Japanese Words Related to Fashion :There are an abundance of things to do and experience in Japan as a traveler. One of the most popular, however, is going clothes and accessory shopping! Tokyo is one of the most fashion-conscious cities in the world, and the Japanese are very unique in their tastes and choices. Today, we’re going to learn a whole slew of new words to help you on your next shopping excursion in Japan!
Hats are very versatile! You can wear them for purely functional reasons—to keep the sun out of your eyes, to keep your ears warm in the winter, to cover up your messy hair, etc. You can also wear them for fun or to frame that beautiful face of yours. Hats come in all shapes and sizes, and there’s at least one special one out there for everyone that makes you look great! Which hat looks the best on you?
Japanese | Romaji | English |
帽子 | bōshi | hat |
中折れ帽 | nakaorebō | fedora |
ワッチ | wacchi | beanie |
野球帽 | yakyūbō | baseball cap |
キャップ | kyappu | cap |
キャスケット | kyasuketto | newsboy cap |
ワークキャップ | wākukyappu | work cap |
ベレー帽 | berēbō | beret |
ハンチング帽 | hanchingubō | flat cap |
ツバ広帽子 | tsubahirobōshi | wide-brimmed hat |
バケットハット | baketto hatto | bucket hat |
ストローハット | sutorōhatto | straw hat |
ニット帽 | nittobō | knitted cap |
Jackets, coats, blazers… These are the articles of clothing we wear to keep warm, but on occasion they serve to complete an outfit—the blazer to a suit, for example. Below is a list of common outerwear in Japan and words associated with it.
Japanese | Romaji | English |
コート | kōto | coat |
ジャケット | jaketto | jacket |
生地 | kiji | material |
ボタン | botan | button |
チャック | chakku | zipper |
シルエット | shiruetto | silhouette |
丈 | take | length |
オーバー | ōbā | overcoat |
仕立屋 | shitateya | tailor |
スーツ | sūtsu | suit |
ブルゾン | buruzon | blouson |
毛 | ke | wool |
デニム | denimu | denim |
絹 | kinu | silk |
カシミヤ | kashimiya | cashmere |
綿布 | menpu | cotton |
革 | kawa | leather |
ブレザー | burezā | blazer |
ジャージー | jājī | track suit |
Sweaters, button-up shirts, blouses… In the colder months, our shirts are long-sleeved to keep us warm, and in the warmer months we have short sleeves to keep us cool. And then we have three-quarter length sleeves for…hmmm…I don’t know, actually. I guess for when you can’t decide between long- or short-sleeved? The list below includes popular garments in Japan worn on the upper body and words associated with them.
Japanese | Romaji | English |
ワイシャツ | waishatsu | collared shirt |
カーディガン | kādigan | cardigan |
Tシャツ | tīshatsu | T-shirt |
パーカ | pāka | hooded sweatshirt / hoodie |
セーター | sētā | sweater |
カジュアルシャツ | kajuaru shatsu | casual shirt |
長袖 | nagasode | long-sleeved |
半袖 | hansode | short-sleeved |
7分袖 | shichibusode | three-quarter sleeves |
ポロシャツ | poro shatsu | polo shirt |
スウェット | suetto | sweats |
タンクトップ | tanku toppu | tank top |
ブラウス | burausu | blouse |
オーダーメイド | ōdāmeido | made-to-order, custom made |
ワンピース | wan pīsu | one-piece dress |
ドレス | doresu | dress |
Slacks, shorts, jeans… The style of pants depends on the occasion. For more formal situations you may choose wool dress pants. For lounging around on a Saturday afternoon, you may just go with your pajama bottoms! Here is a list of popular pant styles in Japan and words related to them.
Japanese | Romaji | English |
ズボン | zubon | pants |
ジーパン | jīpan | jeans |
チノパンツ | chino pantsu | chino pants |
半ズボン | hanzubon | shorts |
アンクルパンツ | ankuru pantsu | ankle pants |
ワイドパンツ | waido pantsu | wide-leg pants |
スカート | sukāto | skirt |
つなぎ | tsunagi | overalls |
ジョガーパンツ | jogā pantsu | jogger pants |
トレーニングパンツ | torēningu pantsu | sweatpants |
パジャマ | pajama | pajamas |
Athletic shoes, boots, high heels… Shoes protect our feet when we need to walk from point A to point B. Some shoes are functional and meant to keep our feet comfortable for long periods of walking or standing. Other shoes are meant for fashion and to make us look our best during social occasions. Here is a list of the various footwear you can find in Japan.
Japanese | Romaji | English |
靴 | kutsu | shoes |
スニーカー | sunīkā | sneakers |
ヒール | hīru | high heels |
ブーツ | būtsu | boots |
サンダル | sandaru | sandals (of the non-flip-flop variety) |
ビーチサンダル | bīchi sandaru | flip-flops |
サボサンダル | sabo sandaru | clogs |
スリッパ | surippa | slippers |
ローファー | rōfā | loafers |
デッキシューズ | dekki shūzu | deck shoes |
バスケットシューズ | basuketto shūzu | basketball shoes |
下駄 | geta | traditional Japanese wooden slippers |
And lastly, we have the smaller items in our collection that complete an outfit or highlight a certain look. Accessories can be anything from a cute purse, a shiny ring, or some cool sunglasses! Here is a list of popular Japanese accessories.
Japanese | Romaji | English |
ハンドバッグ | hando baggu | handbag/purse |
リング | ringu | ring |
ピアス | piasu | earring(s) |
ネックレス | nekkuresu | necklace |
サングラス | sangurasu | sunglasses |
ブレスレット | buresuretto | bracelet |
コスメ | kosume | cosmetics |
付けまつ毛 | tsuke matsuge | false eyelashes |
カラコン | karakon | colored eye contacts |
口紅 | kuchi beni | lipstick |
リストウォッチ | risuto uocchi | wristwatch |
マフラー | mafurā | scarf |
手袋 | tebukuro | gloves |
杖 | tsue | cane |
ネクタイ | neku tai | tie |
眼鏡 | megane | glasses |
財布 | saifu | wallet |
Now that you are well-equipped with an arsenal of fashion vocabulary and words to use while shopping in Japan, it’s time to get out there and practice! Instead of relying on someone who speaks English to help you, try using some of the Japanese words on this list! You will really impress the people you’re traveling with!
Japanese | Romaji | English |
ワイシャツ | waishatsu | collared shirt |
ジーパン | jīpan | jeans |
スカート | sukāto | skirt |
スパッツ | supattsu | leggings |
つなぎ | tsunagi | overalls |
セーター | sētā | sweater |
トレーナー | torēnā | sweatshirt |
カーディガン | kādigan | cardigan |
コート | kōto | overcoat |
上着 | uwagi | jacket |
ドレス | doresu | dress |
タキシード | takishīdo | tuxedo |
着物 | kimono | kimono |
バッグ | baggu | purse(handbag) |
パンプス | panpusu | pumps |
スニーカー | sunīkā | sneakers |
ブーツ | būtsu | boots |
ローファー | rōfā | loafer |
サンダル | sandaru | sandals |
靴 | kutsu | shoes |