
Learn how to describe appearances in Japanese

Describing the appearances of people in Japanese Hello you wonderful Japanese learners, welcome back to…

Negative form : Adding くない to Japanese Adjectives for Negation

That’s a Negatory: Adding くない to Adjectives for Negation :Boy, do we have a useful…

Expressing How Something “Looks” by Adding そう(sou) to い-Adjectives

That Looks Great!: Expressing How Something “Looks” by Adding そう to い-Adjectives :Let’s start off…

Expressing Desires with I-Adjectives and the -Garu Form in Japanese

What Is It That She Wants?: Expressing Desires with I-Adjectives and the -Garu Form in…

10 Japanese Adjectives You Probably Didn’t Know

10 Japanese Adjectives You Probably Didn’t Know :Today, we’ve got a list of 10 adjectives…