
How to use のに Noni in Japanese to express “although” / “even though”

Hey there you beautiful Japanese learners, how are you? Today we have another awesome online…

Learn how to use – ~んで and ~のです with sentences like “Becuase i’m hungry”

Another day, another special online Japanese lesson from BondLingo. How are we all? Today we…

How to use 知る & わかる (Shiru & Wakaru)

Shiru? Wakaru? What’s the difference? After all, the two are often translated as “to know”…

How to use Shidai in Japanese: as soon as, dependent on

Shidai has many uses and honestly, can be quite confusing if not studied properly. We’ll…

How to express かと思ったら “Just when I thought” in Japanese

Hey everyone, welcome to today's amazing Japanese lesson. We are now going to learn all…

Kangaeru versus Omou: Is there a difference?

Most people who study Japanese have probably heard of these 2 verbs before and have…

Why Do We Read Wo (を) As “O (お)” in Japanese?

Why Do We Read Wo (を) As “O (お)” in Japanese? :Konnichiwa, everyone! Today, we’re…

What’s the difference between Agaru vs Fueru in Japanese

On the Rise! What’s the difference between Agaru vs Fueru in Japanese : Hey guys,…

Why do you read He (へ) as “E(え)” in Japanese?

Why do you read He (へ) as “E(え)” in Japanese? : Hey guys, welcome to…