Do you want to study Japanese Expressions for Anger ? When trying to calm down has failed you and you’re about to blow your top off but can’t exactly do it in Japanese. There’s only so much body language can do.
TOP 10 Common Japanese Expressions for Anger
(Disclaimer: We are not responsible for medical expenses in the situation that a reader gets into a physical altercation with another individual)
…we really have to be careful about these things.
Anger ? Keep calm, and be angry in Japanese
English | Romaji | Japanese |
So (fucking) annoying! | Meccha uzai | めっちゃウザイ |
What did you say? What’s that supposed to mean? | Nani ga ittaindayo | 何が言いたいんだよ |
Whatever/ I dont care | Katte ni shiro | 勝手にしろ |
Are you (fucking) kidding me? | Fuzaken jya nee yo | ふざけんじゃねえよ |
So? | Sorede? | それで? |
What? Spit it out! | Nani nani? Ieyo! | なになに?言えよ! |
When put into a situation where you get into a misunderstanding, any person would want to be able to fend for themselves. We do not promote violence in any country our language, but since we live to serve, we will now teach you a few 言葉 (kotoba: word(s)) to help you express your rage. Here 10 common phrases to help you talk in 怒っている日本語 (okotteiru nihongo: angry Japanese). Remember, 使い方を気をつけて(tsukai kata wo ki o tsukete: be careful on how you use it)!
Angry Words in Japanese
10. Cut the crap
This phrase literally translates to “stop lying” but is received as “cut the crap” with enough fury in your tone when you say it. Of course, it can be used in the instance where you want someone to stop talking as well.
Uso tsukuna
9. Don’t bore me with tiny details
Although the translation isn’t literal, it goes along the lines of “Stop telling/nagging me about things I don’t care about”. This phrase can be used for a situation where someone is talking WAY too much about nonsensical things.
Komakai koto wo urusaku iwanaide yo.
8. Who do you think you are?
This phrase will be very useful in the situation where someone oversteps their boundaries with you. It’s best used for sizing up another person, making sure they know that you will stand your ground if they’re talking to you in the wrong way.
Ittai dare da to omotte iru no?
7. What (the hell) were you thinking?
Well, this one translates to something along the lines of “Is your brain weird/strange”, but of course, this is used more by implying the person you’re talking to is stupid/and or crazy.
Atama okashiin janai?
6. Cut it out/Stop it.
This is technically quite similar to やめて (yamete: stop) but it’s less polite and more firm. It will be best course, you’re ANGRY! Make the other person feel it.
Ii kagen ni shite yo
5. You think I want to listen to what you say?
No one wants to listen to someone talk and talk when they’re in a head space where they want to punch someone in the face. This is can also be used to express your annoyance to someone who talks about things you could care less about in an argument. You go tell ‘em!
Kisama no iu koto nado kikitai to omou ka?
4. Don’t mess with me.
As both a threat and a sign of anger, this phrase should be used with caution. This can definitely trigger a huge amount of animosity from the person you’re talking to, which may lead to a possible fight.
Ore to wa kakawaranai hou ga ii.
3. Shut up!
To be honest, you lose an argument the moment you say “Shut up!”, but sometimes you really just need to express your frustration by saying these 2 words with pure venom… Unless of course, the person you’re talking to really just won’t shut their trap.
2. Its none of your business
This phrase is actually quite useful. This can be used not just when you’re angry, but when you’re joking around with your friends as well. It’s all in the execution of the phrase right?
Anata ni wa kankei nai
1. Leave me alone!
When enough is enough and you really just don’t want to be in the presence of the person you’re talking to, here is the perfect phrase to make it clear that you don’t want anything to do with them in that present situation.
Houtte oite!
Keep ‘em coming!
Of course, being an articulate (but not necessarily polite) angry person requires you to know at least more than 10 phrases of rage and anger. As a treat, here are more useful phrases you can use for your 心(kokoro: heart/feelings) to be fully expressed. Remember that these phrases have the possibility of escalating a simple argument to a full blown fight.