When traveling or living in Japan, at some point you’re going to have to get your hair cut. Whether you just want a trim or a completely new style, Japanese hair salons can do it all. Today, we’re going to learn a little bit about Japanese hair salons and a few phrases to ensure a smooth experience.
Before We Begin…
As you may already know, the Japanese have a different quality of hair than most westerners. It tends to be thicker and, of course, naturally black. Because of this, the average salon is only accustomed to dealing with the Japanese quality of hair. Therefore, you’ll need to go in expecting to make a few special requests that are outside of the hair stylist’s normal routine.
One major complaint from westerners is that because Japanese hair is on the thicker side, stylists will default to using thinning scissors (すきバサミ, sukibasami) to thin your hair out without telling you. If your hair is already thin, you don’t need the thinning scissor treatment, so you need to make it clear to your stylist if you don’t want them to use thinning scissors.
Please don’t use thinning scissors.
Sukibasami wo tsukawanaide kudasai.
You should also make sure that the salon you choose either specializes in or has experience with non-Japanese clients. An English website is a good indicator of this.
Also, while it’s customary to tip your stylist in the US, in Japan there is no tipping. Everything is included in the final price.
Making an Appointment
Here are a few vocabulary words for making an appointment over the phone or through the salon’s website.
English | Japanese | Pronunciation |
reservation/appointment | 予約 | yoyaku |
hair stylist | 美容師 | biyōshi |
haircut | カット | katto |
perm | パーマ | pāma |
color | カラー | karā |
highlights | ハイライト | hairaito |
straightening | ストレートパーマ | sutorēto pāma |
styling | ヘアセット | hea setto |
business hours | 営業時間 | eigyō jikan |
date | 日付 | hizuke |
day of the week | 曜日 | yōbi |
time | 時間 | jikan |
…o’clock | ~時 | ~ji |
…thirty | ~時半 | ~ji han |
When making a reservation, you’ll need to let them know the date you are available, time, and a general explanation of what you want done. Below are three different tables of the names of the months in Japanese, the days of the month, and the days of the week.
Month Names
English | Japanese | Pronunciation |
January | 1月 | ichi-gatsu |
February | 2月 | ni-gatsu |
March | 3月 | san-gatsu |
April | 4月 | shi-gatsu |
May | 5月 | go-gatsu |
June | 6月 | roku-gatsu |
July | 7月 | shichi-gatsu |
August | 8月 | hachi-gatsu |
September | 9月 | ku-gatsu |
October | 10月 | jū-gatsu |
November | 11月 | jūichi-gatsu |
December | 12月 | jūni-gatsu |
Days of the Month
English | Japanese | Pronunciation |
1st | 1日 | tsuitachi |
2nd | 2日 | futsuka |
3rd | 3日 | mikka |
4th | 4日 | yokka |
5th | 5日 | itsuka |
6th | 6日 | muika |
7th | 7日 | nanoka |
8th | 8日 | yōka |
9th | 9日 | kokonoka |
10th | 10日 | tōka |
11th | 11日 | jūichi nichi |
12th | 12日 | jūni nichi |
13th | 13日 | jūsan nichi |
14th | 14日 | jūyon nichi |
15th | 15日 | jūgo nichi |
16th | 16日 | jūroku nichi |
17th | 17日 | jūnana nichi |
18th | 18日 | jūhachi nichi |
19th | 19日 | jūkyū nichi |
20th | 20日 | hatsuka |
21st | 21日 | nijūichi nichi |
22nd | 22日 | nijūni nichi |
23rd | 23日 | nijūsan nichi |
24th | 24日 | nijūyon nichi |
25th | 25日 | nijūgo nichi |
26th | 26日 | nijūroku nichi |
27th | 27日 | nijūnana nichi |
28th | 28日 | nijūhachi nichi |
29th | 29日 | nijūkyū nichi |
30th | 30日 | sanjū nichi |
31st | 31日 | sanjūichi nichi |
Days of the Week
English | Japanese | Pronunciation |
Monday | 月曜日 | getsuyōbi |
Tuesday | 火曜日 | kayōbi |
Wednesday | 水曜日 | suiyōbi |
Thursday | 木曜日 | mokuyōbi |
Friday | 金曜日 | kinyōbi |
Saturday | 土曜日 | doyōbi |
Sunday | 日曜日 | nichiyōbi |
When stating what time, you say the number followed by 時 (ji). So, for example, if you want to say “one o’clock” you say, “1時” (ichi-ji). If you want to say, “one thirty” you say, “1時半” (ichi-ji han).
