Japanese common phrases

Rude Words to Avoid Using in Japan

In the society of Japan and its culture, being polite and respectful is very crucial.…

Stop using “Sayonara”, your hurting people’s feelings!

Stop using “Sayonara”, your hurting people’s feelings! :What? Sayonara means “Goodbye” in Japanese right? What…

25 Ways to Say Daijoubu (Daijobu だいじょうぶ 大丈夫) in Japanese

A ridiculously essential Japanese phrase : Daijoubu(Daijobu):As you’ve been learning Japanese, you’ve problem come across…

Essential Japanese slang スラング that everyone should know!

こんちは, Wassup, today we are going to be taking a look at the absolute essential…

Learn Japanese through your favourite anime quotes

Learn Japanese through your favourite anime quotes : Everyone loves anime, there’s something for everyone.…

TOP 10 Japanese Phrases to Use When Traveling in Japan

Top 10 phrases for traveling Japan Top 10 phrases for traveling Japan :So you are…

Japanese Phrases You Can Use in Restaurants

When you go to Japan, or if you are already there, chances are you will…

Japanese Words and Phrases You Can Take to the Bank

Or the ATM, if you’re just traveling. Going to the bank can be kind of…

Japanese Phrases and Etiquette for Taxis, Trains, and Buses in Japan

Japanese Phrases and Etiquette for Taxis, Trains, and Buses in Japan:Public transportation is really awesome…