Good day to all of you hard working learners we hope you are well and ready to start another great online Japanese lesson from Bondlingo. Today we are going to be talking about the verb すぎる and how it interacts specifically with nouns and adjectives

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Learn to say things like “There are too many people on this street.” with  – adj-すぎる・N-すぎる in Japanese

We are going to split today’s lesson into 5 sections to help you effectively learn and master today’s subject. 

  1. We are going to look at the definition of すぎる and learn how it can be used 
  2. We will look at the grammar for すぎる and learn about how you can form sentences. We will be focusing on noun and adjective sentences. 
  3. We will look at various example sentences to help broaden your understanding of すぎる
  4. We will teach you a study technique so you can use Sugiru with confidence 
  5. We will summarize today’s lesson to make sure you didn’t miss anything,

So guys it’s time to get learning and take the next step forward on your Japanese journey. Let’s jump right in and take down すぎる!

What is the meaning of すぎる -How will Sugiru be useful for you?

Sugiru すぎる 過ぎる is a verb which means “Too much”. When combined with other verbs such as たべる taberu “to eat” it means “To eat too much”.We will be able to turn verbs into nouns and then add Sugiru to turn them back into verbs again. Using Sugiru with adjectives we will be able to say things such as “Too many people” “Too difficult” 

Let’s take a look at how you can make sentences with すぎる and combine them with nouns and adjectives.

How do you form noun and adjective sentences with すぎる

Let’s look at the nitty gritty of the grammar 

Firstly lets look at how you add すぎる to nouns and adjectives in Japanese. 

With verbs you should take them in a masu form tabemasu – remove the masu 

“Tabe” and then add sugiru Tabesugiru. 

NounsRemove masu +すぎるたべすぎるTo eat too much
AdjectivesRemove い and +すぎるむずかしすぎるTo difficult 
Adjectives+すぎるかんたんすぎるTo easy

Once you add sugiru to a noun or adjective it becomes a verb, so the grammar surrounding this newly formed sugiru verb must also comply with how grammar works around normal verbs too. 

These new SUGIRU verbs can also be conjugated too like so. 

すぎるSugiruDictionary presentToo much
すぎたSugitaDictionary pastWas too much
すぎますSugimasuMasu form presentToo much (Polite)
すぎましたSugimashitaMasu form pastWas too much (Polite)

Let’s take a look at an example sentence and see how it is constructed.

Kono michi ni hito ga oosugiru
There are too many people on this street.

As we used the い adjective for “A lot” おおい we simply removed the い and added すぎる to create おおすぎる. Also as this is a verb we don’t need anything else at the end.

It will take a little bit of getting used to but it really is such an essential grammar point to master you will definitely thank yourself later. Now lets looks at some example sentences. 

Let’s look at some example sentences using すぎる

Study some of our example sentences to help broaden your understanding. 

We are now going to take a look at some example sentences to help you get a better understanding of sugiru and its various uses in context.

Sake wo nomisugita
I drank too much sake. 

In this first sample we have taken the verb “to drink” nomimasu – removed the masu and added sugiru in the past form “sugita”. Nowe we have “Drank too much”.

Takasugiru node kaimasen
Because its too expensive i won't buy it.

In this example you can see how the adjective takai which means “expensive” has been combined with sugiru to make “too expensive” 

Kantan sugiru kara benkyou shinai to omou 
Because it’s too easy I don't think i will study. 

Here we have a NA adjective plus SUGIRU. Simply add sugiru to create the “too much X” form here.

Shiken ga muzukashisugiru kara ukemasen
Because the test is too difficult I will not take it.

In this example we have another い adjective example transforming from muzukashii to muzukashisugiru. Simply remove the い and add すぎる。

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A powerful study technique you can use to master すぎる

A practical technique you can start using straight away 

Let’s now learn a powerful study technique that you can implement to get better at using sugiru in your Japanese communication. Firstly you should learn all of the different conjugations of sugiru and practice attaching it to different adjective and noun endings. This will be a big help when it comes to the next section. 

Now you are going to want to read all of today’s examples thoroughly and learn them off by heart. Once that pattern has solidified in your brain you must then go ahead and create a few example sentences in this form for the next 3 – 4 days. Through this repetition you will have a hard time forgetting today’s grammar point and command real mastery over it in just a short period of time.

This is the most important part of the lesson so be sure you dont skip over it. 

Now lets have a look at a small summary of today’s lesson.

A small summary to digest today’s lesson

Let’s make sure we haven’t missed anything 

  1. Sugiru is a verb which means “too much” and can be combined with nouns and adjectives
  2. Conjugation for nouns and adjectives are different so make sure to learn them thoroughly
  3. Practice the technique from todays study tip to ensure mastery of すぎり

So guys there we have it that brings us to the end of our online Japanese lesson from bondlingo. We really hope that you enjoyed today’s lesson and, most importantly, learnt something new that you can take away and implement in your communication. 

If you have any questions or future ideas for content that you would like to run by us please do not hesitate to get in touch. Until the next online Japanese lesson, じゃね.

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Mastering ましょう Mashou “Let’s do” and ませんか Masen Ka “Would you like to” in Japanese