Japanese Phrases for making an appointment
I want to make an appointment.
Yoyaku shitai’n desu kedo.
Do you have English-speaking stylists?
Eigo ga hanaseru biyōshi ga imasu ka?
Can I book an appointment with an English-speaking stylist?
Eigo ga hanaseru biyōshi no yoyaku dekimasu ka?
What are your business hours?
Eigyō jikan wa nanji desu ka?
I’d like to make an appointment for Sunday, March 1st.
Nichiyōbi no san-gatsu tsuitachi no yoyaku shitai’n desu kedo.
I would like a haircut.
Katto shitai’n desu kedo.
How much is a haircut?
Katto wa ikura desu ka?
At the Salon
When it comes to getting your haircut in a foreign country, it’s important to have an idea of what you want before you arrive at the salon. If you have a picture of yourself after your last haircut and want the same, make sure to bring that picture along. If you want a new style, search the internet for styles you like beforehand, and be ready to show the picture to the stylist. The more prepared you are for your appointment, the more likely you are to get what you want. Also, be prepared to use hand gestures to show them how short you want your hair or how you want it to be styled.
Below are some vocabulary words for different hairstyles.
Salon Vocabulary
English | Japanese | Pronunciation |
hair | 髪の毛 | kami no ke |
front | 前 | mae |
back | 後ろ | ushiro |
sides | 横 | yoko |
top | 上 | ue |
bottom | 下 | shita |
a layer cut | レイヤーカット | reiyā katto |
a short cut | ショートカット | shōto katto |
a bob cut | ボブカット | bobu katto |
shoulder-length | ショルダーレングス | shorudā rengusu |
wavy | ウェービー | uēbī |
a dye job | カラー | karā |
shampoo | シャンプー | shanpū |
conditioning | トリートメント | torītomento |
curls | カール | kāru |
make-up | メイク | meiku |
bangs/fringe | 前髪 | maegami |
blonde | 金髪 | kinpatsu |
red hair | 赤毛 | akage |
brown hair | 茶髪 | chapatsu |
black hair | 黒髪 | kuro kami |
thick hair | 量が多い | ryō ga ōi |
thin hair | 量が少ない | ryō ga sukunai |
long | 長い | nagai |
short | 短い | mijikai |
light | 明るい | akarui |
dark | 暗い | kurai |
blow dry | ブロー | burō |
recommendation | おすすめ | osusume |
cash | 現金 | genkin |
credit card | クレジットカード | kurejitto kādo |
change (money) | おつり | otsuri |
Japanese Phrases for getting your haircut
I’d like about 3cm shorter.
San senchi gurai kitte kudasai.
Please cut it a bit shorter.
Mou sukoshi mijikaku shite kudasai.
Please cut my hair so it’s shoulder-length.
Kata made kitte kudasai.
Please cut my hair short in the back and leave it long in the front.
Ushiro wa mijikaku shite, mae wa kono mama nagaku shite kudasai.
Please cut my bangs up to here (show with your hand).
Maegami wa koko made kitte kudasai.
I don’t need a shampoo / conditioner.
シャンプー / トリートメント は結構です。
Shanpū / torītomento wa kekkō desu.
It’s too hot / cold.
暑い / 冷たい です。
Atsui / tsumetai desu.
My hair is damaged.
Watashi no kami no ke wa damēji shite imasu.
How much time will it take?
Jikan wa dore gurai kakarimasu ka?
Do you have any recommendations for me for a cut and style?
Watashi ni totte osusume no katto ya sutairu wa arimasu ka?
What cut or style would look good on me?
Watashi ni totte nan no kattp ya sutairu ga niau to omoimasu ka?
What is a popular cut or style now?
Saikin, ninki no katto ya sutairu wa nan desu ka?
I want a cut like in this picture (show picture).
Kono shashin no yō ni shitai desu.
Do you take credit cards?
Kurejitto kādo wa tsukaemasu ka?
Now that you have a few hair salon phrases to work with, it’s time to get out there and practice them at a real Japanese salon! Have fun with this, and if you want to clarify that they understand what you want, just say it again in English, and everything should be fine. Japanese hair stylists are very friendly and nice, so don’t be afraid to practice your Japanese on them!