Learn Japanese through your favourite anime quotes : Everyone loves anime, there’s something for everyone. From ninjas and pirates, princesses and basketball teams, there are tonnes of famous anime titles out there and everyone has their favourites.

Most common phrases in anime

Today we are going to have a look at some of the most common phrases in anime and learn how to integrate them into your current Japanese ability.
You will also be able to find a table at the end of this blog with a list of some important words and phrases to know for any anime addict. So, let’s jump right into it guys and learn Japanese through anime.
Learn Japanese through your favourite anime
Famous anime quotes : One Piece : HELP ME! たすけてくれ Tasukete kure
This phrase is used a lot in One Piece. Imagine Luffy chasing after Usopp as he screams “Taskute Kure” at the top of his lungs. This anime phrase is often used by the damsel in distress or the weaker characters that need saving. You could also use this phrase if you find yourself, god-forbid, without a wifi connection.
Another one of Luffy’s really famous phrases is:
One Piece
shouko o misete yaru.”
I’ll prove it to you!
Famous anime quotes : Naruto :Wait a minute! ちょっとまって Chotto Matte

This classic phrase is certainly heavily used in Naruto, with ninjas running around everywhere, people just need to learn to slow down. Sasuke!!! Chotto Matte, you can’t go running off to join Orochimaru! Chotto Matte is a fantastic and versatile phrase that is used a lot in anime as well as everyday life in Japan. When you want things to slow down throw out a “chotto matte” to make sure that they slow down to a pace you are comfortable with.
Another great phrase from Naruto is
iruka sensei no te o dasu na. korosu zo”.
Don’t touch Iruka-sensei. I’ll kill you.
Famous anime quotes : Death Note :Let’s Go! いくぞ IkuZo
When Light Yagami from Death Note is in a rush to go and serve his justice he will us Iku Zo. Iku Zo Ryuk! I wanna go and use the death note and save the world from all those bad people.
Iku Zo is a fantastic phrase to use if you are totally fired up and excited to go somewhere. It definitely has an exciting and somewhat aggressive feel to it. If the situation calls for some haste, then Iku Zo should be the go-to phrase of choice. If your brother or sister is in danger, fly out of the door with an Iku Zo to let people know you are serious and mean business!
Famous anime quotes : Dragonball :Shikkari Shiro しっかりしろ Get a grip
Who doesn’t love Dragonball? Goku! Shikkari Shiro, you are going to need more than Super Sayan 4 to take down this dude! This is a really commonly used word in many action anime titles, especially in Dragonball. Shikkari Shiro can be used to tell someone to get a grip. Perhaps they are not being their usual selves or have made a fatal mistake, you can use. Shikarri Shiro.
Famous anime quotes : What on earth do you mean いったいどういういみですかIttai dou iu imi desu ka

Ichigo? Ittai Dou Iu Imi desu ka? He’s not a hollow, he’s a regular Shinigami. Ittai Dou Iu Imi Desu Ka means, “What on earth do you mean” and it’s a really common phrase in both anime and real life. When you are completely confused or when something sounds wrong to you, you can use this phrase.
Famous anime quotes : I’ll never give up ぜったいあきらめない Zettai Akiramenai
This is definitely my personal favourite of today’s phrases. You can’t be a hero in the anime world without Zettai Akiramenai. This means I’ll never give up and is essentially the foundation of every great action anime out there! You can use this for an upcoming test, sports match or even a food challenge.
Word and phrases list

As promised here is a list of some useful words and phrases that should make up an integral part of your anime vocabulary. If there are some words or phrases here that you don’t know, make sure to look into them as if you are an avid anime fan you will be hearing them a lot
Akuma | 悪魔 | Demon / Devil |
Arienai | 有り得ない | Unbelievable |
Arubaito | アルバイト | Part time workCan be shortened to baito. |
Bakemono: | 化物) | Monster |
Bocchan | 坊ちゃん | Used as a slang for “rich boys” |
Daijoubu | 大丈夫 | “fine/okay” |
Dame | 駄目 | Nope! No Good! |
Giri Giri | ぎりぎり | Just in time |
Isshokenmei | 一所懸命 | To give it your best |
Kachi | 勝ち | Victory |
Kakkoii | カッコイイ | Cool |
Kisama | 貴様 | Yet another rude way of saying “you” in the Japanese language |
Hentai | 変態 | Pervert |
… kashira | … かしら | Female suffix for “I think” |
Kega | 怪我 | Injury |
Hizamakura | 膝枕 | Resting your head in someone’s lap |
Katte Ni Shiro | 勝手にしろ | Do as you please |
Kurae | くらえ | Eat this |
Maji | まじ | Really? You serious? |
Mamoru | 守る | To protect |
Nigeru | 逃げる | To escape |
… no sei | … の せい | Indicates someone’s Fault |
… no tame ni | … のために | For the sake of |
Omae | お前 | YOU! |
Shinjirarenai | 信じられない | Unbelievable |
Sonna | そんな | that thing |
Temee | 手前 | YOU BASTARD |
Thanks for reading today’s blog on learning Japanese through anime quotes. Have a great day guys!
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