How to Use the Japanese Past Negative Verb Form なかった for “Was Not”

How to Use the Japanese Past Negative Verb Form なかった for "Was Not"

How to Use the Japanese Past Negative Verb Form なかった for “Was Not” :Boy, do we have great lesson for you today! Today, we’re going to expound upon your Japanese verb conjugation skills by learning the NEGATIVE PAST TENSE. In other words, we’re going to learn how to say that someone or something WAS NOT there, or that they did NOT do something. For this lesson, we’re only focusing on the casual form and will not be covering the formal form. Let’s get ready rumble!

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Japanese Verb Review (Positive)

Before we begin with the negative past tense, let’s review some basic Japanese verbs in their positive form.

ある(non-living things)aruto be (present)
いる(living things)iruto be (present)
食べるtaberuto eat
飲むnomuto drink
寝るneruto sleep

Now, let’s use the above verbs to create sentences in the positive form!

Teeburu ga aru.
There is a table.
Konya watashi wa juu-ni jikan neru.
I will sleep 12 hours tonight.

Japanese Verb Review (Negative)

Now that we’ve reviewed some verbs in their positive form, let’s review them in their negative form. 

Remember, conjugating the verb into its negative form depends on the type of verb

If it’s a uverb, you change the last hiragana character into the corresponding character that ends in an “a” sound. After that, you add ない (nai) to the end (e.g. 話す ➝ 話さない, 聞く ➝ 聞かない). If the uverb ends with the character う (u), you change it into a わ (wa) (NOT あ [a]) (e.g. 会う➝会わない, 歌う ➝ 歌わない).

If it’s a ruverb, you simply change the last character る (ru) into ない。

Irregular verbs like する (suru) and 来る (kuru) abide by their own rules; and ある (aru) simply becomes ない (see the table below). 

飲む  ➝ 飲まないnomunomanaito drink  ➝ to NOT drink
使う  ➝ 使わないtsukautsukawanai to use  ➝ to NOT use
食べる  ➝ 食べないtaberutabenaito eat  ➝ to NOT eat
ある  ➝ ない(non-living things)arunaito be (present)  ➝ to NOT be (present)
いる  ➝ いない(living things)iruinaito be (present)  ➝ to NOT be (present)
する  ➝ しないsurushinaito do  ➝ to NOT do
来る  ➝ 来ないkurukonaito come  ➝ to NOT come

Now that we’ve reviewed how to conjugate verbs into their negative form, let’s create a few sentences!

Ashita watashi wa basukettobooru wo shinai.
I won’t play basketball tomorrow.
Kanojo wa o-niku wo tabenai.
She won’t eat meat.

Japanese Past Tense Review (Positive)

Japanese Past Tense Review (Positive)

Now that we’ve reviewed both the positive and negative forms of some Japanese verbs, let’s take some time to review the past tense. Remember, we are only focusing on the casual form.

飲む  ➝ 飲んだnomunondato drink  ➝ drank
使う  ➝ 使ったtsukautsukatta to use  ➝ used
食べる  ➝ 食べたtaberutabetato eat  ➝ ate
ある  ➝ あった(non-living things)aruattato be  ➝ was
いる  ➝ いた(living things)iruitato be  ➝ was
する  ➝ したsurushitato do  ➝ did
来る  ➝ 来たkurukitato come  ➝ came

Now that we’ve reviewed some verbs in the past tense, let’s create some sentences about past states of being!

Senshuu koko de inu ga ita.
There was a dog here last week.
Kinou tomodachi ga paatii ni kita.
My friend came to the party yesterday.

Japanese Negative Past Tense Verbs

The negative past tense expresses that someone or something was NOT present, or that they did NOT do something. 

The negative past tense for あった (atta) becomes なかった (nakatta), and いた becomes いなかった。 

NON-LIVING THINGSあった  ➝ なかったattanakattawas (present)  ➝ was NOT (present)
LIVING THINGSいた  ➝ いなかったitainakattawas (present)  ➝ was NOT (present)

Example sentences:

Kotoshi sakura wa nakatta.
This year there were no cherry blossoms.
Manejaa wa o-mise ni inakatta.
The manager was not at the shop.

Conjugating the rest of the verbs into the negative past tense is simple! You just conjugate them into their negative form (see earlier table), remove the ない (nai) at the end, and replace it with なかった (nakatta)!

飲まない ➝ 飲まなかったnomanainomanakatta to not drink  ➝ did not drink
使わない ➝ 使わなかったtsukawanaitsukawanakatta to not use  ➝ did not use
食べない ➝ 食べなかったtabenaitabenakattato not eat  ➝ did not eat
ない ➝ しなかったshinaishinakattato not do  ➝ did not do
ない ➝ 来なかったkonaikonakattato not come  ➝ did not come

Example sentences:

Watashi wa biiru wo nomanakatta.
I didn’t drink beer.
Kare wa o-hashi wo tsukawanakatta.
He didn’t use chopsticks.
Kanojo wa o-sushi wo tabenakatta.
She didn’t eat sushi.
Gakusei wa shitsumon shinakatta.
The student didn’t ask a question.
Tomodachi wa paatii ni konakatta.
My friend didn’t come to the party.
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In Summary

The negative past tense is created by taking the negative verb form (ending in ない) and substituting the ない with なかった. This expresses that someone or something was NOT present, or that someone or something did NOT do something.

Now that you have the above four grammar points under your belt, it’s time to get out there and practice! The only way to master any language is to get out there and practice, practice, practice!    

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