Welcome back and hello! This is part 2 of Japanese antonyms. As a warning, this list will be a little harder than part 1. 

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Part 1 : Let’s Study Japanese Antonyms

Let’s Study Japanese Antonyms (Part 1 – Easy)

Part 2 : Let’s Study Japanese Antonyms

So what are antonyms again? Antonyms are very important in any language in order to explain opposites, such as “cold” and “hot”, or “big” and “small”. They usually explain something which we see with our eyes or feel from a touch.  Antonyms in Japanese are called hantaigo (反対語) and taigigo (対義語).  These act the same as English antonyms but in Japanese. 

Here is some helpful instruction on how to remember these words. The first step that you will want to do is go through the list below. Determining the level of your Japanese, this may be hard for some, and this may be easy for some.
A recommendation is to print out the list below so that you can highlight and take notes if you want to. 

The next step would be to do some highlighting. Highlight the words that you want to study and focus on remembering. After highlighting, copy them on to flashcards. It may be tedious but having one side with Japanese, reading, and the meaning of the word is helpful.

In addition, having the antonym Japanese, reading, and meaning on the other is also helpful as well. The main point is to create associations between the words. If flashcards are not available, copy and paste the list. Once printed, fold it in the middle and see if you can remember a certain antonym pair.

The final step is to look at the ones that you do not know. It is important that you continue to look at the list as often as possible, to find and learn new words. By doing so, continue to then learn the antonym of that word, which the set. It will work best when you understand and know one side of the antonym pair. The important key to learning the antonyms is that it takes time and that learning one side first and then learning the other is the best instead of learning both at the same time.

Japanese Antonyms – あいうえお Words

厚い (thick)  薄い (thin)
余る (remain) 足りない (not enough)
洗う (to wash) 汚す (dirty)
安楽 (comfort) 苦労 (hardship)
生かす (let it live)  殺す (kill it)
生きる (to live) 死ぬ (to die)
医者 (doctor) 患者 (patient)
忙しい (busy) 暇 (tired)
氏 (last name or surname) 名 (given name)
嘘 (lie) 本当 (truth)
失う (lose) 得る (gain)
嬉しい (happy) 悲しい (sad)
王子 (prince)  王女 (princess) 
押す (push) 引く (pull)
音読み (Chinese reading)  訓読み (Japanese reading)

Japanese Antonyms – かきくけこ Words

開始 (start) 終了 (finish)
可燃 (flammable) 不燃 (incombustible)
簡単 (easy)  複雑 (complicated)
義務 (duty) 権利 (right)
巨大 (huge) 微小 (minute)
苦しみ (suffering)  楽しみ (fun)
軍人 (soldier)  文民 (civilian)
現在 (present)  過去 (past)
現在 (present) 未来 (future)
現実 (reality) 理想 (ideal)
個人 (individual)  社会 (society) 

Japanese Antonyms – さしすせそ Words

参加 (participation)  不参加 (non-participation)
弱者 (weak person)  強者 (strong person)
収入 (income)  支出 (spending)
正確 (correct) 不正確 (imprecise)
正義 (justice) 不義 (injustice)
絶望 (despair)  希望 (hope)
続行 (continue) 中止 (cancel)

Japanese Antonyms – たちつてと Words

大量 (large amount) 少量 (small amount)
他人 (other people)  自分 (myself)
地下 (underground)  地上 (above ground)
着席 (sit down)  起立 (stand up)
つかむ (grab)  離す (let go)
天国 (heaven)  地獄 (hell)
天使 (angel) 悪魔 (devil)
伝統 (tradition) 革新 (innovation)
特別 (special)  普通 (regular) 

Japanese Antonyms – なにぬねの Words

苦手 (weak)  得て、得意 (good at)
入金 (deposit) 出金 (withdrawal)
抜く (pull out) 刺す (stab)
濡れる (get west)  乾く (dry)
登る (climb) 沈む (sink)

Japanese Antonyms – はひふへほ Words

引く (pull) 足す (add)
必要 (necessary) 不要 (unnecessary)
広い (wide) 狭い (narrow)
部下 (subordinate) 上司 (boss)
深い (deep)  浅い (shallow)
不可能 (impossible)  可能 (possible)
プロ (pro)  アマ (amateur)
不利 (unfavorable) 有利 (favorable)
別人 (different person) 同人 (same person)
別々 (separate)  一緒 (together)
便利 (convenient) 不便 (inconvenient) 

Japanese Antonyms – まみむめも Words

真面目 (serious) 不真面目 (indifference)
真っ赤 (pure red) 真っ青 (pure blue)
学ぶ (to learn)  教える (to teach)
未 (not yet)  既 (already)
見上げる (look up)  見下ろす (look down)
見失う (lose sight)  見つける (find)
未成年 (minor) 青年 (youth)
無知 (ignorance) 博識 (knowledge)
無理 (impossible) 道理 (reason)
息子 (son) 娘 (daughter)
明 (bright) 暗 (dark)
明確 (clear) 曖昧 (ambiguous) 
明色 (bright colors) 暗色 (dark colors)
メンタル (mental) フィジカル (physical)
申し込む (apply) 受け付ける (accept)

Japanese Antonyms – やゆよ Words

訳文 (translated text) 原文 (original text)
約束 (promise) 解約 (cancellation)
安物 (cheap goods)  上物 (quality goods)
友好 (friendship) 敵対 (hostile)
有税 (tax) 無税 (tax-free)
有毒 (toxic)  無毒 (non-toxic)
有名 (famous) 無名 (nameless)
有力 (powerful) 無力 (powerless)
理性 (rational)  感情 (emotion)
良質 (good quality)  悪質 (bad quality)

Japanese Antonyms – らりるれろわ Words

留守 (stay behind) 在宅 (stay home)
冷凍 (frozen)  解凍 (thawing)
Y軸 (Y-axis) X軸 (X-axis)
和語 (Japanese) 漢語 (Chinese)
若人 (young person) 老人 (old person)
和式 (Japanese style [method of use]) 洋式 (Western style [method of use])
和室 (Japanese-style room) 洋室 (Western-style room)
和書 (Japanese-style book) 洋書 (book)
和食 (Japanese food) 洋食 (Western food)
和風 (Japanese style [interior design]) 洋風 (Western style [interior design])
和服 (Japanese clothes) 洋服 (clothes)
和本 (book bound in Japanese style) 洋本 (book)

Conclusion of Japanese Antonyms

So this is the list and good luck studying! As previously stated, this list is a little hard and is more advanced. If you are having issues reading and or comprehending the Japanese, use a Japanese/English dictionary to see how to read or what the definition of words you have trouble understanding. Once again good luck and happy studying!

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