Hey guys, how is it going today? We hope that you are extremely hungry because in today’s online Japanese lesson from Bondlingo we are going to be looking at the phrase, “Gochisousama” which you use after a meal to express your gratitude.

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How to Use Gochisousama ごちそうさま to say Thank You (For the meal)

This is a very common phrase in Japan the has deep ties with the respectful culture of Japan, so is a must learn for anyone out there who is looking to become completely immersed in Japanese language and culture.

How to Use Gochisousama ごちそうさま to say Thank You (For the meal)
How to Use Gochisousama ごちそうさま to say Thank You (For the meal)

We are going to tackle this phrase today by firstly looking at the phrase along with its meaning. Then we are going to look at the situations where you can use “Gochisousama”. Then finally we are going to finish with an effective study tip that you can use to really master the phrase.

What is “Gochisousama” and when should I use it?

“Gochisousama“  or in a more formal manner. “Gochisousama deshita“ is a very common Japanese phrase that is used once you have finished your meal. The phrase is directly transltated as “It was a great deal of work (preparing the meal).” So if we try to interprate it in a different way we can think of this translation just like “Thank you for the meal; it was plentiful.”

This is the perfect way to say thanks to not only everyone who took part in the preparation of the mean but also the ingredients that have been used within the food itself. If for any reason you don’t sat “Gochisousama” after eating you could be considered to be very ungrateful. You must really try to remember this as it is considered much more important in Japan to give thanks in this scenario in comparison to the western world.

What is “Gochisousama” and when should I use it?
What is “Gochisousama” and when should I use it?

Now lets imagine you are in a much more private setting. Saying “Gochisousama” in a restaurant etc you may think that you wouldn’t have to be as careful in this kind of setting however you should take any opportunity to say this thankful phrase. It’s all about expressing your appreciation for the effort that has gone into your delicious food.  

Obviously coming face to face with the cook to give thanks wont be necessary, however there are things that you can do to express it in other ways.  For example, you could say “Gochisousama” to the waiter when they come over to drop off your final bull, or alternatively as the first phrase when coming to pay at the till. If it’s a smaller restaurant where the cook / chef is in a close vicinity you can use the phrase at the time whilst you are leaving the restaurant. It is always really appreciated by the whole restaurant if it is said at this point.

You see it is really very different to the western customs of the world and it really transcends a phrase, its all about expressing gratitude with more than a simple remark.

An effective Japanese study technique

Now we just wanted to run over a quick effective study technique to help you remember “Gochisousama”. What we want you to do is every time you have a meal or something to eat from now on. No matter if its at home or out at the restaurant, try and remind yourself that you need to use “Gochisousama” as soon as you finish the meal. If you feel a little silly, either say it under your breath or perhaps just in your head to avoid any awkward situations.

If you are in Japan however or coming over soon for a trip, try to use it with every situation that you possibly can. This way you will be embracing the culture and also cementing the phrase in your memory to the point in which it will become almost automatic eventually and you will never have to think about it ever again.

Well guys that was it, what did you think of Today’s online Japanese lesson from Bondlingo?  We really hope and also advise strongly that you will use “Gochisousama” at the appropriate times like we have laid out in today’s article as it is such an important part of Japanese culture. We would also like to remind you that you can leave comments for us about today’s article and if you have any questions at all we would love to hear them.

Also if you have any more ideas or suggestions on future content that you would love us to write about here at Bondlingo we would very much like to hear your ideas. Ok everyone we hope you enjoyed the lesson and are doing well on your Japanese journey. See you in the next Online Japanese lesson from Bondlingo

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