useful phrases

Japanese Common Phrases: Hajimemashite VS Yoroshiku Onegaishimasu

Japanese Common Phrases: Hajimemashite VS Yoroshiku Onegaishimasu : When you meet people for the first…

Learning the common phrases “kore wo kudasai(これをください)”

Learning the common phrases “kore wo kudasai(これをください)” : Hey guys, how’s it going today? Welcome…

Getting carried away in Japanese: Choushi ni noru

Getting carried away in Japanese: Choushi ni noru : Hey guys, KONNICHIWA! How are you…

Mou Ichido Onegai Shimasu: A Common Phrase for “Pardon me?”

Mou Ichido Onegai Shimasu: A Common Phrase for “Pardon me?” :One problem Japanese learners run…

The Common Japanese Phrases Wakaranai “わからない”

I Have No Idea!: The Common Japanese Phrases “わからない” : In life there are things…

How to Use the Common Phrase ~へいきたいです。(ikitai desu)

What do you want to do? Sometimes when speaking to people from a different culture,…

Learn how to use the common Japanese phrase “kimochiii(きもちいい)”

Hey guys, welcome to another awesome online Japanese lesson from Bondlingo. Today we are going…

Totemo, Chou, Meccha : Japanese Common Phrases That Mean “Very”

Imagine that you’re sitting at an Italian restaurant with your friends, and the bolognese pasta…

Kakkoii!(かっこいい): The “Cool”est Japanese Word (Common Phrases)

Ever wonder what the “kakkoii” craze is all about in Japan? Today, we’re going to…