JLPT N4 Vocabulary list
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Japanese | type | Romaji | English |
上がる | verb"}”>verb | Agaru | To rise |
味 | noun | Aji | Flavor |
赤ん坊 | noun | Akanbō | Baby |
空く | verb"}”>verb | Aku | To open |
案内 | noun | Annai | Information |
安心 | noun | Anshin | Relief |
安全 | noun | Anzen | Safety |
浅い | adjective"}”>adjective | Asai | Shallow |
遊び | noun | Asobi | Playing |
明日 | noun | Asu | Tomorrow |
集める | verb"}”>verb | Atsumeru | To collect |
合う | verb"}”>verb | Au | To come together |
謝る | verb"}”>verb | Ayamaru | To apologize |
場合 | noun | Baai | Case |
倍 | noun | Bai | Twice |
番組 | noun | Bangumi | Program |
場所 | noun | Basho | Place |
米 | noun | Bei | rice |
別 | noun | Betsu | Distinction |
美術 | noun | Bijutsu | Art |
貿易 | noun | Bōeki | Trade |
僕 | pronoun | Boku | I |
部長 | noun | Buchō | Head of a section or department |
深い | adjective"}”>adjective | Bukai | Deep |
文学 | noun | Bungaku | Literature |
文化 | noun | Bunka | Culture |
文法 | noun | Bunpō | Grammar"}”>Grammar |
ぶり | suffix | buri | style |
血 | noun | Chi | Blood |
力 | noun | Chikara | Force |
地理 | noun | Chiri | Geography |
中 | prefix | Chū | Medium |
注意 | noun | Chūi | Caution |
注射 | noun | Chūsha | Injection |
駐車 | noun | Chūsha | Parking |
大学 | noun | Daigaku | university, college, etc."}”> Post-secondary education institution, incl. university, college, etc. |
大事 | noun | Daiji | Important |
大体 | noun | Daitai | General |
暖房 | noun | Danbō | Heating |
男性 | noun | Dansei | Man |
電報 | noun | Denpō | Telegram |
電灯 | noun | Dentō | Electric light |
度 | noun | do | time |
動物 | noun | Dōbutsu | Animal |
道具 | noun | Dōgu | Implement |
泥棒 | noun | Dorobō | Thief |
枝 | noun | Eda | Branch |
園 | suffix | en | garden |
遠慮 | noun | Enryo | Diffidence |
選ぶ | verb"}”>verb | Erabu | To choose |
婦 | suffix | fu | married woman |
不便 | noun | Fuben | Inconvenience |
増える | verb"}”>verb | Fueru | To increase |
復習 | noun | Fukushū | Review |
複雑 | noun | Fukuzatsu | Complex |
踏む | verb"}”>verb | Fumu | To step on |
分 | noun | fun | minute |
舟 | noun | Fune | Ship |
布団 | noun | Futon | Futon |
太る | verb"}”>verb | Futoru | To grow fat |
普通 | noun | Futsū | General |
学校 | noun | gakkō | school |
学校 | noun | gakkō | school |
学校 | noun | gakkō | school |
頑張る | verb"}”>verb | Ganbaru | To persist |
原因 | noun | Gen’in | Cause |
玄関 | noun | Genkan | Entranceway |
下宿 | noun | Geshuku | Boarding |
技術 | noun | Gijutsu | Art |
ご | prefix | Go | Honourable |
ご | prefix | Go | Honourable |
御 | prefix | Go | Honourable |
ゴム | noun | gomu | gum |
込む | verb"}”>verb | Gomu | To be crowded |
具合 | noun | Guai | Condition |
歯 | noun | Ha | Tooth |
葉 | noun | Ha | Leaf |
拝見 | noun | Haiken | Seeing |
始める | verb"}”>verb | Hajimeru | To start |
