japanese useful phrases

Useful Japanese phrases (そうそう!まあまあ, ふつう, だいじょうぶ, ちょうどいい)

Knowing the appropriate way and time to use these phrases will definitely make you sound…

とめる(tomeru) VS やめる(yameru) : What is the difference between “やめる” and “とめる” ?

As a Japanese student, you probably know that both of these words pretty much mean…

Useful Japanese Phrases: Dou shimashita ka どうしましたか

Ladies and gentlemen, the top of the morning to you all! Today we are going…

Useful Japanese Phrases: Tsukareta つかれた・疲れた

Feeling warn out? We certainly hope not! It’s time to get energized guys as we…

Useful Japanese Phrases : まずい Mazui 不味い

Hey guys, welcome to another handy dandy online Japanese lesson from Bondlingo. Today we are…

Useful Japanese Phrases : Urusai うるさい・煩い

Can you turn down your music please? You are so loud and annoying! Joking guys…

Japanese Useful phrases: Mendokusai(Mendoukusai) 面倒くさい

Back at it again with some more phrases that will make you sound native! For…

Japanese Useful phrases: ぎゃくに(gyaku ni)

If you have read through our other blogs, you probably have a few useful Japanese…

Useful Japanese phrases : Dekai でかい

Greetings to you huge Japanese lovers! Are you feeling this giant potential for today’s learning…