On the Rise! What’s the difference between Agaru vs Fueru in Japanese : Hey guys, how’s it going today? Have you ever wondered what the differences is between “Agaru” and “Fueru”? Well today we are going to solve that mystery once and for all and show you how to finally differentiate between the two of them.

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What’s the difference between Agaru vs Fueru in Japanese

What’s the difference between Agaru vs Fueru in Japanese
What’s the difference between Agaru vs Fueru in Japanese

We are going to start by addressing why people seem to get so confused between the two. We will then look at some fueru and agaru examples so you can see how to use them correctly. Lastly we will be providing you with an effective study technique to ensure you never forget how to differentiate them again.

Agaru vs Fueru, What’s the difference?

The biggest confusion for most people is that both words represent the concept of “going up”. We are going to start by looking at the definitions of each word, please see the table below:

上がるあがるagaruto rise; to go up; to come up; to ascend; to be raised
増えるふえるfueruto increase; to multiply​

As you can see they both have the meaning of going up / increasing but there are some other meanings that lie within them and differentiate them. Now “Fueru” generally has the meaning of increasing in number and “Agaru” implies more the feeling of physically going up. There are some slight cross overs where あがる can indicate the rise in numbers too so you should keep that in mind.

We are now going to look at some example sentences to help you understand the differences through context.

Let’s look at some Agaru Sentence Examples

Let’s look at some Agaru Sentence Examples
Let’s look at some Agaru Sentence Examples

Take a look at these “Agaru” sentences below and be sure to read them out loud to yourself a few times. If you need to, write them down and also look up any new vocabulary that you don’t already know.

Be sure to pay close attention to the context of the sentence and how “agaru” is used.

Raigetsu takushii ryoukin ga agarimasu
Taxi fares will go up next month.
Maku ga agatta
The curtain rose.
Boku wa gakkou no seiseki ga agatta
I have got higher grades.

Now that we have looked at some “agaru” sentences, let’s look at some “fueru” sentences.

Let’s look at some Fueru Sentence Examples

Take a look at these “Fueru” sentences below and be sure to read them out loud to yourself a few times. If you need to, write them down and also look up any new vocabulary that you don’t already know.

Be sure to pay close attention to the context of the sentence and how “fueru” is used.

Kare wa taijuu ga fueteiru
He is putting on weight.
Kare no kyuuryou ga juu % fueta
His salary was increased by ten percent.
Kare no Kazoku ga hitori fueta
There was a new addition to his family.

So now that you have looked at both “Agaru” and “Fueru” sentences, you can hopefully now see how “Fueru” mainly indicates numbers and quantise rising, whereas “Agaru” is more of a physical rise.

We are lastly going to talk about a really clever technique that is going to help you remember these differences for life!

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Never forget the difference between Agaru and Fueru again

To ensure that you never forget the difference between these two words again, we have come up with an effective technique that you can implement right now!

What you are going to need to do is to take a pen and paper or a blank document and write down the 6 sentences from today. Using the same structures, you should write 3 – 4 sentences of your own using both あがる and ふえる next to them, following the same structures. This is going to help you comprehend the patterns and get you thinking more about how to use them for yourself in the real world. Once you have done this you are going to want to read them out loud 5 – 6 times and then, once committed to memory, translate them back to English from Japanese.

This is definitely the most important part of the lesson so make sure that you do NOT skip this part. You can also translate this technique into any and all of your Japanese learning, especially when it comes to grammar and vocabulary.

 So guys we really hope you now understand the difference between agaru and fueru and would like to take this opportunity to thank you for learning with us today. As always if you have any suggestions on future content that you would like to read about or any questions on the content here today, be sure to get in touch. Okay guys have a great day and we will see you in the next online Japanese lesson. またね.

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