She is in that room. - この・その・あの・どの | N5 Basic | Learn Japanese Online with BondLingo

She is in that room. - この・その・あの・どの

She is in that room. - この・その・あの・どの
この/その/あの/どの N です
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  • (Xavier Lai Lv.1 ) 2021-08-18 17:49

    Hi, there are some problem regarding the videos uploaded. It keep loading in certain time such as 13:21. Please advise how can we solve the problem

  • (Isidro Salas Lv.3 ) 2018-07-09 14:47

  • (Fikri Izzuddin Lv.5 ) 2018-06-06 18:31

  • (Ismael al sheak Lv.2 ) 2018-05-25 16:23

  • (Marcos Okuda Lv.1 ) 2018-04-03 18:49

  • Textbook

    Lecture : N5 Basic

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