Making sense of な- adjectives and の- adjectives
Making sense of な- adjectives and の- adjectives : Two adjectives that you have been…
Making sense of な- adjectives and の- adjectives : Two adjectives that you have been…
The Top 15 ways to describe your mood in Japanese : Hey guys, how is…
Welcome, future Japanese masters! Today, we have a list of 10 adjectives that you simply…
10 Adjectives You Probably Didn’t Know in Japanese : Hey, everyone! It’s time for some…
Describing the appearances of people in Japanese Hello you wonderful Japanese learners, welcome back to…
How to Say “And” in Japanese: Linking Adjectives with くて :And now, the lesson you’ve…
The Past Is the Past: Japanese Adjectives in the Past Tense :Hey there, all of…
That’s a Negatory: Adding くない to Adjectives for Negation :Boy, do we have a useful…
“If…then…” Statements: Attaching ければ to Japanese Adjectives to Form the Conditional :The conditional form is…