運ぶ | verb"}”>verb | Hakobu | To carry |
花見 | noun | Hanami | Cherry blossom viewing |
反対 | noun | Hantai | Opposition |
払う | verb"}”>verb | Harau | To pay |
発音 | noun | Hatsuon | Pronunciation |
林 | noun | Hayashi | Woods |
恥ずかしい | adjective"}”>adjective | Hazukashī | Shy |
変 | noun | Hen | Strange |
返事 | noun | Henji | Reply |
冷える | verb"}”>verb | Hieru | To grow cold |
非常 | adjective-na"}”>adjective-na | Hijō | Emergency |
光 | noun | Hikari | Light |
光る | verb"}”>verb | Hikaru | To shine |
引き出し | noun | Hikidashi | Drawer |
引っ越す | verb"}”>verb | Hikkosu | To move |
飛行 | noun | Hikō | Aviation |
品 | suffix | hin | thing |
開く | verb"}”>verb | Hiraku | To open |
拾う | verb"}”>verb | Hirou | To pick up |
昼間 | noun | Hiruma | Daytime |
昼休み | noun | Hiruyasumi | Lunch break |
久し | adjective"}”>adjective | Hisashi | Long |
必要 | noun | Hitsuyō | Necessary |
方 | noun | Hō | Side |
翻訳 | noun | Hon’yaku | Translation |
法律 | noun | Hōritsu | Law |
星 | noun | Hoshi | Chinese “star” constellation |
放送 | noun | Hōsō | Broadcast |
表 | noun | Hyō | Surface |
一 | noun | Ichi | One |
以外 | noun | Igai | With the exception of |
医学 | noun | Igaku | Medical science |
以上 | noun | Ijō | Not less than |
以下 | noun | Ika | Not exceeding |
意見 | noun | Iken | Opinion |
生きる | verb"}”>verb | Ikiru | To live |
員 | suffix | in | member |
以内 | noun | Inai | Within |
田舎 | noun | Inaka | Rural area |
祈る | verb"}”>verb | Inoru | To pray |
医者 | noun | isha | doctor |
石 | noun | Ishi | Stone |
急ぐ | verb"}”>verb | Isogu | To hurry |
一生 | noun | Isshō | Whole life |
致す | verb"}”>verb | Itasu | To do |
糸 | noun | Ito | Thread |
祝い | noun | iwai | congratulation |
字 | noun | Ji | Section of village |
時代 | noun | Jidai | Period |
事故 | noun | Jiko | Accident |
事務 | noun | Jimu | Business |
神社 | noun | Jinja | Shinto shrine |
人口 | noun | Jinkō | Population |
地震 | noun | Jishin | Earthquake |
辞典 | noun | Jiten | Dictionary |
自由 | noun | Jiyū | Freedom |
場 | suffix | jō | place |
場 | suffix | jō | place |
嬢 | noun | jō | unmarried woman |
女性 | noun | Josei | Woman |
十 | noun | Jū | 10 |
柔道 | noun | Jūdō | Judo |
準備 | noun | Junbi | Preparation |
住所 | noun | Jūsho | Address |
火 | noun | Ka | Tuesday |
壁 | noun | Kabe | Wall |
課長 | noun | Kachō | Section manager |
帰り | noun | Kaeri | Return |
変える | verb"}”>verb | Kaeru | To change |
科学 | noun | Kagaku | Science |
鏡 | noun | Kagami | Mirror |
会 | noun | kai | gathering |
海岸 | noun | Kaigan | Coast |
会議 | noun | Kaigi | Meeting |
会議 | noun | Kaigi | Meeting |
会場 | noun | Kaijō | Assembly hall |
会話 | noun | Kaiwa | Conversation |
火事 | noun | Kaji | Fire |
掛ける | verb"}”>verb | Kakeru | To hang |
髪 | noun | Kami | Hair |
噛む | verb"}”>verb | Kamu | To bite |
館 | suffix | kan | house |
家内 | noun | Kanai | wife |
