Learning about the Japanese Particle “monono”
Learning about the Japanese Particle “monono” : Hey guys, How are you on this wonderful day? Welcome to another incredible Japanese lesson from the one and only Bondlingo! Boy do…
Continue readingLearning about the Japanese Particle “monono” : Hey guys, How are you on this wonderful day? Welcome to another incredible Japanese lesson from the one and only Bondlingo! Boy do…
Continue readingHow to Remember Japanese Particles :“Particles, particles…will I ever learn all of these Japanese particles?” If you’re wondering this, you’re no different than Japanese people learning English prepositions—they too find…
Continue readingExpress Your True Feelings in Japanese!: Particles よ, ぞ, and ぜ :Hey, everyone, and welcome to another Bondlingo Japanese lesson! Do you find it hard sometimes to express what you…
Continue readingHave you been learning about the particle で (de), and you want to know if there’s another use for it? Well, today is your lucky day. Japanese Particles : Using…
Continue readingThere are a lot of particles in Japanese that don’t seem like particles when you first learn them. より (yori) might be one of those for you. I know it…
Continue readingThe uses of まで (made) are definitely more limited than other Japanese particles. Sometimes, it might not even seem like it really is a particle, but it is. This particle…
Continue readingThe Japanese Particle から(kara): Hopefully, you’ve seen by now how useful particles can be in Japanese when you know the proper way to use them. In this article, we’ll take…
Continue readingThe Japanese Particle “と” (TO) : The word “and” is kind of hard to figure out in Japanese. A lot of times, Japanese students will think the particle と (to)…
Continue readingThe Japanese Particle “NO”(の) : I’m sure you’ve heard the particle の (no) a lot as you’ve been studying Japanese. It’s a really useful particle in the sense that it…
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