
The omission of particles HA(は) GA(が) WO(を) NI(に) in Japanese

The omission of particles HA(は) GA(が) WO(を) NI(に) in Japanese : Hey everyone, in today's…

Japanese Direction Particles: へ(e) vs. に(ni)

Japanese Direction Particles: へ(e) vs. に(ni) : Giving and understanding directions is an important part…

The Japanese Particle で(de)

The Japanese Particle で(de) : Let’s take an article to focus on the particle で…

How to use Japanese particles: と (to), や (ya), and の (no)

Japanese Particles: と (to) This particle, と (to) can be expressed or used in four…

Let’s Learn Japanese Particles: が (ga), から (kara), and まで (made) !

Particles: が (ga) An indication of a location The Japanese particle が (ga) marks…

Let’s Study Japanese Particles: に (ni), へ (e), and で (de) !

In this article, we will continue studying and understanding Japanese particles: に (ni), へ (e),…

Japanese particle ga (が) marks the subject of the sentence

The most confusing aspect of the (Ga が) particle is the difference between Wa は…

Japanese Particles – 助詞について

もうすぐ日本語能力試験ですね。受験する皆さんは、準備が進んでいますか? There will be a JLPT test soon. Are you preparing for it? 日本語学習者にとって、日本語の「助詞」は難しいポイントになると言われています。 It…