必ず | verb"}”>adverb | Kanarazu | Always |
悲しい | adjective"}”>adjective | Kanashī | Sad |
金持ち | noun | kanemochi | rich man |
考える | verb"}”>verb | Kangaeru | To consider |
看護 | noun | Kango | Nursing |
関係 | noun | Kankei | Relation |
彼女 | pronoun | Kanojo | She |
簡単 | adjective-na"}”>adjective-na | Kantan | Simple |
彼 | pronoun | Kare | That , or something understood w |
彼 | pronoun | Kare | That , or something understood w |
形 | noun | Katachi | Shape |
固い | adjective"}”>adjective | katai | hard |
片付ける | verb"}”>verb | Katazukeru | To tidy up |
勝つ | verb"}”>verb | Katsu | To win |
乾く | verb"}”>verb | Kawaku | To get dry |
代わり | noun | Kawari | Substitute |
変わる | verb"}”>verb | Kawaru | To change |
通う | verb"}”>verb | Kayou | To go back and forth |
飾る | verb"}”>verb | Kazaru | To decorate |
毛 | noun | Ke | Hair |
毛 | noun | Ke | Hair |
計画 | noun | Keikaku | Plan |
経験 | noun | Keiken | Experience |
警察 | noun | Keisatsu | Police |
経済 | noun | Keizai | Economics |
堅 | noun | Ken | Ken |
見物 | noun | Kenbutsu | Sightseeing |
研究 | noun | Kenkyū | Study |
研究 | noun | Kenkyū | Study |
懸命 | adjective-na"}”>adjective-na | kenmei | eagerness |
消し | verb"}”>verb | Keshi | To erase |
景色 | noun | Keshiki | Scenery |
決して | verb"}”>adverb | Kesshite | Never |
気 | noun | Ki | Spirit |
厳しい | adjective"}”>adjective | Kibishī | Severe |
気分 | noun | Kibun | Feeling |
機会 | noun | Kikai | Chance |
危険 | noun | Kiken | Danger |
聞こえる | verb"}”>verb | Kikoeru | To be heard |
決る | verb"}”>verb | Kimaru | To be decided |
決める | verb"}”>verb | Kimeru | To decide |
君 | pronoun | Kimi | You |
気持ち | noun | Kimochi | Feeling |
着物 | noun | Kimono"}”>Kimono | Clothing |
近所 | noun | Kinjo | Neighbourhood |
絹 | noun | Kinu | Silk |
季節 | noun | Kisetsu | Season |
汽車 | noun | Kisha | Train |
規則 | noun | Kisoku | Rules |
子 | noun | ko | child |
子 | noun | Ko | Child |
硬 | prefix | kō | hardness |
校長 | noun | Kōchō | Principal |
講堂 | noun | Kōdō | Auditorium |
郊外 | noun | Kōgai | Suburb |
講義 | noun | Kōgi | Lecture |
工業 | noun | Kōgyō | industry |
工場 | noun | Kōjō | Factory |
高校 | noun | Kōkō | Senior high school |
高校 | noun | Kōkō | Senior high school |
心 | noun | Kokoro | Mind |
国際 | noun | Kokusai | International |
細かい | adjective"}”>adjective | Komakai | Small |
公務 | noun | Kōmu | Official business |
今夜 | noun | Kon’ya | This evening |
今度 | noun | Kondo | Now |
故障 | noun | Koshō | Break-down |
答 | noun | Kotae | Response |
高等 | adjective-na"}”>adjective-na | kōtō | high class |
小鳥 | noun | Kotori | Small bird |
交通 | noun | Kōtsū | Communication |
怖い | adjective"}”>adjective | Kowai | Scary |
壊れる | verb"}”>verb | Kowareru | To be broken |
壊す | verb"}”>verb | Kowasu | To break |
首 | noun | Kubi | Obito |
下る | verb"}”>verb | Kudaru | To descend |
