Hey guys how’s it going today? We hope you are ready for an absolute epic Japanese lesson on the topic of そうです and みたいです. We are going to be learning how to say things like “It looks like” / “It seems like”. We are going to be splitting up today’s lesson into 5 separate sections to make it easy to follow so let’s take a look at what there are.
- 1 Using そうです and みたいです to say “That looks painful”
- 2 The definition of そうです and みたいです
- 3 The grammar behind そうです and みたいです
- 4 Example sentences with そうです and みたいです
- 5 An effective study technique to master そうです and みたいです
- 6 A small summary on today’s lesson
- 7 Learn Japanese Online with BondLingo
- 8 Recommend
Using そうです and みたいです to say “That looks painful”
- The definition of そうです and みたいです – We will look at the definition and what it actually means / how it can be used.
- The grammar behind そうです and みたいです – We will look at the grammar that goes behind these topic as well as learn how to form sentences.
- Example sentences with そうです and みたいです – We will learn a variety of example sentences to help you better understand the topic.
- An effective study technique to master そうです and みたいです – We will give you a great practical study method you can use to start learning right away.
- A small summary of today’s lesson – Let’s make sure we don’t miss anything.
Okay guys, now we know what’s in store lets move right ahead and jump into today online Japanese lesson on そうです and みたいです . Grab yourself a coffee and let’s activate our brains!
The definition of そうです and みたいです
The definition and what it actually means / how it can be used.
SO let’s first start by looking at the definition of そうです and みたいです
We use Sou when we want to describe how something looks/sounds/seems with ~sou
We use Mitai when we want to describe what something looks like or acts like.
They are very similar but hopefully through examples you will get a better understanding as we go on through that article
Now that we understand that lets move onto look at how to actually put sentences together and check out the grammar. .
The grammar behind そうです and みたいです
A look at the grammar that goes behind these topics as well as learn how to form sentences.
Let’s first start with ~そう
The more common uses of ~そう that is when it is used with the ます-stem of a verb. For example:
“Ame ga furisou” – “Seems like it’s going to rain [I think, or maybe not not.].”
Here we have removed the “masu” and added “sou” to describe what something looks like.
You can also use YOU よう very similarly,
“Ame no you da” – “It looks like it’s going to rain”
Now let’s look at how to use みたい.
みたい is all about describing appearances.
After a noun you can simply add みたい so it is pretty easy to use.
Kare no hanashikata wa kodomo mitai desu
His way of speaking is like a child.¥
Moderu Mitai Desu
She is like a model!
So now we can actually build sentences. Let’s move onto the fun part. Let’s look at some sentences that can help us better understand the topic in various situations.
Example sentences with そうです and みたいです
Let’s learn from a variety of example sentences to help you better understand the topic.
Take a look at these examples and pay close attention to the grammar here. These example sentences will also play a big part in our study technique which is coming later so be sure to look out for that.
yume mitai da.
It's like a dream come true.
kono pasokon wa kowareteiru mitai da.
It seems like this computer is broken.
sono hito wa taore sou desu.
That person looks like they're about to fall over.
Sou can also be used with adjectives like in this next example.
waa, oishi sou na ryouri ga takusan arimasu ne.
Wow, there's a lot of really good looking food here!
Now we will take a look at the most important part of the lesson. This is an epic study technique that you can use to go away from the lesson and start practicing.
An effective study technique to master そうです and みたいです
A great practical study method you can use to start learning right away.
Now that we have that under control lets finally look at a quick summary of today’s lesson to ensure you don’t miss anything.
What you are going to need to do first is look at all of the example sentences that we have written in today’s lesson. Take those, write them down on paper and re read them to yourself again and again. Once you are able to repeat them back to yourself without looking you are ready to move onto the next stage.
You must now come up with 4 – 5 sentences of your own using そうです and みたいです. Do this each day for the next 3 days and start to slowly transition this into your communication. Through this technique everything will get a lot clearer and faster. It is so important to implement this technique as without real proactive effort after taking in new information, you will most likely forget it. If you don’t use it. You lose it.
Let’s now have a look at a quick summary of today’s lesson to ensure you don’t miss anything.
A small summary on today’s lesson
Let’s make sure we don’t miss anything.
- そうです and みたいです describe what something looks like or appears to be
- そうです is most often used in replacement to the ます ending but is also used quote commonly with adjectives too.
- みたいです is used most often after nouns.
- Dont forget to use todays technique to really master そうです and みたいです
So guys, there we have it, that brings us to the end of today’s online Japanese lesson from Bondlingo. We really hope that you have learnt something today and if you have any questions or suggestions for upcoming content be sure to get in touch with us.
All the best and we will see you in the next lesson. 頑張ってね