Learn Japanese online with BondLingo ?

BondLingo - YouTube Premium MemberShip

What is the BondLingo ?

Bond Lingo is a real time online language learning app. Various language lessons are uploaded everyday. The app is suitable for people who are looking for comprehensive support.

We will teach
polite way
– casual way
– business Japanese
JLPT practice
– Reading
– Writing

Bond Lingo is for people who are tired of one on one learning. Even if you are not able to watch the lessons while they are being broadcasted in real time, you will be able to watch the lessons as many times as you want on the app.

You do not have to worry about lessons not fitting into your schedule and you will be able to participate in the lesson whenever you want.

This app will be supplemented with a textbook. The textbook will help you study in a comprehensive manner.
You will be able to communicate with other students and you will be able to ask questions without any worry on the bulletin board.

Also, during lessons that happen in real time, you will be able to directly communicate with the teacher. Furthermore, you will be able to ask and answer questions and study, via the bulletin board, with students from all over the world.

■We recommend this app to:
– people who are tired of one on one learning
– people who want to learn at their own pace
– people who want to communicate to other people using the language that they are learning
– people who haven’t been able to find a suitable learning environment
– people who want to study language inclusively

■Currently holding courses for:
JLPT lessons , Japanese Beginner Level, Upper Level, Advanced Level,Grammar Japanese Kanaji, etc…

Learn Japanese online with BondLingo?

BondLingo: Learn Japanese online with BondLingo? Want to learn more about Japanese language and cultures with Japanese teacher for free ?