空気 | noun | Kūki | Air |
空港 | noun | Kūkō | Airport |
雲 | noun | Kumo | Cloud |
比べる | verb"}”>verb | Kuraberu | To compare |
暮れる | verb"}”>verb | Kureru | To get dark |
草 | noun | Kusa | Grass |
客 | noun | Kyaku | Guest |
教育 | noun | Kyōiku | Training |
教会 | noun | Kyōkai | Church |
興味 | noun | Kyōmi | Interest |
競争 | noun | Kyōsō | Competition |
急 | noun | Kyū | Urgent |
急行 | noun | Kyūkō | Moving at high speed |
間 | noun | Ma | 1.818 m |
間違える | verb"}”>verb | Machigaeru | To make a mistake |
参る | verb"}”>verb | Mairu | To go |
負ける | verb"}”>verb | Makeru | To lose |
真中 | noun | Manaka | Manaka |
漫画 | noun | Manga | Comic |
間に合う | verb"}”>verb | Maniau | To be in time for |
祭り | noun | matsuri | festival |
周り | noun | Mawari | Circumference |
回る | verb"}”>verb | Mawaru | To turn |
召し上がる | verb"}”>verb | Meshiagaru | To eat |
珍しい | adjective"}”>adjective | Mezurashī | Unusual |
見える | verb"}”>verb | Mieru | To have an audience |
見舞い | noun | mimai | visiting ill or distressed people |
皆 | noun | Mina | All |
港 | noun | Minato | Harbour |
味噌 | noun | Miso | Miso |
見つかる | verb"}”>verb | Mitsukaru | To be found |
見つける | verb"}”>verb | Mitsukeru | To discover |
土産 | noun | miyage | product of the land |
湖 | noun | Mizuumi | Lake |
戻る | verb"}”>verb | Modoru | To turn back |
木綿 | noun | Momen | Cotton |
森 | noun | Mori | Forest |
申し上げる | verb"}”>verb | Mōshiageru | To say |
申す | verb"}”>verb | Mōsu | To be called |
む | symbol | mu | mu |
迎える | verb"}”>verb | Mukaeru | To go out to meet |
昔 | noun | Mukashi | Olden days |
向かう | verb"}”>verb | Mukau | To face |
無理 | noun | Muri | Unreasonable |
虫 | noun | Mushi | Insect |
息子 | noun | Musuko | Son |
娘 | noun | Musume | daughter |
投げる | verb"}”>verb | Nageru | To throw |
中々 | verb"}”>adverb | Nakanaka | Very |
泣く | verb"}”>verb | Naku | To cry |
亡くなる | verb"}”>verb | Nakunaru | To die |
無くなる | verb"}”>verb | Nakunaru | To disappear |
治る | verb"}”>verb | Naoru | To be cured |
直る | verb"}”>verb | Naoru | To be cured |
直す | verb"}”>verb | Naosu | To cure |
慣れる | verb"}”>verb | Nareru | To grow accustomed |
鳴る | verb"}”>verb | Naru | To sound |
寝坊 | noun | Nebō | Sleeping in late |
眠い | adjective"}”>adjective | Nemui | Sleepy |
眠る | verb"}”>verb | Nemuru | To sleep |
熱 | noun | Netsu | Fever |
に | auxiliary | ni | plain copula |
に | particle"}”>particle | ni | in+ |
日 | noun | Nichi | Sunday |
苦い | adjective"}”>adjective | Nigai | Bitter |
逃げる | verb"}”>verb | Nigeru | To escape |
日記 | noun | Nikki | Diary |
人形 | noun | Ningyō | Doll |
似る | verb"}”>verb | Niru | To resemble |
残る | verb"}”>verb | Nokoru | To remain |
乗り換える | verb"}”>verb | Norikaeru | To transfer |
乗り物 | noun | Norimono | Vehicle |
塗る | verb"}”>verb | Nuru | To paint |
盗む | verb"}”>verb | Nusumu | To steal |
