The Top 15 ways to describe your mood in Japanese

The Top 15 ways to describe your mood in Japanese : Hey guys, how is it going today? We have an awesome lesson in store for you all right now that’s really going to benefit your Japanese communication ability. By the end of this lesson you are going to be able to express your mood in Japanese with over 15 different phrases.

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Learn how to talk about your mood in Japanese.

It’s not always fun to just say I’m happy, I’m sad or I’m okay. We want to teach you more detailed phrases that let you describe your mood in more detail. If you want to get better with your speaking ability, then this lesson is going to be perfect for you.

Learn how to talk about your mood in Japanese.

Right, lets get straight into today’s lesson and start by looking at the first way to describe your mood in Japanese.

Expressing Different Emotions.

まあまあまあまあMaa maaSo so
疲れているつかれているtsukareteiruTo be tired
落ち込んでいますおちこんでいますOchikondeimasuTo be depressed
がっかりがっかりGakkariTo be dissapointed
イライラするイライラするIra ira suruto get irritated; to get annoyed;
呆れるあきれるakireruTo be amazed
絶好調ぜっこうちょう zekkouchouin perfect form; going swimmingly

We are sure that you have all heard the classic phrase 元気です “genki desu” which translates into meaning “fine” or “full of energy” in English. This phrase is always good to use but we want to give you the options to go deeper than that and start using other alternatives.

If you are feeling particularly happy about something or glad in some way, you could instead say:

Let’s express Happiness

Happy / Glad

This is a nice little adjective to describe your mood as being “happy” or “glad” about something.

Let’s express Sadness

Now if you are feeling sad or upset for some reason you can use this next phrase:


We all have those bad days so if you really want to let someone know that you could use a bit of TLC then this is the perfect phrase to use to express your currently melancholy mood.

Some other useful ways to express your mood

We can all get a bit shy, especially when it comes to using a language that you are studying. Often we are afraid of making mistake and are a little bit embarrassed. This is of course very natural.

Take a look at this next phrase:

Shy / Embarrassed

This phrase describes your mood as being a bit Embarrassed / Shy. This will let the person know that you aren’t fully confident with what you are doing / about to do and will certainly invite some encouragement from the other party. This is such a common feeling when It comes to learning a language and is definitely something you will overcome through practice.

Now we all know those days where nothing is going on and your are so fed up and looking for something fun to do. In this kind of mood you can use the following phrase:

taikutsu desu.
I'm bored.

“Taikutsu” means bored in Japanese and is a great word to use when you want to describe your mood as being bored.

When some one has pissed you off, or perhaps you’ve got up on the wrong side of the bed, this next phrase is really useful for telling people exactly how you feel. Perhaps even serving as a slight warning to get out of your way.

To be angry

We all have these days so take some time for yourself, breath and keep calm.

Sun is shining, birds are singing, and the world is yours. It’s on these kinds of days where we feel like we could do anything. The perfect way to describe this in Japanese is with the following phrase:

To feel alive

What better mood could there be? When you feel this way you should always use “いきいきとしています”

This next phrase is quite slangy:

Bochi bochi
Im okay

You can use this phrase when things are going okay / not too bad.

A final variation of other mood descriptions

Now let’s have a look at some more fantastic words that you can use to describe a variety of different moods.

So guys there we have it you now have a number of ways to express your mood in Japanese. The key here is to get trying these out as soon as possible so that you can adapt to the new words more efficiently. Whenever you feel a strong emotion try and remember the Japanese word that can describe that mood from today’s lesson, this will really help you remember it. It might even help you calm down! 

Thank you for joining us for another awesome Japanese lesson from BondLingo. As always, if you have any questions or ideas for future content, please do not hesitate to get in touch. またね

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