I go to the office after eating breakfast. - て形(けい)③ | N5 Basic | Learn Japanese Online with BondLingo

I go to the office after eating breakfast. - て形(けい)③

I go to the office after eating breakfast. - て形(けい)③
て形(けい) 3
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  • 1. You must not cheat in an exam.   試験をカンニングししてはいけませんい 。     2. I have to get a job interview next week.  来週、仕事の面接を受けなければなりません。   3. What do I have to do by tomorrow?   明日までに しなければなりませんか.。   4. Please write your answer to the above question. いいえ、しなくてもいいです、。 空いてるの時にしてもいいです

  • (Seb Monteiro Lv.3 ) 2018-09-02 17:09

  • Textbook

    Lecture : N5 Basic

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