Learn the common Japanese phrase “Shitsurei Shimasu(しつれいします)”

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Japanese Common Phrases – Pardon ? Excuse me? in Japanese | Japanese language lesson
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Japanese phrase “Shitsurei Shimasu(しつれいします)”

Today we are going to be learning about the coming Japanese phrase “shitsurei shimasu”. This is a really common phrase which you have probably heard before and can be really useful in a variety of situations. First we are going to learn about the meaning of this, secondly when and where you can use it, then we will look at an example scenarios for using the phrase and lastly, look at an effective study tip to help you remember it well. So, without further hesitation, let’s jump straight in and learn today’s common phrase, Shitsurei Shimasu(しつれいします.)

The meaning of “Shitsurei Shimasu”

So what is the meaning of Shitsurei Shimasu(しつれいします)? Well in a nutshell, it means “Excuse my rudeness” or “excuse my interrupting”. If you have come across the word “Shitsurei” before, you will know that this means “discourtesy; impoliteness”. The verb します means “to do”. When combining those together, you get the meaning of “to do something impolite”.

From this understanding we will now transition into showing how and when to use this common Japanaese phrase.

When and where to use “Shitsurei Shimasu”

Shitsurei shimasu is most commonly used in the workplace. It is used in the sense of “excuse me” in this case. For example, if your cell phone rings and you need to answer it, you can say Shitsurei Shimasu(しつれいします) to say “excuse me” or more literally, “I am about to do something impolite so please excuse me”. This is of course in the present tense; you say this before you perform the impolite action.

You can use Shitsurei Shimashita(しつれいしました) in the past tense after you have had the phone call to express “sorry for being rude”. So remember to use this version after you have performed the action and not before.

Other scenarios you can use this phrase in are, interrupting someone, entering a room that isn’t your normal workspace and leaving the office before others.

Also guys you can use the phrase “osaki ni shitsureishimasu” which means “excuse me for leaving before you.” This is really common and is heard a lot when office workers leave before other co-workers and management. Try and remember this phrase specifically for that situation as it is really useful to know.

Let’s now look at some different scenarios using “Shitsurei Shimasu” in actual conversation, this way you will be able to really get a deep understanding of the meaning. 

Examples using the common Japanese phrase, “Shitsurei Shimasu”

Take a look at this conversation between two work colleagues, here you can see how person B has made a mistake and is apologising for it:

Examples using the common Japanese phrase, “Shitsurei Shimasu”

A: 明後日の かいぎは、二じですね?
The day after Tomorrow's meeting is at two o'clock, isn't it?
B: いいえ、けさ、三じに かわりました。いうのをわすれていて、しつれいしました。
No, it changed to three o'clock this morning. I'm sorry I forgot to tell you.

As you can see here, B san forgot to tell A san about the change in time and is using Shitsurei Shimashita(しつれいしました) to apologise for it. Take note that this is in the past tense as the mistake has already happened. Now let’s look at an effective study tip that you can get your teeth into practically, let’s go!

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An effective study tip to help you remember “Shitsurei Shimasu”

So, let’s now look at an effective study challenge to help you really get to grips with this common Japanese phrase. What we want you to do is try and create your own scenario with two speakers, much like in the previous example. This way you will be able to visualise the various situations where you can use Shitsurei Shimasu(しつれいします). Think in terms of the office environment, what situations could you be in where you would need to apologize. Try a few of those and you will very quickly start to flourish with the phrase.

Well guys, that was absolutely fantastic, what an incredibly vital phrase that you have learnt today. The correct usage of this phrase will really help you establish a great reputation among your work force as a respectable person. We have really enjoyed having you all today taking part in the lesson.

If you have any questions al all or ideas for new content, please do not hesitate to get in touch as we would love to hear your ideas. Thanks for joining us for today’s online Japanese lesson and we will see you next time. またね.

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