入学 | noun | Nyūgaku | university"}”> Entry to school or university |
入院 | noun | Nyūin | Hospitalization |
落ちる | verb"}”>verb | Ochiru | To fall down |
踊り | noun | Odori | Dance |
驚く | verb"}”>verb | Odoroku | To be surprised |
踊る | verb"}”>verb | Odoru | To dance |
大分 | noun | ōita | Ōita |
行う | verb"}”>verb | Okonau | To perform |
怒る | verb"}”>verb | Okoru | To get angry |
起こす | verb"}”>verb | Okosu | To raise |
億 | noun | Oku | 10^8 |
屋上 | noun | Okujō | Rooftop |
遅れる | verb"}”>verb | Okureru | To be late |
贈り物 | noun | Okurimono | Present |
送る | verb"}”>verb | Okuru | To send |
思い出す | verb"}”>verb | Omoidasu | To recall |
思う | verb"}”>verb | Omou | To think |
音 | noun | On | Sound |
折れる | verb"}”>verb | Oreru | To break |
下りる | verb"}”>verb | Oriru | To descend |
折る | verb"}”>verb | Oru | To break |
押し入れ | noun | Oshiire | Closet |
落す | verb"}”>verb | Otosu | To drop |
夫 | noun | Otto | Husband |
終わり | noun | Owari | The end |
親 | noun | Oya | Parent |
ら | suffix | ra | class |
来月 | noun | raigetsu | next month |
来週 | noun | raishū | next week |
楽 | noun | Raku | Comfort |
礼 | noun | rei | thanking |
冷房 | noun | Reibō | Cooling |
歴史 | noun | Rekishi | History |
連絡 | noun | Renraku | To contact |
利用 | noun | Riyō | Use |
理由 | noun | Riyū | Reason |
留守 | noun | Rusu | Absence |
両方 | noun | Ryōhō | Both sides |
旅館 | noun | Ryokan | Japanese hotel |
さ | verb"}”>adverb | Sa | So |
さ | verb"}”>adverb | Sa | So |
寂しい | adjective"}”>adjective | Sabishī | Lonely |
探す | verb"}”>verb | Sagasu | To search |
下げる | verb"}”>verb | Sageru | To hang |
最後 | noun | Saigo | Last |
最近 | noun | Saikin | Most recent |
最初 | noun | Saisho | Beginning |
坂 | noun | Saka | Slope |
盛ん | adjective-na"}”>adjective-na | Sakan | Popular |
様 | noun | Sama | Mr, Mrs or Ms |
さん | suffix | san | Mr, Mrs, Miss or Ms |
さん | suffix | san | Mr, Mrs, Miss or Ms |
産業 | noun | Sangyō | Industry |
差し上げる | verb"}”>verb | Sashiageru | To give |
騒ぐ | verb"}”>verb | Sawagu | To make noise |
触る | verb"}”>verb | Sawaru | To touch |
生 | suffix | sei | life |
生 | suffix | sei | life |
政治 | noun | Seiji | Politics |
生活 | noun | Seikatsu | Living |
生産 | noun | Seisan | Production |
西洋 | noun | Seiyō | The west |
世界 | noun | Sekai | The world |
席 | noun | Seki | Seat |
線 | noun | Sen | Line |
背中 | noun | Senaka | Back |
専門 | noun | Senmon | Speciality |
先輩 | noun | Senpai | Senior |
戦争 | noun | Sensō | War |
せる | auxiliary | seru | verb indicating the causative"}”> |
説明 | noun | Setsumei | Explanation |
世話 | noun | Sewa | Looking after |
社 | noun | sha | company |
社長 | noun | Shachō | Company president |
社会 | noun | Shakai | Society |
市 | noun | Shi | Market |
試合 | noun | Shiai | Match |
仕方 | noun | Shikata | Way |
試験 | noun | Shiken | Examination |
