Learn the common Japanese phrase, “Genki desu ka(げんきですか)”
Learning how to ask people “how they are” in Japanese with “Genki desu ka(げんきですか)”. Hey guys, 元気ですか how are you all today? Today we are going to be looking at…
Continue readingLearning how to ask people “how they are” in Japanese with “Genki desu ka(げんきですか)”. Hey guys, 元気ですか how are you all today? Today we are going to be looking at…
Continue readingLearn how to use the common phrase ______ ga arimasu ka? Hey guys, it’s that time again. Welcome to another incredible online Japanese lesson from Bondlingo. Today, we are going…
Continue readingYabai!(やばい): A Common Japanese Phrase to Show How Cool You Are : So, you want to speak more like the locals, do you? Today, we’re going to make you cool…
Continue reading“Dame desu” and “ii desu” :Learning how to say “it’s okay” and “it’s not okay” in Japanese with だめ and いい “Dame desu” and “ii desu” – Learn how to…
Continue readingUsing the word Nankaなんか to express “like” in Japanese. Hey guys, how are you doing today? Welcome to another amazing online Japanese lesson from Bondlingo. Today we are going to…
Continue readingLearning, understanding and using “yappari” – “As it thought” in Japanese Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to another amazing online Japanese lesson from the one and only Bondlingo. Are you ready…
Continue reading10 phrases you need to know before renting an apartment in Japanese:The absolute necessary Japanese vocabulary and phrases you need to know before renting an apartment in Japan. 10 phrases…
Continue readingTop 20 Useful Phrases for an Emergency in Japanese :When traveling anywhere in the world, there is always the possibility of winding up in an emergency situation. This can range…
Continue readingUse and Meaning of Toriaezu(とりあえず),Ittan,Tonikaku : Japanese has a lot of really useful words. There are a lot of words that mean the same thing as entire phrases in English….
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