Japanese verb conjugation

The difference between learning and studying in Japanese

A look at the differences between 勉強する, 学ぶ & 習う Hey guys how are you…

How to use Nai (無い・ない): to not exist/ non-existent

For Japanese students, -nai is one of the first basic things you learn. We all…

How to use imperative form 命令形 めいれいけい and 禁止形 きんしけい in Japanese

Hey! Don’t leave. That’s an order. Hi guys today we are going to be learning…

Expressing the past with Arimashita and Imashita ありました・いました Past form verbs explained

A very warm welcome to you reader, we hope you are well and ready for…

Negative And Positive Verbs in Japanese

:Negative And Positive Verbs in Japanese :Konnichiwa, and welcome to a new Bondlingo Japanese lesson!…

Walking and Talking: How to Connect Two Actions by Using the て Form

Welcome to your one-stop shop for mastering Japanese! Today, we’re going to take a look…

Using the Japanese Potential Form できる to Mean “Can”

The Candy Man Can: Using the Potential Form できる to Mean “Can” : Welcome back…

Japanese Verbs in the Plain Volitional Form (〜よう)

Japanese Verbs in the Plain Volitional Form (〜よう) :Let’s sing! Let’s dance! The Japanese love…

How to use the negative form(ない) in Japanese to express “not”

Learn how to conjugate and use the  ない the negative form in Japanese to express…