島 | noun | Shima | Island |
市民 | noun | Shimin | Citizen |
品物 | noun | Shinamono | Goods |
新聞 | noun | Shinbun | Newspaper |
心配 | noun | Shinpai | Worry |
親切 | noun | Shinsetsu | Kindness |
失敗 | noun | Shippai | Failure |
知ら | verb"}”>verb | Shira | To know |
調べる | verb"}”>verb | Shiraberu | To examine |
下着 | noun | Shitagi | Underwear |
支度 | noun | Shitaku | Preparation |
室 | suffix | shitsu | room |
室 | suffix | shitsu | room |
失礼 | noun | Shitsurei"}”>Shitsurei | Discourtesy |
所 | suffix | sho | counter for places |
小 | prefix | Shō | Small |
承知 | noun | Shōchi | Acknowledgment |
正月 | noun | Shōgatsu | New Year |
紹介 | noun | Shōkai | Introduction |
食事 | noun | Shokuji | Meal |
食料 | noun | Shokuryō | Food"}”>Food |
将来 | noun | Shōrai | Future |
小説 | noun | Shōsetsu | Novel |
招待 | noun | Shōtai | Invitation |
手 | suffix | shu | hand |
主人 | noun | shujin | head |
習慣 | noun | Shūkan | Custom |
趣味 | noun | Shumi | Hobby |
出発 | noun | Shuppatsu | Departure |
出席 | noun | Shusseki | Attendance |
祖母 | noun | Sobo | Grandmother |
相談 | noun | Sōdan | Consultation |
育てる | verb"}”>verb | Sodateru | To raise |
祖父 | noun | Sofu | Grandfather |
卒業 | noun | Sotsugyō | Graduation |
滑る | verb"}”>verb | Suberu | To glide |
数学 | noun | Sūgaku | Mathematics |
過ぎる | verb"}”>verb | Sugiru | To pass through |
凄い | adjective"}”>adjective | Sugoi"}”>Sugoi | Terrible |
水道 | noun | Suidō | Water service |
水泳 | noun | Suiei | Swimming |
隅 | noun | Sumi | Corner |
済む | verb"}”>verb | Sumu | To finish |
砂 | noun | Suna | Sand |
進む | verb"}”>verb | Susumu | To advance |
捨てる | verb"}”>verb | Suteru | To throw away |
正しい | adjective"}”>adjective | Tadashī | Right |
台風 | noun | Taifū | Typhoon |
退院 | noun | Taiin | Leaving hospital |
集る | verb"}”>verb | Takaru | To gather |
宅 | noun | taku | house |
為 | noun | Tame | Good |
棚 | noun | Tana | Shelf |
楽しみ | noun | Tanoshimi | Enjoyment |
倒れる | verb"}”>verb | Taoreru | To fall |
足りる | verb"}”>verb | Tariru | To be sufficient |
確か | verb"}”>adverb | Tashika | Certain |
足す | verb"}”>verb | Tasu | To add |
畳 | noun | Tatami | Tatami mat |
建て | verb"}”>verb | Tate | To stand up |
建てる | verb"}”>verb | Tateru | To stand up |
立てる | verb"}”>verb | Tateru | To stand up |
例えば | verb"}”>adverb | Tatoeba | For example |
立つ | verb"}”>verb | tatsu | to stand |
尋ねる | verb"}”>verb | Tazuneru | To ask |
訪ねる | verb"}”>verb | Tazuneru | To visit |
手袋 | noun | Tebukuro | love"}”>Glove |
丁寧 | adjective-na"}”>adjective-na | Teinei | Polite"}”>Polite |
適当 | noun | Tekitō | Suitable |
点 | noun | Ten | Spot |
店員 | noun | Ten’in | Shop assistant |
天気 | noun | Tenki | Weather |
展覧 | noun | Tenran | Exhibition |
寺 | noun | Tera | Temple |
手伝う | verb"}”>verb | Tetsudau | To help |
都 | noun | To | Metropolitan |
