common phrases

Learning the common phrases “kore wo kudasai(これをください)”

Learning the common phrases “kore wo kudasai(これをください)” : Hey guys, how’s it going today? Welcome…

Getting carried away in Japanese: Choushi ni noru

Getting carried away in Japanese: Choushi ni noru : Hey guys, KONNICHIWA! How are you…

Mou Ichido Onegai Shimasu: A Common Phrase for “Pardon me?”

Mou Ichido Onegai Shimasu: A Common Phrase for “Pardon me?” :One problem Japanese learners run…

The Common Japanese Phrases Wakaranai “わからない”

I Have No Idea!: The Common Japanese Phrases “わからない” : In life there are things…

How to Use the Common Phrase ~へいきたいです。(ikitai desu)

What do you want to do? Sometimes when speaking to people from a different culture,…

Learn how to use the common Japanese phrase “kimochiii(きもちいい)”

Hey guys, welcome to another awesome online Japanese lesson from Bondlingo. Today we are going…

Totemo, Chou, Meccha : Japanese Common Phrases That Mean “Very”

Imagine that you’re sitting at an Italian restaurant with your friends, and the bolognese pasta…

いらない(Iranai) : Learning how to say “I don’t need it” in Japanese

Hey guys, how are you today? Boy do we have an awesome lesson coming your…

Learn the common Japanese phrase, “Genki desu ka(げんきですか)”

Learning how to ask people “how they are” in Japanese with “Genki desu ka(げんきですか)”. Hey…