Expressing the past with Arimashita and Imashita ありました・いました Past form verbs explained
A very warm welcome to you reader, we hope you are well and ready for…
1 year ago
A very warm welcome to you reader, we hope you are well and ready for…
The present progressive in Japanese is used in more situations than you may think! In…
Japanese Verb List You Must Remember! (50 Verbs) : Hey, everyone! It’s time for another…
Could You Please…?: Using て Form Verbs for Making Requests :Sometimes in our daily lives…
Hello to all of you hungry Japanese learners. We hope that you are ready for…
This is one of the most useful and versatile phrases you can learn and it’s…
A study of Japanese Verb Stem form to help master conjugations. Hey everyone and welcome…
The Passive Form: Japanese Verbs and 〜られる :Are you ready to start speaking real Japanese?…
How to Use the Japanese Past Negative Verb Form なかった for "Was Not" :Boy, do…