For those wanting to come to Japan to advance one’s studies, but is not proficient in the Japanese language, many will go to a Japanese language school. Students who attend these schools go to learn or vastly improve their Japanese by attending for one to two years. After that, many students will go on to take the entrance exams for the Japanese universities of their choice.

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Introduction of What Japanese Language Schools Are and Choices in Tokyo to Choose From

With that reasoning, the choice of Japanese language schools is crucial for future students who may want to attend. As such, this article will first discuss the two types of Japanese language schools specifically for foreign students who want to continue on to a  Japanese university for either undergraduate or graduate studies/program.

The first type of school is preparatory Japanese language courses for foreign students who are offered by private universities. Preparatory Japanese language courses are offered by private universities and are offered as regular courses within the university’s curriculum.

Education style

The target of these courses is to offer fundamental education in the Japanese language, society, culture, and other necessary subjects to foreign students who wish to enter junior colleges or undergraduate or graduate studies/programs at Japanese universities, either as a student or researcher. However, there are some schools that offer courses in English. The residence status of foreign students in Japan taking such special courses offered by the private universities is “College Student.”

If you are interested in this please contact the university or JASSO for more information. 

The second type of Japanese language schools, and which this article will be discussing is schools that provide Japanese language courses to foreign students that come to Japan.

Those who are considering to further there higher education in Japan may instead go to a Japanese language school before applying to such schools. These Japanese language schools can range from specialized training schools(senshu gakko/専修学), vocational colleges (senmon gakko/専門学校), educational institutions categorized as various schools (kakushu gakko/各種学校), and other establishments similar to kakushu gakko.


If you prefer to take these classes, students are advised and recommended visiting the official website of Japan’s Ministry of Justice, in order to confirm that the language school of your choice is a Japanese language school that is officially recognized and approved by the Ministry of Justice.

The classification for students studying at such Japanese language schools may enter Japan under the status of “exchange student” for residence type.

With that in mind, let’s take a look at some of the Japanese language schools that are offered in the Tokyo area of Japan!

学校法人新井学園赤門会日本語学校 (Akamonkai):Tokyo


School fee

Entrance fee1528000 Yen
Tuition fee1163000 Yen
Others fee– Yen

Other information

Number Students532
Number Teachers6
Number Tutors22
RequirmentGraduated from high school, but less than 12 years scholastic life of up to high school
People come fromChina 183, Vietnam 134, South Korea 95
Satisfaction rate95.00%
Vocational entrance rate20.68%
University entrance rate

Akamonkai is Tokyo’s largest Japanese language school and offers many different types of courses to match peoples certain needs. Located in the Nippori, Tokyo, this school is taken very seriously and is very rigorous, but its teaching system is effective. Akamonkai is one of the few Japanese language schools that offer a pre-university preparatory program for foreign students with only 11 years of formal/mandatory education but wish to continue their education onto higher education.

Akamonkai also states that you will be spending the majority of the time outside of class studying and reviewing class work and material to make sure that you can keep up with the high pace of the classes. It repeatedly states that this Japanese language school is best suited for students that are serious about mastering the Japanese language and perhaps potentially continue onto a path of higher education or potential full-time employment in Japan.

In addition, Akamonkai states that all of the staff are native English speakers, so translators are not needed. This Japanese language school has student dorms, so that students can reside on or near campus, and can commute easily to classes. Furthermore, the Japanese language school also offers support for finding a part-time job and full-time employment, such as helping preparations for interviews.

As previously stated, Akamonkai has differing course lengths, determining the status of visa residency in Japan and how long you are planning to take certain programs. For further information about cost and applications as a prospective student, please check their official website.

ISI ラ ン ゲ ー ジ ス ク ー ル (ISI Language School) :Tokyo


School fee

Entrance fee1529000 Yen
Tuition fee1166000 Yen
Others fee823000 Yen

Other information

Number Students1328
Number Teachers23
Number Tutors56
Requirment12 years course completion or more and this and of the same level who
People come fromChina 721, South Korea 150, Taiwan 84
Satisfaction rate98.66%
Vocational entrance rate15.59%
University entrance rate

ISI Language School states that their school is recommended for students who are aiming to enter a Japanese university. This Japanese language school has two different types of university preparatory courses, in which the prospective students will be able to be prepared and tackle the university entrance exam. If students are not focused on higher education, ISI Language School offers other elective courses as well. 

ISI Language School states that their curriculum and teaching materials are taught at an efficient pace. The school also states that a student can expect to study daily for about an average of 2 hours outside of class, depending on the students level. If you are a student who is serious about learning Japanese and is committed to learning quickly, but still want some free time, this Japanese language school may be a good choice for you.

Staffs are native English speaker

Like Akamonkai, ISI Language School states that their staff is native English speakers so translators are not necessary. In addition, the Japanese language school offers multiple types of accommodation from student dorms to a homestay. However, unlike Akamonkai, ISI Language School does not offer students support for full-time employment but do have support for part-time jobs. 

Again as previously stated similarly in Akamonkai, ISI Japanese Language Schools course lengths differ, determining the status of visa residency in Japan and how long you are planning to take certain programs. For further information about cost and applications as a prospective student, please check the ISI Japanese Language School’s official website.

カイ日本語スクール (KAI Japanese Language School):Tokyo

School fee

Entrance fee1640000 Yen
Tuition fee– Yen
Others fee– Yen

Other information

Number Students204
Number Teachers7
Number Tutors37
Requirment12 years course completion or more and this and of the same level who
People come fromSweden 30, Taiwan 19, Italy 19
Satisfaction rate72.86%
Vocational entrance rate3.92%
University entrance rate

Located in Shin-Okubo of Tokyo, KAI Japanese Language School was founded in 1987.  This Japanese language school’s program is built on Japanese cultural understanding and its psychological theories, which is designed to meet all of the students’ needs.  KAI Japanese Language School is also known to support foreign students who have no kanji background as well as providing a multi-national environment with foreign students from 40 different countries.

Like ISI Language School, a student can expect to study daily for about an average of 2 hours outside of class, depending on the students level. If you are a student who is serious about learning Japanese and its complicated culture and society, this Japanese language school may be a good choice for you.

High percentage of students from Western countries

  In addition, KAI Japanese Language School states that they have a high percentage of students from Western countries. So for those who are looking for a Japanese language school but want a somewhat western environment, this school is perhaps a good choice. 

Besides the curriculum and school environment, KAI has campus accommodation. There is a variety to choose from determining one’s own budget. In addition, like all other Japanese language school’s, their staff has native English speakers so translators are not needed. For those interested in finding jobs, KAI does have support for both part-time and full-time jobs.

Similarly in Akamonkai,

Again as previously stated similarly in Akamonkai, the course lengths differ, which also determines the status of visa residency in Japan and how long you are planning to take certain programs. For further information about cost and applications as a prospective student, please check the KAI Japanese Language School’s official website.

So here were some of the well-known and excellent Japanese language schools with good records and are approved by Japan’s Ministry of Justice. Application deadlines do differ from school to school so please be careful. In addition, visa applications are also time sensitive so please check the deadlines and apply on time. 

I hope this information was helpful and useful. Happy school hunting!

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