In the previous article we have explained that for foreigners to study in Japan the most popular way is to get in a “Japanese language school” before going in a “undergraduate school” or “vocational school”.

This article will explain the points we need to be careful when choosing a Japanese language school and the characteristics of it. Needless to mention, the precise information of each schools are different so please check them by doing a research by yourself by searching the website or asking for documents from schools. This article summarizes the basic information for Japanese language schools.

→Information on Japnaese language school

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5 things to be careful picking a “Japanese language school”

1. Japanese language school Entrance Qualification

Basically most schools require you to finish “at least a 12 year programme or at the same level of this”※. Therefore, students who have graduated high school or is going to graduate high school can apply. Other thing a school can require is to have passed the N5 level or higher of the JLPT exam. In this case, you will need to pass the exam by the date you need to hand in all the document to the Japanese language school.

→For people who want to learn Japanese cheaply in your own country

※For countries like the Philippines and Malaysia do not have a 12 year programme so there is a possibility to be qualified to enter a school or enter a course only for people for these kind of countries.

2. Japanese language school Tuition Fees and Scholarship


It varies between schools but the fee including tuition fee and entrance fee is around 700000 yen per year (※approximately 6440 USD). Japanese language schools usually have a two year course and in that case it will cost around 1400000 yen (※approximately 12880 USD). There is also one year course, one year and three months course, one and a half year course, and one and nine months course depending on the school.

There are schools that provide scholarships but many of them do not. However, Japan Student Services Organization and other organizations provide scholarships. To get these if there is a need to check if your school is qualified for the scholarships. These are the two points you need to be careful.

  • Most of the scholarships can be applied only after the student enters school
  • There are different standards according to your language school

It is very difficult to know that you will get scholarships before entering the school. You will need to prepare an enough money to study and apply for the scholarships after you enter a school. Also, if you are applying from a Japanese language school there are different standards for students to be able to apply for scholarships. For example, there are schools that require you to be “never absent” to class. Therefore, even if you are expecting to get a scholarship there are cases you cannot get any so there is a need to have extra money before coming to Japan.

Nevertheless, if you really want to study in Japan even though you do not have enough money, there is a programme called the “Government Scholarship Study Abroad System” provided by the Japanese government. If you pass the difficult assessment by the government you will get these treatments.

For this programme you can study for free and even get a life support so it is very popular. You will need a lot of preparation since you can pass after half year from your application. You can apply at the Japanese embassy in your country. It is very difficult but please challenge if you are thinking of coming to study!

※We calculated using the currency rate in 2019年1月 which was 1 yen=0.0092 USD

3. Required Documents


To study in a Japanese language school you will need to prepare a bunch of documents. There are documents that the student needs to prepare and documents that the people who are going to financially support you need to prepare (ex. your parents).

Usually the documents should be able to be downloaded from the school website but if you cannot you will need to contact the Japanese language school or get it from an agency.

Documents that the student needs to prepre

  1. Application form
  2. Resume
  3. Why you want to enter
  4. Situation that provides information on your relatives
  5. 4×3 id photo4cm*3cm
  6. Proof of graduation of your final education
  7. Grades of your final education
  8. Proof of Japanese level and that you learned Japanese
  9. Copy of passport
  10. Medical certificate
  11. Documents that the financial supporter needs to prepare

Documents that the financial supporter needs to prepare

  1. Expenses papers
  2. Proof of your own work
  3. Proof of your income
  4. Certificate of deposit balance
  5. Copy of passbook
  6. Copy of id
  7. Relative certificate

The student’s level and the reason why you want to apply is important but that the financial supporter has enough money to prepare for your study in Japan is an important point as well.

4. Do you need a broker

Usually because the Japanese language school and your country you live in is far a broker is used. The broker is often not Japanese since the Japanese language schools do not have offices all over the world.

Some brokers are good but there are many bad brokers as well. Recently in Japan, there are many students claiming that what the broker said was different from what they get in the Japanese language school.

For instance, brokers usually say to students that “even if the tuition fee is expensive you can pay by working as a part timer in Japan” but working visas in Japan only allow foreigners to work until 28 hours per week. This situation is creating more students that get out of the language school to make more money and become illegal stayers after the visa expires.

If you are worried of something it is important to contact someone that has studied in Japan from your country or contact the language school. There are many communities you can find on platforms such as Facebook so you can gather information easily.

5. Any other things to be aware of?

We have explained the important points that you must be aware of but there are a few other points you need to know.

In Japan the life expenses differs drastically between city and suburb so it is important to know which part of Japan you are studying at and know the average amount of life expenses in each places. In addition you will need to know the fee for the dorm provided by the school.

The dorm is usually cheaper than finding a place to live by yourself but there are schools that do not provide dorms or the dorm can be full. Also, we have heard some people saying that the dorm was not a good place for them because they did not do a good research on their dorm before moving in. Thus, we strongly recommend to gather information on where you are going to move in.

Many of the students who have studied in a Japanese language school enter a “university” or “vocational school”. In that case if the level of your Japanese language school was low there could be a chance of you not being able to get in a “university” or “vocational school”. In contrast, there are some language schools that allow you to get in a “university” or “vocational school” by endorsing you. Knowing on the passing rates of the JLPT of the students or the education continuance rate in the language school is important!


How was the article? Many brokers are used to study in Japan so if you have read this article try not using them and try doing research by yourself to get in a Japanese language school in order for you to make your dream come true!

Study in Japan?






1. 入学資格は?




2. 学費は?奨学金は?



  • 入学してから申請し、審査後に受け取る奨学金がほとんど
  • 日本語学校によっては、その学校独自の基準がある



しかし、どうしてもお金がないが日本に留学したい方のために、日本政府が準備した「文部科学省 国費留学制度」という素晴らしいプログラムがあります。日本政府が設定した厳しい審査を通過すると、以下の特別待遇を受けて日本へ留学することができます。

  • 日本語学校(1年間)+大学(4年間)の計5年間のプログラム
  • 日本語学校と大学の学費は日本政府が負担
  • 生活手当約117,000円(※約1,076米ドル)が毎月支給される



3. 提出書類



  1. 入学願書
  2. 履歴書
  3. 志望理由書
  4. 親族現況書
  5. 4cm*3cmの証明写真
  6. 最終学歴の卒業証明書のコピー
  7. 最終学歴の成績証明書のコピー
  8. 日本語能力/学習履歴の証明書
  9. パスポートのコピー
  10. 健康診断書


  1. 経費支弁書
  2. 在職証明書
  3. 収入証明書
  4. 預金残高証明書
  5. 通帳のコピー
  6. 身分証明証のコピー
  7. 親族証明書


4. 仲介業者は必要?





5. 他に気をつけるポイントは?


  • 留学する(したい)日本語学校の場所と生活費
  • 留学する(したい)日本語学校が寮をもっているか、どんな寮か
  • 留学する(したい)日本語学校の実績



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