Hey guys, welcome to another awesome online Japanese lesson from Bondlingo. Today we are going to be looking at the incredible phrase which is, “kimochiii(きもちいい)”. Now not only are we going to be looking at kimochiii(きもちいい), we are also going to be looking at some other variants using kimochi to help you express how you feel.

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Learn how to use the common Japanese phrase “kimochiii(きもちいい)”

First we will look at how to use Kimochiii(きもちいい) and learn more about the make up of the phrase. Next, we will look at a few more different variations with “kimochi” to help express other feelings. Finally, we will give you an awesome study tip that you can take away so you don’t forget these awesome phrases.

Let’s jump right in people and start learning all about 気持ち, it’s time to start feeling good! 

Breaking down the common Japanese phrase 気持ちいい(きもちいい)

Kimochi  気持ちmeans feeling or sensation in Japanese. Now if you take a look at the kanji you can learn more about the specifics. First we have き気 Ki which means spirit or energy in Japanese. You may have seen this quite often in 元気 Genki げんき. 持ち もち Mochi means “to hold” or “to have” in Japanese. So if you look at these two words as a combination you can see we have “feeling” and “hold” translating into the “feelings you have”.

To express that something feels good you add the adjective for good いい after 気持ち きもち to create

Feels good.

This is more used to describe physical feelings that you feel, rather than being in say a “good mood”. For example if you get a nice back rub from your other half or hear an amazing song that makes you feel good you can say 気持ちいい “Feels good”. Look at it like that’s the feeling that you have right now.

So now we have essentially completed the lesson on きもちいい what should we do next? Well, we need to look at expressing other feelings with きもち.

Expressing other feelings with the common Japanese phrase “kimochi”

What’s the opposite of a good feeling or good sensation? A bad sensation of course. For this we would simply swap the いい that comes after きもち with わるい, warui “bad”.

To feel bad.

This describes the sensation of something feeling bad. Imagine you have a really bad headache, the sensation or feeling you are having right now is of course a bad one. You cannot use it as a bad mood as this is not a physical feeling and is subjective from person to person. For a bad mood you would use 気分が悪い “Kibun ga warui”

Let’s have a look at some other example sentences to help with your understanding of the common Japanese phrase “kimochi”. Please remember to read these sentences aloud at least 5 times to help you recognise the pattern.

Examples sentences with “Kimochi”

ame ga kimochi ii
The rain feels good.
massaaji ga kimochi ii
The massage feels good.
kaze ga kimochi ii
The wind feels good.
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An effective study tip to help you remember “Kimochi”

So a really effective study tip to help you remember this phrase is to imagine all the things that make you feel either good or bad. Imagine stubbing your toe, what would you say? Feels good? No you would say KIMOCHI WARUI because it’s a bad sensation. Imagine receiving an awesome foot rub after walking for hours, you would say, KIMOCHI II. Come up with your own situations where you feel either good or bad and make sure to write them down and document them. If you do 5 of each, you will definitely master the phrase for sure.

This is so important in furthering your study as you will really get to grips with the usage through creating your own examples. Try and use it in your daily life as much as possible until you get the hang of it naturally. Then you will be able to use it effortlessly when it comes to speaking Japanese.  

So now let’s take a look at a super effective study tip you can use to

Well guys, we hope you are feeling good after learning about feeling good! It is always a pleasure to have you here for our online Japanese articles and are really glad you are serious about learning our beautiful language. If you have any questions at all or would like to suggest some ideas for future content that you would like us to talk about, do not hesitate to get in touch as it would be fantastic to hear from you. Keep studying guys and gals and don’t give up! See you here again, またね.

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