Verbs in Japanese as well as using the を WO particle

Today we are going to be looking at verbs in Japanese as well as using the を WO particle. This lesson will be split up into 4 separate sections.

  1. The Vocab
  2. The Grammar
  3. Sentences
  4. Summary

So without further ado let’s get stuck into the vocabulary for today,

きょう Kyou – Today 
する Suru – To do
べんきょうするBenkyou Suru – To Study
くる Kuru – To Come
あるく Aruku – To walk
のむ Nomu – To Drink
たべる Taberu – To Eat
みる Miru – To See
よむ Yomu – To Read
かく Kaku – To Write

All Japanese verbs in their dictionary forms end in an Uう sound .Japanese verbs are divided into three groups based on the last syllable.They are split into 3 groups because when you change them into different forms like past, continuous, masu etc they all of set rules

The 3 groups are as follows

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Group 1: IRU/ERU Verbs – Verbs that end in IRU いるand ERUえる

みる Miru

たべる Taberu

Group 2 : end with syllables ku (く), gu (ぐ), su (す), mu (む), nu (ぬ), bu (ぶ), u (う), tsu (つ), or ru (る).

あるく Aruku

のむ Nomu

Group 3: Is made up of only 2 verbs, Suruする and Kuru くる

There are a few exceptions but nothing to worry about for now. We will look into changing forms in the later lessons, but this is just to make you aware. For today we will be using verbs in their dictionary form.

Now the particle most commonly associated with verbs is を WO. The particle “wo” (or “o”) marks the direct object of a Japanese sentence. It’s what is done to an object or person so essentially it marks an action.

For example

Study a book

The をWO particle is marking what is being studied in this situation, The book is being studied.

Read a news paper

The をWO particle is marking what is being read in this situation, the newspaper is being read.
So now lets take a look at some sentences to make sure we really understand how to use this particle along with the verbs.

Now Check our particle Japanese lesson.

Mizu wo nomu
Drink water
Pan wo taberu
Eat bread
Terebi wo miru
Watch tv
Watashi no hon wo yomu
Read my book
Burogu wo kaku
Write a blog

So great job guys, lets have a look at the summary for today.Try to remember the vocab for today:

きょう Kyou – Today 
する Suru – To do
べんきょうするBenkyou Suru – To Study
くる Kuru – To Come
あるく Aruku – To walk
のむ Nomu – To Drink
たべる Taberu – To Eat
みる Miru – To See
よむ Yomu – To Read
かく Kaku – To Write 

There are 3 verb groups that you should keep in mind for later lessons

  • Iru and Eru VERBS
  • Suru and Kuru VERBS

Now the particle most commonly associated with verbs is を WO. The particle “wo” (or “o”) marks the direct object of a Japanese sentence. It’s what is done to an object or person so essentially it marks an action.
Okay guys hope you enjoyed todays lesson and have a great day.

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