Japanese phrases related to love

Japanese phrases related to love : Hey guys, welcome to this romantic online Japanese lesson from Bondlingo. Today it’s time to get cheesy and start learning the language of love. Whether you are looking to express your inner feeling to your crush or want to let that special some one know how much you love them, this is going to be the perfect lesson to learn some new romantic vocabulary.

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Japanese phrases related to love

Firstly, we are going to look at some fantastic Japanese phrases that you can use to express your feelings of love. Next we will be looking at some specific vocabulary that is going to help you get a deeper understanding into this romantic world. Finally, we will be looking at a great technique that you can use to put your newly found knowledge into action. Let’s get going guys, it’s time to share the love.

ちょっと言うのが恥ずかしんだけど、・・・It’s kind of embarrassing to say this, but…
あのね。You know what?
ここだけの話、・・・Just between us,…
気を悪くしないでね、・・・No offense, but…
言いにくい(言いたくない)んだけど、・・・I hate to say this, but…
大したことじゃないんだけど、・・・It’s not big deal, but…
余計なお世話かもしれないけど、・・・It’s none of my business, but…
実は、・・・Actually, …
考えてみると、・・・Come to think of it, …
私なんて全然彼とは釣り合わないよ。He’s way too good for me.
あなたは私には勿体ないです。You’re too good for me.
そんな上手い話はないよ!That’s too good to be true!
彼はこの会社には勿体ない人材だ。He’s too good for this company.
彼は首相にしてはイケメンすぎる。He’s way too handsome to be a prime minister.
好きな人はいる?Do you have a crush on someone?
夢中になっている有名人は誰?Who is your celebrity crush?
彼氏がいて、5年間付き合っています。I have a boyfriend and we’re been together for five years.
私たちは5年間付き合っています。We’ve been seeing each other for five years.
結婚を考えているの?Are you thinking about getting married?
まだ落ち着きたくない。I don’t want to settle down yet.
彼氏はいるの?Do you have a boyfriend?
付き合っている人はいる?Are you seeking anyone?
先月別れました。We broke up last month.
彼氏(彼女)いない歴=年齢です。I’ve been single since birth.
ずっと片想いをしています。I’ve been in a one-sider relationship.
私たちは距離を置くことにしたんだ。We’ve decided to give each other some space.
結婚して20年です。We’ve been married for 20 years.
あなたのことをあちこち探していたんだよ。I’ve been looking all over for you.
ずっと連絡を取ろうとしていたんだよ。I’ve been trying to reach you.
彼女からずっと携帯メールの返信がない。she hasn’t been replying to my text.
最近寝不足だ。I haven’t been getting enough sleep lately.
彼とは付き合って5年になります。I’ve been seeing him for five years.
メアリーとマシューは1ヶ月間も口を聞いていない。Mary and Matthew haven’t been talking for a month.

Japanese Phrases at date

明日の夕方、一緒に映画でもどうかなと思うんだけど。I wan wondering if you’d like to go to a movie with me tomorrow evening?
私の誕生日パーティーに来てもらえないかなと思って。I was wondering is you’d come to my birthday party.
車に乗せていただけないかなと思いまして。I was wondering if you could give me a ride.
これを返品させていただけませんでしょうか。I was wondering if I could return this.
アドバイスをもらえないかと思っていたんだけど。I was wondering if you could give me some advice.
明日ってお暇かなと思って。I was wondering if you were free tomorrow.
何か見たい映画はある?Are there any movies you’d loke to see?
何か食べられないものはある?Is there anything you cam’t eat?
日本で行ってみたい場所はある?Are there any places you’d like to go to in Japan?
悩み事でもあるの?Is there something bothering you?
何か言いたいことはある?Is there something you want to say?
誰か招待したい人はいる?Is there someone you’d like to invite?
見たい映画は決まった?Have you decided what movie you want to see?
その映画はもう見たの?Have you seen the movie yet?
まだ見てないと良いんだけど。I hope you haven’t seen it yet.
もう見たの?(早いね)Have you already seen it?
「朝ごはんはもう食べた?「ううん、まだ」“Have you had breakfast yet?” “Not yet.”
今日の仕事は終わった。I’ve finished work for the day.
あいにく彼はもう退社をしました。伝言を承りましょうか。I’m afraid he’s gone for the day. Shall I take a message?
がっかりさせてごめんなさい。I’m sorry to let you down.
決して失望させません。I won’t let you down.
あなたにはがっかりだよ。You letme down.
私をがっかりさせないでね。Don’t let me down, okay?
気づいてあげれば良かったね。I should’ve been aware of that.
私はどうかしていたに違いない。I must’ve been out of my mind.
私でも同じことをしただろうと思うよ。I would’ve done theh same thing.
不幸中の幸いだ。It could’ve been worse.
もっと上手にやれたのになあ。I could’ve done better.
あなたなしではこんなことはできませんでした。I couldn’t have done this without you.
彼に何かあったのかもしれない。Something might’ve happened to him.

