main sections to give you a really streamlined and efficient way of learning. Check it out:

  1. What does dasai ダサい mean? A look at how you can use dasai ダサい in daily life
  2. How can I make a dasai ダサい sentence? Let’s learn all about the grammar
  3. Example sentences using dasai ダサい. Some great example sentences you can refer to.
  4. A great study technique to master dasai ダサい. Start using dasai ダサい in daily life. 
  5. A summary of toiday;s lesson on dasai ダサい. Ensure you haven’t missed anything. 

If you feel that you want to skip ahead please do so. We would recommend that you work through this online Japanese article from the beginning however for best results. 

Let’s jump into the first section and learn the meaning of dasai ダサい

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What does dasai ダサい mean? 

A look at how you can use dasai ダサい in daily life

So what does dasai ダサい mean. Well it generally means “uncool” however here are some other variations:

uncool; unsophisticated; unfashionable; out of fashion; tacky​

Dasai ダサい is an い adjective that is usually written in Katakana. It should be used with caution as it is informal and can be quite insulting. It can be used before a noun or at the end of a sentence. 

It can be used to describe places, actions or even people. We will now take a look at how to build dasai ダサい into a sentence in the next section.

How can I make a dasai ダサい sentence? 

Let’s learn all about the grammar

How can we make a dasai ダサい sentence? Well first lets start by taking a look at the sentence below. 

Ano kamigata wa dasai ne
That hairdo is not cool!

The speaker is being very direct / rude here and letting the listener know that they have a bad hair style. Tough love? Dasai ダサい can be used with things of a similar nature that you find un stylish or lame. Let’s take a look at a few example sentences now to help you get a deeper understanding. 

Example sentences using dasai ダサい. 

Some great example sentences you can refer to

Take a look at this example. Do you live in a town where not much really happens? You could perhaps use this next sentence to affirm your irritation. 

Kono machi wa dasai
This town is so lame

In this next sentence the speaker is asking the listener if they think their bag is uncool. Would you be nice? Or let them know how you really feel. 

kono kaban chotto dasai?
Hey, don’t you think this bag is a bit tacky?

If you are a little bit of a meanie you could use a sentence like this. However we definitely wouldnt encourage it, you should be nice to people. You can see here the usage of dasai ダサい before a noun. THis is one of the common ways it is used in a sentence so be sure to try some for yourself too.

Aitsu wa dasai hito da.
He is so lame.

Did you enjoy these example sentences? dasai ダサい can be a really useful phrase in an informal context. We will now help you with a study technique you can use to really get using dasai ダサい fluently ijn your communication.

A great study technique to master dasai ダサい

Start using dasai ダサい in daily life

First you will need to write out all of today’s sentences and start to read them aloof until you know the mall well

Second think of some nouns that you could describe as dasai ダサい. 

Make some sentences with dasai ダサい and these chose nouns and really visualise thoise in your head too making a strong visual connection.

This should allow you to call upon the word dasai ダサい.  Much more quickly in conversation, leading to a more fluent use of the word.

It is really important that you put this technique into practice as information alone is not enough to command a use of the word. 

We will now take a look at a summary of today’s lesson to ensure that you haven’t missed any vital information. 

A summary of toiday;s lesson on dasai ダサい 

Ensure you haven’t missed anything.

Here is today’s summary, make sure to take notes if you have missed anything. 

It generally means “uncool” however here are some other variations:

uncool; unsophisticated; unfashionable; out of fashion; tacky​

Dasai ダサい is an い adjective that is usually written in Katakana

It should be used with caution as it is informal and can be quite insulting. 

It can be used before a noun or at the end of a sentence.  

Ensure that you have looked at today’s study technique as this is very important to put into practice

So that brings us to the end of today’s online Japanese lesson from Bondlingo. We really hope that you have learnt something of use in today’s Japanese lesson and that you will continue to study with us in the future. If you have any comments or suggestions on upcoming topics that you would like us to write about be sure to get in touch with us. We are really happy that you are taking the time to go out and actively learn Japanese like this. Keep it up as this determination is what will get you to your goal! Until the next time Japanese learners have a great day and we will see you next time.