- 1 What is JLPT ?
- 2 Top 10 Tips for passing the JLPT
- 2.1 Passing the JLPT Tip1 : To know your currently JLPT level
- 2.2 Passing the JLPT Tip2 : Put aside 2 hours per day.
- 2.3 Passing the JLPT Tip3 : Be consistent
- 2.4 Passing the JLPT Tip4 : Set aside a Kanji Schedule
- 2.5 Passing the JLPT Tip5 : Get a vocab list
- 2.6 Passing the JLPT Tip6 : Create a target grammar list
- 2.7 Passing the JLPT Tip7 : Read a lot
- 2.8 Passing the JLPT Tip8 : Don’t Stress
- 2.9 Passing the JLPT Tip9 : Do the shorter, easier questions first.
- 2.10 Passing the JLPT Tip10 : You can always take it again
- 3 Learn JLPT online with BondLingo ?
- 4 Do you want to try JLPT Particle test ?
- 5 Recommend
What is JLPT ?
JLPT certificates offer various advantages, ranging from recognition as academic credit and graduation certification at schools to preferential treatment at companies and acknowledgement of qualification in society.
Earn points for preferential treatment for immigration to Japan
Those who pass JLPT N1 receive 15 points, N2 receive 10 points under the government’s “Point-based Preferential Immigration Treatment System for Highly Skilled Foreign Professionals.” Individuals with a total of 70 points or higher receive preferential treatment at immigration.
For more details, please refer to the website of Immigration Bureau of Japan.
Top 10 Tips for passing the JLPT
Passing the JLPT Tip1 : To know your currently JLPT level
Before taking any test, you need to assess your level and make sure that the test you are about to take it is realistic for you. It should be challenging enough to make it worth your time but also not so daunting that it discourages you. A good way to know your currently JLPT level is to take an online JLPT level assessment test. This will make sure you know exactly what level you should be aiming for.
Passing the JLPT Tip2 : Put aside 2 hours per day.
If you are serious about taking the JLPT you should commit to it. Ensure you have at least 6 months to prep and that you can put a couple of hours into it every night. If you don’t get serious and put the time in, you won’t be able to reap the results.
Passing the JLPT Tip3 : Be consistent
One of the hardest things to do with anything new or difficult is to keep consistency in your actions. You must be able to commit to your self-betterment every single day. Create a habit with a no excuses mindset to ensure that it becomes an essential part of your day.
Passing the JLPT Tip4 : Set aside a Kanji Schedule
Each JLPT level has a certain number of Kanji that you must master for the test. Work out how many Kanji you need and divide them into a daily plan. If you need to know 200 kanji in 3 months you should be looking at learning around 2 – 3 Kanji per day, this is easily achievable with the right attitude. Ensure you review all of your Kanji weekly or even daily with a flash card system.
Passing the JLPT Tip5 : Get a vocab list
Without knowing what a word means on the test it can be really hard to grasp the context of the question or conversation. That’s why you should put a real focus on learning all of the vocabulary possible for your JLPT level. Again, there are lots of free recourse online where you can find these lists. Try and learn 2 – 3 word per day and practice them in sentences to give them context.
Passing the JLPT Tip6 : Create a target grammar list
There is a big section for grammar on the JLPT so you need to make sure you’ve got a good grasp of the grammar for your level. Find a list of all the required grammar, cross off the points you already know and focus on bringing the remaining points up to speed.
Passing the JLPT Tip7 : Read a lot
You must find time to read test specific material. There’s no point trying to read manga or random books as they wont really do you any good if your goal is to pass the test. What you need to do is focus on specific JLPT articles for your level. Not only will you learn more, but it will encourage you to keep focused as the material won’t be ridiculously hard for you. The more you ready the faster you get. Trust me, you really need speed for the reading section, or you will be left behind.
Passing the JLPT Tip8 : Don’t Stress
When the test date starts to creep up and of course on the test day itself, the stress can really get to you. You will most likely have thoughts and doubts that you are not ready. Don’t worry about that, stress is natural so try to have fun while you are in there. Keep imagining your goals and keep a positive attitude.
Passing the JLPT Tip9 : Do the shorter, easier questions first.
When you are working through the exam you need to prioritise the questions that you know. Do the questions that you understand first, leave the ones that you don’t and come back to them once you’ve spent the time completing the ones you are sure you will know. This will give you the best chance of passing.
Passing the JLPT Tip10 : You can always take it again
The most important thing to remember is that if you do fail you can always take it again. I have failed the JLPT N3 once before I passed it and I learnt more in failure then I did from passing. I gained so much motivation and found out what I needed to improve through failure. Without a challenge is anything really worth it?