learn Japanese online

How to use Anki to learn Japanese

As students, we all try different things to help speed up the learning process. One…

New Japanese learning resources to supercharge your Japanese in 2021

Hey guys today we are going to be looking at the top Japanese learning resources…

Top 10 mistakes to avoid when learning Japanese

Top 10 mistakes to avoid when learning Japanese : In today’s online Japanese lesson we…

Why is Ha(は) Read as “Wa?”

Why is Ha(は) Read as “Wa?” : We’d all like to think that hiragana and…

Just a Little Bit: How to Use Chotto ちょっと in Japanese

Just a Little Bit: How to Use Chotto ちょっと in Japanese : ちょっと (chotto) means…

10 Steps for Learning Japanese

10 Steps for Learning Japanese: your ultimate guide to learning Japanese. Or well, some help,…

Aizuchi (相槌): Your New Best Friend

Have you been looking for a way to make your Japanese even more natural and…

Kanji ON YOMI and KUN YOMI: The Mystery Solved

If you’ve finished learning the hiragana and katakana you are probably about ready to move…

Rude Words to Avoid Using in Japan

In the society of Japan and its culture, being polite and respectful is very crucial.…