japanese phrases

Aizuchi (相槌): Your New Best Friend

Have you been looking for a way to make your Japanese even more natural and…

itterasshai, okaeri : What to Say When You Leave or Come Home

itterasshai, okaeri : What to Say When You Leave or Come Home : itterasshai ?…

Sumimasen(すみません) Can Mean Thank You? – Japanese is All Context

Huh? The word for “Excuse me” or “I’m sorry” can mean “Thank you?” I don’t…

You’re angry and you know it: TOP 10 Common Japanese Expressions for Anger

Do you want to study Japanese Expressions for Anger ? When trying to calm down…

Rude Words to Avoid Using in Japan

In the society of Japan and its culture, being polite and respectful is very crucial.…

Differences between Wakaru and Shiru – IDK in Japanese

What do you do when two Japanese words seem to mean the same thing? Learn…

Top 10 useful Japanese pick-up lines: So cheesy, they might actually work

Finally found the Japanese man/woman of your dreams? Well, have we got the thing for…

Stop using “Sayonara”, your hurting people’s feelings!

Stop using “Sayonara”, your hurting people’s feelings! :What? Sayonara means “Goodbye” in Japanese right? What…

25 Ways to Say Daijoubu (Daijobu だいじょうぶ 大丈夫) in Japanese

A ridiculously essential Japanese phrase : Daijoubu(Daijobu):As you’ve been learning Japanese, you’ve problem come across…