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It is said that Japanese particles are difficult to remember for learners.
There are various theories about Japanese particles. 9 kinds of particles「が」「に」「を」「へ」「と」「から」「より」「で」「まで」are mainly used.
Verbs sometimes decides which particle we should use. Therefore, learners who tries to decide a particle with a noun sometimes get confused.
Today, let’s focus on the difference between 「に」 and 「で」 behind a noun about “PLACE.”
These particles are the example that a verb decides a particle.
Japanese verbs are divided into “Action Verbs” and “State Verbs.”
When you use an “Action Verb,” the particle would be “で”. For example, you can make this sentence “公園で(at a park)ランチを食べます(I have lunch)”.
When you use an “State Verb,” the particle would be “に”. For example, “公園に(at a park)犬がいます(There is a dog)”.
However, some action verbs which need a destination like “行きます(go)” and “引っ越します(move),” take a particle “に” for a destination.
The way to decide Japanese particles is a deep practice, isn’t it? Let’s get used to use it!
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How to Say “No” in Japanese Vol.1 | Learn Japanese online
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