Learn how and when you use rude words in Japanese

Let’s face it, everyone loves a good swear word. Used in the right situation it can be powerful, allow you to assert your dominance, make someone laugh or even make someone fear you.

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Learn how and when you use rude words in Japanese

However, used in the wrong situation, curse words, especially Japanese, could land you in a spot of trouble. Today we are going to look at some of the best Japanese swear(rude) words and learn how and when you use them.

Japanese Rude Words to Avoid Using in Japan

Rude words in Japanese

pain in the assUzaiうざい
Ugly womanbusuブス
Get out of my waydokeどけ
bloody idoitBakayarouばかやろう
Drop dead/Go to hellshinjimaeしんじまえ
F*** Offfuzakeru naふざけるな
shut updamareだまれ
F*ck youKutabareくたばれ

Japanese rude words 1 : ばか (Baka)

Meaning: Stupid

The first on our list is Baka, which means stupid or idiot in Japanese. It’s not super offensive and can be used quite playfully, that being said best not to use it with your teachers or people you don’t know too well. If you’ve read any manga or watched an anime i’m pretty sure you will have already come across this rude word.

ist is Baka, which means stupid or idiot in Japanese. It’s not super offensive and can be used quite playfully, that being said best not to use it with your teachers or people you don’t know too well. If you’ve read any manga or watched an anime i’m pretty sure you will have already come across this rude word.

Japanese rude words 2 : うざい (Uzai)

Meaning: Annoying, (pain in the ass)

Uzai is a really fun word to say, it just seems to roll off the tongue. This rude word equates to “annoying” and can also be used to tell someone that something is too loud. When you have turned bright red in the face and can’t stand the pressure anymore you can let out a big UZAI!

Japanese rude words 3 : わるがき (warugaki)

Meaning: Brat

This rude Japanese word means “brat”. This is perfect to use if you get in a spat with your siblings or want to give a piece of your mind to the annoying kid next-door.

Japanese rude words 4 : ぶす (busu)

Meaning: Ugly woman

Now I don’t think this is a nice word to use to any woman. However, in the extreme situation that this woman is from the depths of hell and seriously has it coming then maybe I could permit you to use it. Busu means ugly woman and could be a good one to throw around in scenario where you are joking around.

Japanese rude words 5 : ちくしょう (chikushō)

Meaning: Shit!

Chikusho is a really cool rude word equating to “shit” or “oh shit” in English. Now I bet you can imagine hundreds of situations where this word would work really well. Losing your wallet? Getting slapped with a parking fine? Standing on something sharp? Chukusho is perfect for those situations.

Let’s take a look Japanese Slang video as well

Essential Japanese slang スラング that everyone should know!

Essential Japanese slang スラング that everyone should know!

Japanese rude words 6 : どけ! (doke!)

Meaning: Get out of my way

Doke, meaning “get out of the way” is the perfect rude way to make people move out of your path and take control of your journey. Yes, Doke can get you where you want to go and make people take notice. Imagine you are running from a crazed murderer or trying to fight your way out of a pack of zombies, this is the perfect rude word to get people out of your way.

Japanese rude words 7 : ばかやろう (Bakayarou)

Take “baka” from out first entry and multiply its power by two! Bakayarou will let people know you mean business. This is a much stronger version of idiot, perhaps it could be equate to “bloody idoit”.

Japanese rude words 8 : しんじまえ (shinjimae)

Meaning: Drop dead/Go to hell

Is the boss on your ass? Has your boyfriend cheated on you? Then “Shinjimae” is perfect for you. Meaning “go to hell” or “drop dead” Shinjimae is the ultimate rude word in Japanese to express emotions of discontent.

Japanese rude words 9 : くそ (Kuso)

Meaning: F**k

Kuso is the most direct way to say ‘sh*t’ or ‘f*ck’ in Japanese. It’s a small word but packs a big punch. Be sure not to say this wonderful phrase in the workplace or around people you don’t know.

Japanese rude words 10 : ふざけるな (fuzakeru na)

Meaning: F*** Off

Literally meaning “don’t mess around” fuzakeru na is that perfect rude word to use when you want someone to go away or stop what they are doing that’s annoying you. I can think of a few people I’d like to say this to, how about you?

Japanese rude words 11 : だまれ (damare)

Meaning: shut up.

Damare, meaning “shut up” in Japanese is an essential entry on any rude word list. When you are wanting some tranquillity and peace this is the perfect rude word to use to ensure you get it. Use it on your mom, use it with your friends, use it with your boss … if you don’t want to keep your job.

Japanese rude words 12 : くたばれ (Kutabare)

Meaning: F*ck you

Last but not least we have the classic, “F*ck you” kutabare. In Japanese this is that one word you can use to really tell some ne how you feel. This rude Japanese word is certainly my favourite go to word from the list. What’s yours?


So there we go guys, essential to know, but not exactly essential to use until you get some more experience with the general feel of each rude word. These words could definitely get you into some big trouble, use them cautiously. 

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