Sausage? Peperoni? What’s your topping of choice? Every country has its own localized version of pizza, but Japan is particularly interesting in this regard because it always seems to want to reinvent the Italian dish in some way. Today, we’re going to introduce 12 of the latest in strange pizzas in the land of the rising sun.

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Tapioca Pizza

Tapioca Pizza
Tapioca Pizza

Bubble tea has seen a boom in Japan in the last few years with stands popping up on nearly every corner. Now you don’t have to drink tapioca out of a giant straw, you can eat it on pizza! The Japanese Domino’s site says that tapioca tastes great with cheese, and it gets extra chewy because it’s warmed in the oven. It also comes with a side of maple syrup, too, if that strikes your fancy.

Jumbo Shrimp and Wagyu Beef Pizza

Jumbo Shrimp and Wagyu Beef Pizza
Jumbo Shrimp and Wagyu Beef Pizza

For those who want an epicurean touch to your fast food, the wagyu beef has you covered. The jumbo shrimp doesn’t sound all that bad either, but take a look at the picture. Those prawn tails standing up on end make this pizza look almost porographic in its shrimp lust. Is anyone else reminded of the dinner table scene in Beetlejuice when the shrimp hands spring out of the bowls and grab everyone’s faces?

Giant Egg Pizza

Giant Egg Pizza
Giant Egg Pizza

Ever wish chickens laid giant eggs so that you could crack one open and cover a whole pizza with it? No? Well, the Japanese sure do, and it looks like they’ve made this wish come true. That giant egg isn’t real, of course. It’s made from cheese, the scramblings of egg whites and yolks, and finished off with some mysterious yolk sauce. Oh, and the pizza itself weighs 4.5 pounds.

1kg Cheese Pizza

1kg Cheese Pizza
1kg Cheese Pizza

You’ve heard of extra cheese, but a whole 2.2 lbs worth? “Excessive” isn’t the right word here, more like “seriously unnecessary.” This is cheese suicide. And it’s not even the good cheese, it’s the cheap shredded kind in a plastic bag.

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Sausage Finger Pizza

Sausage Finger Pizza
Sausage Finger Pizza

This year, kick off Oktoberfest the right way by ordering the “Zenryoku! Sausage.” Creators of this pizza were influenced by the Germans and say that the appearance is intentionally striking, and they hope to change the public’s idea of what a pizza is. To me, it just looks like a giant finger trap. Ouch! If those sausages start moving, I’m not sleeping for a week!

Resurrection! Bloody Zombino 2 Pizza

Resurrection! Bloody Zombino 2 Pizza
Resurrection! Bloody Zombino 2 Pizza

Leave it to the popular chain “Aoki’s Pizza” to create a truly grotesque pizza for the Halloween season. The Bloody Zombino 2 is an improvement over a previous attempt by the company to make a horror pizza—this one apparently having better eyeballs. If I were to guess, I’d say the fingers were borrowed from the pizza above, and the eyeballs are real.

Double-decker Pizza

Double-decker Pizza
Double-decker Pizza

Ever order one pizza and wish you ordered two instead? Ever order two pizzas and decide to make a grilled cheese sandwich out of them? Well, this one has you covered: one pizza on the top, one on the bottom, cheese in the middle, and topped with the whole catalogue of processed meat. If you have room for dessert after this one, I’d be impressed.

Double-Decker Mexican Pizza

Double-Decker Mexican Pizza
Double-Decker Mexican Pizza

Is it a quiche? Is it a salad? Did that pizza slice just puke? If it’s Mexican you want for dinner, look no further than this multi-layered pie, now with a special “black sauce.”

Fish Pizza

Fish Pizza
Fish Pizza

It’s Thursday night. You can’t decide what you want for dinner. Let’s see… fish or pizza? Just as you’re about to flip a coin, a great idea pops into your head. “How about I just make the pizza look like a fish and put all of the meat and cheese on the inside where the bones usually are?”

A great idea, indeed, for the indecisive you.

Jack-O-Lantern Pizza

Jack-O-Lantern Pizza
Jack-O-Lantern Pizza

Cute? Creepy? Perhaps it’s just me, but a big Jack-o-lantern face staring back at me while I eat is not what I’d consider appetizing. Are those sausage bits supposed to be its teeth?

Pizza Spaghetti Fondue

Pizza Spaghetti Fondue
Pizza Spaghetti Fondue

Here’s a great idea! Take three vaguely related dishes, put them together, and voila! Not only is this the first time I’ve seen pasta dipped into spaghetti sauce fondue style, but it’s also on a pizza!

Steak-in-a-Hamburger-Patty Pizza

Steak-in-a-Hamburger-Patty Pizza
Steak-in-a-Hamburger-Patty Pizza

So… let me see if I have this straight… there’s a hamburger patty, and on the inside of the hamburger patty is a steak, and this hamburger-patty-with-a-steak-inside you want to put on a pizza?

I think someone was thinking too hard on this one.

And to add to that, they put sausage links in the crust, too. That’s a lot of meat!

Now that you know the latest and greatest in Japanese pizza trends, why not try getting your hands on one next time you travel here? If you do, congratulations, you are much braver than me.

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