途中 | noun | Tochū | On the way |
届ける | verb"}”>verb | Todokeru | To deliver |
特急 | noun | Tokkyū | Limited express |
遠く | adjective"}”>adjective | Tōku | Far |
特別 | adjective-na"}”>adjective-na | Tokubetsu | Special |
特に | verb"}”>adverb | Tokuni | Particularly |
泊まる | verb"}”>verb | Tomaru | To stay at |
止める | verb"}”>verb | Tomeru | To stop |
止める | verb"}”>verb | Tomeru | To stop |
通り | noun | Tōri | Avenue |
取り替える | verb"}”>verb | Torikaeru | To exchange |
通る | verb"}”>verb | Tōru | To pass |
都合 | noun | Tsugō | Circumstances |
捕まえる | verb"}”>verb | Tsukamaeru | To catch |
漬ける | verb"}”>verb | Tsukeru | To soak |
点く | verb"}”>verb | Tsuku | To be attached |
妻 | noun | Tsuma | Wife |
連れる | verb"}”>verb | Tsureru | To lead |
釣る | verb"}”>verb | Tsuru | To hang |
伝える | verb"}”>verb | Tsutaeru | To convey |
包む | verb"}”>verb | Tsutsumu | To wrap up |
続ける | verb"}”>verb | Tsuzukeru | To continue |
続く | verb"}”>verb | Tsuzuku | To continue |
腕 | noun | Ude | Arm |
植える | verb"}”>verb | Ueru | To plant |
動く | verb"}”>verb | Ugoku | To move |
受ける | verb"}”>verb | Ukeru | To receive |
受付 | noun | Uketsuke | Reception |
運動 | noun | Undō | Motion |
運転 | noun | Unten | Operation |
運転 | noun | Unten | Operation |
裏 | noun | Ura | Bottom |
売り場 | noun | Uriba | Place where things are sold |
打つ | verb"}”>verb | Utsu | To hit |
美しい | adjective"}”>adjective | Utsukushī | Beautiful |
移る | verb"}”>verb | Utsuru | To move |
写す | verb"}”>verb | Utsusu | To transcribe |
別れる | verb"}”>verb | Wakareru | To be divided |
沸かす | verb"}”>verb | Wakasu | To boil |
沸く | verb"}”>verb | Waku | To grow hot |
笑う | verb"}”>verb | Warau | To laugh |
割れる | verb"}”>verb | Wareru | To break |
割合 | noun | Wariai | Rate |
忘れ物 | noun | Wasuremono | Lost article |
焼ける | verb"}”>verb | Yakeru | To burn |
焼く | verb"}”>verb | Yaku | To bake |
役 | noun | Yaku | War |
訳 | noun | Yaku | Translation |
約束 | noun | Yakusoku | Arrangement |
優しい | adjective"}”>adjective | Yasashī | Tender |
柔らかい | adjective"}”>adjective | Yawarakai | Soft |
用 | noun | Yō | Task |
汚れる | verb"}”>verb | Yogoreru | To be violated |
予報 | noun | yohō | forecast |
用意 | noun | Yōi | Preparation |
用事 | noun | Yōji | Tasks |
喜ぶ | verb"}”>verb | Yorokobu | To be delighted |
寄る | verb"}”>verb | Yoru | To visit |
予習 | noun | Yoshū | Preparation for a lesson |
予定 | noun | Yotei | Plans |
予約 | noun | Yoyaku | Reservation |
湯 | noun | Yu | Hot water |
指 | noun | Yubi | Finger |
指輪 | noun | Yubiwa | ring |
夕飯 | noun | Yūhan | Evening meal |
夢 | noun | Yume | Dream |
輸入 | noun | Yunyū | Importation |
揺れる | verb"}”>verb | Yureru | To shake |
輸出 | noun | Yushutsu | Export |
残念 | adjective-na"}”>adjective-na | Zannen | Deplorable |
存じ | verb"}”>verb | zonji | to think, feel, consider, know, etc. |