Hello to all of you Japanese aficionados and welcome to yet another online Japanese lesson from BondLingo. Today we have a fantastic lesson on the subject of the volitional form​. This is a really useful form that you can use to turn statements with verbs in more of a suggestion. We are going to be splitting up today’s online Japanese lesson on the volitional form​ into 5 easy to digest sections:

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Learn the Japanese volitional form​ to make suggestions.

  1. We will be learning all about the volitional form​ and how it can be used. This will give us a really good understanding on the foundation of the form. 
  2. We will then be looking at how to use the volitional form from a grammar standpoint. This will allow us to be able to create sentences of our own and start using the volitional form​.
  3. We will then look at some example sentences with the volitional form​ to help us get used to the volitional form​ in a variety of situations and with a variety of verb groups 
  4. We will be looking at a practice study technique that you can use in your own time to master the volitional form​.
  5. We will have a small summary to ensure that we haven’t missed anything from today’s online Japanese lesson.

Okay ladies and gentlemen,let’s kick things off and learn about the definition of the volitional form​ and see how it can be used. 

Japanese Verb Types You should learn to pass JLPT N4

The volitional form​ and how it can be used. 

An understanding on the foundation of the form. 

So the Volitional form turns statements into suggestions, this is called 意向形 (いこうけい) IKOUKEI

You can use this form with verbs to change the endings. For example you can say things like:

Let’s eat

Let’s party 

Let’s run  etc.

There is also a more formal version which is the ましょう MASHOU form which you may have heard of. 

The volitional form we will be learning today is to be used in more casual situations.

So let’s have a look at how to form the volitional form and jump right into the next section..

How to use the volitional form from a grammar standpoint. 

Create sentences of our own and start using the volitional form​.

With the volitional form there are different conjugations for each of the 3 verb groups. So depending on the ending of the verb the conjugation changes.

Lets first look at the IRU / ERU verbs

食べる taberuTo Eat Remove the る add よう食べよう tabeyouLet’s eat

If you want to be more polite you can use ましょう (mashou) as an alternative to make  食べましょう

let’s eat

Now let’s look at the 2nd category, the U verbs

To make this change we have to change the final vowel to (o) and add a singular (u) to the end.

Let’s look at the following examples.

呼ぶ YOBU TO CALLchange the final vowel to (o) and add a singular (u) to the end呼ぼう YOUBOU – LETS CALL
聞く KIKU TO LISTENchange the final vowel to (o) and add a singular (u) to the end聞こう KIKOU – LETS LISTEN

You can be more polite with this too by using the ましょう form version.



Now we take a look at the final verb group する and くる

With these you only have to remember the following. 


If you want to be polite and use the ましょう form you can say: 

しましょう shimashou let’s do.

来ましょう kimashou let’s come.

Lets try and make sentences together.

Pa-tei wo hajimeyou
Let’s start the party. 

Here we are using the verb はじめる which is an iru / eru verb.

All we needed to do was simply take off the る and add よう

Now let’s look at some great example sentences. 

Example sentences with the volitional

Get used to the volitional form​ in a variety of situations and with a variety of verb groups 

Take a look at these next sentences and pay close attention to the endings. 

In this first sentence we are using an う ending verb. All you need to do is change it to an お and add う

omoi darou. Tetsudaou ka?
That looks heavy, shall I give you a hand?

Here we have an える verb so all we need to do is take off the る and add よう

mou 10 ji da. Hayaku neyou.
It's already 10pm, let's hurry and go to sleep.

Here the speaker is using the verb する from group 3 to make a suggestion

gakkou de issho ni benkyou shiyou.
Let's study together at the school.
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A study technique that you can use to master the volitional form​.

Practice what you preach 

The most important thing here is getting used to the different conjugations for the different groups. 

What you need to do is write out as many verbs as you know from all different groups on a piece of paper. Next to each of them convert them into the volitional form.

Do this every day, getting faster and faster. 

Eventually you will become so used to doing this that it will be almost second nature. 

This is a great way to master the topic of today’s lesson very quickly.

A small summary on today’s topic 

Ensure that we haven’t missed anything from today’s online Japanese lesson.

So remember: 

  1. The volitional form translated to “Let’s do X” and is used after verbs 
  2. Depending on the verb group the ending is different 
  3. ましょう is the polite form of the structure 
  4. You can use the study technique today to practice at home to get faster using the form

So guys we hope that you enjoyed today’s online Japanese lesson on the volitional form and if you have any suggestion on future content that you would like to see again please do let us know.

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Learn Japanese Online with BondLingo
Learn Japanese Online with BondLingo


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