So, you’ve decided to look for a new job (仕事, shigoto) in Japan, have you? Well, you’re in luck, because there are tons of career (キャリア, kyaria) opportunites available in the land of the rising sun! Today, we’re going to go over some common occupations (職業, shokugyō) in the Japanese workforce! Make sure that Windsor knot in your tie is nice and taut!
If you’re one of those people with a heart of gold and always looking to help out those in need, pursuing a career in healthcare is definitely the way to go! You are sure to find fulfillment in Japan helping people with their medical needs, and, since Japan has universal healthcare (社会保険, shakai hoken), you will be supporting everyone equally! Here is a list of professions in healthcare.
Medical Occupations
Japanese | Romaji | English |
医者 | isha | doctor |
看護師 | kangoshi | nurse |
歯科医 | shika-i | dentist |
専門医 | senmon-i | a medical specialist |
心臓病専門医 | shinzōbyōsenmoni | cardiologist |
外科医 | geka-i | surgeon |
脳外科医 | nōgeka-i | neurosurgeon |
神経学者 | shinkeigakusha | neurologist |
精神学者 | seishingakusha | psychiatrist |
薬剤師 | yakuzaishi | pharmacist |
整骨医 | seikotsu-i | osteopath |
Education and Social Services
As with the medical field, those looking to start a career in education or social services are in it to make a difference in people’s lives. Educators help craft young minds into wonderful members of society, and those in the field of social services want to support and improve the lives of those living in society. Here are a list of occupations in this field.
Education and Social Services Occupations
Japanese | Romaji | English |
先生 | sensei | teacher |
社会事業家 | shakaijigyōka | social worker |
教師 | kyōshi | instructor |
講演者 | kōensha | lecturer |
保育士 | hoikushi | nursery school teacher |
司書 | shisho | librarian |
教授 | kyōju | professor |
専門家 | senmon-ka | expert |
Computers and Technology
This is a popular career choice in the world of smart phones, social media, and artificial intelligence. The sky is the limit when it comes to occupations in computers and technology, and competition is fierce! Here is a list of occupations in this field.
Computers and Technology Occupations
Japanese | Romaji | English |
エンジニア | enjinia | engineer |
HTMLコーダー | echi-tī-emu-eru kōdā | web developer |
データベース管理者 | dētabēsu kanrisha | database administrator |
ハードウェアエンジニア | hādouea enjinia | hardware engineer |
ソフトウェアエンジニア | sofutouea enjinia | software engineer |
データーアナリスト | dētā anarisuto | data analyst |
情報システムマネジャー | jōhō shisutemu manejā | information systems manager |
情報技術者 | jōhōgijutsusha | IT specialist |
統計学者 | tōkeigakusha | statistician |
数学者 | sūgakusha | mathematician |
ビジネスインテリジェンスアナリスト | bijinesu interijensu anarisuto | business intelligence analyst |
研究員 | kenkyūin | researcher |
システムエンジニア | shisutemu enjinia | systems engineer |
コンピュータ支援技術者 | konpyūta shien gijutsusha | computer support technician |
アプリケーション開発者 | apurikēshon kaihtasusha | application developer |
Management, Business, and Finance
And for those of you wanting to make the big bucks and secure a spot at the top of the corporate totem pole, the field of management, business, and finance is right up your alley! Here is a list of common occupations in this field.
Management, Business, and Finance Occupations
Japanese | Romaji | English |
会計係 | kaikeikei | accountant |
不動産業者 | fudōsangyōsha | real estate agent |
評価人 | hyōkanin | appraiser |
見積係 | mitsumorikei | cost estimator |
ファイナンシャルアナリスト | fainansharu anarisuto | financial analyst |
人的資源管理者 | jintekishigenkanrisha | human resources manager |
市場調査分析者 | ichibachōsabunsekisha | market research analyst |
財務顧問 | zaimukomon | financial advisor |
購買係 | kōbaikei | purchasing agent |
税務調査官 | zeimuchōsakan | tax examiner |
銀行家 | ginkōka | banker |
株式仲買人 | kabushikinakagainin | stockbroker |
社長 | shachō | company president / CEO |
起業者 | kigyōsha | entrepreneur |
イベントプランナー | ibento purannā | event planner |
Now that you have a ton of new vocabulary words in your arsenal, it’s time to get out there and do some 就職 (shūshoku, job hunting)! What kind of career do you want? What companies do you want to apply to? Your future awaits, and Japan is just the country to make all of your dreams and aspirations come true!
Japanese | Romaji | English |
教授 | kyōju | professor |
パン屋さん | pan-ya-san | baker |
哲学者 | tetsugaku-sha | philosopher |
女優 | joyū | actress |
特派員 | tokuha-in | special correspondent |
シェフ | shefu | chef |
船長 | senchō | ship captain |
専門家 | senmon-ka | expert |
社長 | shachō | company president/CEO |
係員 | kakariin | attendant |
テーラー | tērā | tailor |
歴史家 | rekishi-ka | historian |
作曲家 | sakkyoku-ka | composer |
宇宙飛行士 | uchū hikō-shi | astronaut |
知事 | chiji | governor |
科学者 | kagaku-sha | scientist |
歯科医 | shika-i | dentist |
役員 | yakuin | officer/executive |
著者 | chosha | author |
店員 | ten’in | clerk |
スパイ | supai | spy |
画家 | gaka | painter |
オペレーター | operētā | operator |
学者 | gakusha | scholar |
秘書 | hisho | secretary |
建築家 | kenchiku-ka | architect |
写真家 | shashin-ka | photographer |
警察官 | keisatsu-kan | police officer |
案内 | annai | guide |
上院議員 | jōin gi-in | senator |
レポーター | repōtā | reporter |
騎士 | kishi | knight |
発明者 | hatsumei-sha | inventor |
監督 | kantoku | director |
インスペクター | insupekutā | inspector |
パイロット | pairotto | pilot |
農家 | nōka | farmer |
指揮官 | shiki-kan | commander |
プロデューサー | purodyūsā | producer |
ライター | raitā | writer |
ウェイター | weitā | waiter |
専門 | senmon | vocation |
銀行家 | ginkō-ka | banker |
詩人 | shijin | poet |
市長 | shichō | mayor |
商人 | shōnin | merchant |
編集者 | henshū-sha | editor |
スペシャリスト | supesharisuto | specialist |
アーティスト | ātisuto | artist |
医師 | ishi | doctor |
ミュージシャン | myūjishan | musician |
祭司 | saishi | priest |
警察 | keisatsu | police |
大統領 | daitōryō | the president |
俳優 | haiyū | actor |
政治家 | seiji-ka | politician |
小説家 | shōsetsu-ka | novelist |
弁護士 | bengo-shi | lawyer |
外交官 | gaikō-kan | diplomat |
探偵 | tantei | private investigator/detective |
セールスマン | sērusuman | salesman |
キャリアー | kyariā | career |
看護師 | kangoshi | nurse |
ダンサー | dansā | dancer |
校長 | kōchō | school principal |
ジャーナリスト | jānarisuto | journalist |
評論家 | hyōron-ka | critic |
メイド | meido | maid |
牧師 | bokushi | church minister |
ディーラー | dīrā | dealer |
ウェートレス | wētoresu | waitress |
裁判官 | saiban-kan | judge |
会計係 | kaikei-kei | accountant |
マネージャー | manējā | manager |
医師 | ishi | physician |