Hey guys, welcome to another incredible online Japanese lesson from Bondlingo. Today we are going to be learning all about the particle “へ”. More specifically we are going to be looking at the pronunciation of it and solving the age old mystery of え or へ?

We will be breaking down today’s lesson into the following segments to help you learn most efficiently:

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Using the  へ particle to indicate travel. 

  1. How to use へ in a sentence  – A breakdown of the grammar to help you make sentences.
  2. The difference between へ and に – Breaking down the difference between these similar particles
  3. Is it pronounced え or へ? – Why is the particle pronunciation slightly different?
  4. Example sentences using  へ – Get used to seeing this particle in a variety of situations
  5. A great study technique to master へ – Become proficient in the use of this particle
  6. A small summary of today’s lesson  – A summary of today’s online Japanese lesson to ensure you haven’t missed anything.

Feel free to skip ahead to a chapter that peaks your interest if you feel confident with the earlier sections. So now that we know what we are in for, let’s get started on today’s online Japanese lesson. 

How to use へ(he) in a sentence

A breakdown of the grammar to help you make sentences. 

The へ particle in the travel particle. Putting this particle in between a place and motion verb is where you will find this little fellow. It is used to solely indicate the concept of travel. Let’s take a look at and example 

Asoko He Iku
I will go over there. 

As you can see in this example the particle is used in between the location and a verb for motion. 

It really is that simple to use. If you already know how to use the に particle then this should be a walk in the park for you. We will now take a look at the main differences between the へ and に particles to avoid any confusion 

The difference between へ and に

Breaking down the difference between these similar particles 

Although へ is the travel particle に is another particle that is used to indicate travel in the same way. 
The only difference is that the に particle is not confined to just being used in travel situations. 

It can be used in a multitude of different ways such as when things will happen and where things are located. On top of this に is also used instead of を in various verb situations. This just goes to show how complicated に can really be. 

In comparison to に, へ is a piece of cake.

We will now look at the pronunciation of the particle

Is it pronounced え or へ?

Why is the particle pronunciation slightly different? 

Now even though this particle is written using the hiragana “HE” When used as a particle, へ (“he”) is pronounced え (“e”). 

The simple answer is that it sounds much more poetic than “HE” and the Japanese like to make things sound beautiful. 

It is much like the old は Ha わ WA conundrum. 

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Example sentences using  へ

Get used to seeing this particle in a variety of situations 

Take a look at these example sentences to help you get familiar using the particle へ. Remember to practice the pronunciation as you read along as え and not へ.

The location in this first sentence is “librabry” and the travel verb is “run”. へ fits snuggly right in the middle to indicate travel

Toshokan e hashiru
Run to the library 

Same in this sentence, the location is the “park” and the travel particle is “to walk”. 

Kouen e aruita 
Walked to the park

In this last sentence the location is the “beach” and the travel particle is “to go”.

Bi-chi e iku
I will go to the beach 

After reading these sentences and taking a closer look at the formula we are confident that you now have this nailed down. The next step is mastery, come with us into the next chapter. 

A great study technique to master へ

Become proficient in the use of this particle 

So now you have the formula, pronunciation and usage of へ down to a tee we are now going to offer you a little studytechniqe you can practice with over the next day or so to ensure you never forget this particle and it’s pronunciation again. 

Read out loud the sentences from the previous chapter and familiarise yourself with the pattern:

Location へ travel verb.

Now try to write down 10 sentences of your own using this formula. 

By this time you should be realy to use it in conversation and your communication so make sure to do so at any given opportunity instead of the particle に.

Through this practice you will become much more proficient at using the aparticel. Also try to teach this lesson to a friend as it will help to really set the information concretely in your mind.

Let’s have a look at a short summary from today’s lesson now.

A small summary of today’s lesson 

A summary of today’s online Japanese lesson to ensure you haven’t missed anything.

  1. The へ particle in the travel particle. Putting this particle in between a place and motion verb is where you will find the へ particle
  2. Although へ is the travel particle に is another particle that is used to indicate travel in the same way. 
  3. Even though this particle is written using the hiragana “HE” When used as a particle, へ (“he”) is pronounced え (“e”). 

That brings us to the end of today’s online Japanese lesson from Bondlingo. We really hope that you have enjoyed today’s lesson everyone and if you have any questions or suggestions on future content please do get in touch. Don’t give up on your dreams and we will see you in the next lesson. またね


Ha, wa(は), or wa(わ)? When do I use which? – Japanese is easy!