Love related Japanese phrases

Take a look at this table below, it features 11 amazingly romantic phrases that you can start using right away.

あなたが好きですanata ga suki desuI have feelings for you.
彼女を愛していますkanojo o aishite imasuI’m in love with her.
あなたの事が好きになっちゃったみたいですanata no koto ga suki ni nacchatta mitai desuI think I’ve fallen in love with you.
あなたに一目ぼれしました!anata ni hitome bore shimashita!I fell in love with you at first sight!
あなたに夢中ですanata ni muchū desuI’m crazy about you.
あなたは最愛の人ですanata wa saiai no hito desuYou are the love of my life.
あなたのすべてが好きですanata no subete ga suki desuI like everything about you.
ありのままのあなたが好きですarinomama no anata ga suki desuI like you just the way you are.
こんな気持ちになるのは初めてですkonna kimochi ni naru no wa hajimete desuI’ve never loved anyone like this.
あなたのことが、頭から離れませんanata no koto ga, atama kara hanaremasenI can’t stop thinking of you.
言葉では表せない程愛していますkotoba de wa arawasenai hodo aishite imasuI love you more than words can say.

Now that you have had a look at these phrases, take some time to imagine your self-using them in specific situations. Who would you say it too? When is the best time to let that person know? Try practicing in front of a mirror to sharpen your delivery Romeo!

Now we are going to look at some more specific vocabulary that you can integrate into your current Japanese article to help you express yourself even more. Remember to use theses phrases with caution as you should only use them when you really mean it!

Love related Japanese vocabulary

Take a look at these lovely Japanese words below:

– Boyfriend: 彼氏, kareshi

You can use this phrase when you are talking about you boyfriend or someone else’s boyfriend

– Girlfriend: 彼女, kanojyo

You can use this phrase when you are talking about your girlfriend or someone else’s girlfriend. Be careful as this phrase can also just mean “girl” too.

– Lover: 恋人, koibito

This is a great word to use for those of you who are at that next level and are ready to use that really big “L” word.

– Marriage: 結婚, kekkon

If you are married you can use “kekkon” and say “kekkon suru” I am married

– Fiancé:婚約者, konyakusha

If you are engaged you can refer to your fiancé with the word “konyakusha”

– To kiss: ちゅうする, chuu suru

This word means to kiss and is quite informal!

– To hug: 抱きしめる, dakishimeru

If you are looking for a hug remember the verb 抱きしめる, dakishimeru

Be careful when using these phrase as the idea of love and deep expression is not something that is taken lightly in Japan.

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A powerful technique you can use to master the language of love

Now we are going to show you a fantastic technique that you can use to really help you master the vocabulary and phrases that we have learnt together today. What you are going to need to do is compile the lists together and combine them into a flash card system. Form there you are now going to want to set this in to part of your daily study routine putting in about at least 10 minutes a day. However, the most important thing is that you understand the context behind when to use them.

For this you can head over to jisho.org and type in the word. Here you can see 100s of sentences with that word that you can read over. Take on or two that you like and memorise them. This way the technique will be locked in your mind and you will have mastered the phrase, becoming able to use it in your own Japanese communication moving forward.

Remember that this is the most important part of todays lesson. If you do not implement this you will soon find yourself forgetting all of these romantic words and phrase over the next few weeks. This technique should carry on into your other studies too if you are serious about learning and retaining new information

Well, little Romeo and Juliet’s that brings us to the end of todays online Japanese lesson. We hope that you are now well versed in the Language of Japanese love and you are able to express yourself more openly. Life is short, so don’t hold back and let that special person know how you feel.

As always if you have any more questions or ideas for new content, we would love to hear them. Okay guys, have a Lovely day and we will see you in the next online Japanese lesson from Bondlingo. またね.

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